microchip-pic-avr-tools / pymcuprog

a Python utility for programming various Microchip MCU devices using Microchip CMSIS-DAP based debuggers
MIT License
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Commandline option to explicitly set the DTR-line #34

Open wimalopaan opened 1 year ago

wimalopaan commented 1 year ago

For UPDI it would be very helpfull to have an cmd-line option to explicitly set the DTR-line of the attached serial device that is used for the UPDI. The DTR-line the should be held low or high as given on the cmd-line for the whole UPDI programming sequence.

Surely, this is kind of abuse of the DTR-line.

But this could be very helpfull in case one has a µC-board with two UPDI-capable µC on board. With this both µC could be programmed using the same serial line and without manual switching on the board.


xedbg commented 1 year ago

Logged as DSG-6211

wimalopaan commented 1 year ago

Ist there a seperate issue tracker to which DSG-6211 belongs?

xedbg commented 1 year ago

@wimalopaan - no, DSG is a MIcrochip internal Jira tracker

wimalopaan commented 1 year ago

Ok, I wasn't aware that this is an official MicroChip project.

wimalopaan commented 1 year ago

Ok, I wasn't aware that this is an official MicroChip project.

ygoe commented 1 month ago

Is this actively being worked on? Is there even a target milestone or date? I could use this very soon and was under the impression that it already exists. I'm currently browsing the code and trying hard to follow the convoluted paths of where things go to and come from. But maybe I'll just add this feature to the old pyupdi tool instead.