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Notify original post of syndication #79

Open EdwardHinkle opened 6 years ago

EdwardHinkle commented 6 years ago

The full conversation can be found in the IndieWeb Chat here.

The summary of the general agreed upon direction is this: When a content aggregator (in this instance micro.blog) creates a syndication post of your post, if it uses Microformats, it should mark your post with h-entry and u-url or u-uid. If it doesn’t use Microformats then it should at least mark your url up with rel=canonical (this is following the first two steps of the Original Post Discovery algorithm).

micro.blog should then send a webmention with the syndicated copy as the source and the original post as the target.

Because this isn’t a common pattern yet, it is recommended that micro.blog puts this option behind an opt-in mechanism since many webmention endpoints would just treat this as a “mention” rather than as a “syndication notification”. However for those that have updated their webmentions to look for syndication notifications, if they could enable these, it would really help begin to streamline some of the cross-site replies. While this wouldn’t negate the need for https://github.com/microdotblog/issues/issues/75 it would help to curb some of the issues around it, while the ultimate solution for Cross-site replies is determined.

Any new discoveries in Slack/IRC will be posted here, but there was a pretty open general consensus on this. If there are no updates in the next several days it should be considered good to move ahead on.

(Originally posted at https://eddiehinkle.com/2018/02/22/12/reply/)

gerwitz commented 6 years ago

Related, I'd like to see rel=syndication links from the post's "conversation" URL to the destination(s).

This pairs well with my hope for a rel=canonical on #72

aaronpk commented 4 years ago

It seems like rel-canonical might be the better simpler version to suggest always. Those kinds of syndicated posts should include rel-canonical to the original post anyway for SEO purposes. I don't think this mechanism needs to have a way that it works with Microformats, I think rel-canonical is enough.

manton commented 4 years ago

I've made the rel-canonical change, so just to summarize what's left to do:

gerwitz commented 4 years ago

I would love to see this behavior extended to “forward syndication” to Twitter, as well. (Likely generating two webmentions for a cross-posted post.)

aaronpk commented 4 years ago

For the logs, I've just implemented this on my site! So my posts should now include a syndication url to the micro.blog copy!