microformats / h-card

This repository is for tracking and resolving issues related to the h-card specification http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card
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Partial Plus Complete H-Card #1

Open dshanske opened 4 years ago

dshanske commented 4 years ago

One possible solution for the partial plus complete h-card issue is to include a link to the full h-card and not mark up the partial profile information on the home page as an h-card. The representative-hcard-parsing algorithm would then follow the link and use its full data. It doesn't seem ideal, but it'd work.

If you did this using the rel-me markup, the home page usually has many rel-me links and we don't yet have a way to denote the "canonical" one.

u-uid and/or a new rel-canonical property could be used for this.

See https://indieweb.org/h-card#Brainstorming

jalcine commented 2 years ago

I have a particular use-case for this that I'd outline below:

My hope is to have a way that, from my embedded h-card in the header, be able to resolve all of this information using markup (be it something like rel=contact or some sort of system).

I have considered using something like rel=next to hint at 'more' information, but I'd have to figure out how to build pagination between these pages and that doesn't seem correct to me.

(Originally published at: https://jacky.wtf/2022/3/KI/KIwzHTO3Tl3oefYxGbalz5W7)