microformats / h-entry

For collecting and handling issues with the h-entry vocabulary specification: http://microformats.org/wiki/h-entry
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Update the Definition of Draft Property u-photo #24

Open dshanske opened 3 years ago

dshanske commented 3 years ago

The definition under which u-photo became a draft property was one or more photos that is/are considered the primary content of the entry, unless there is a p-location h-card, which is still considered a "checkin" (i.e. with a photo). Otherwise the presence of a u-photo means the name of the entry should be interpreted as a caption on the photo, and the summary/content should be interpreted as a description of the photo.

However, this definition is not precise enough and needs to be refreshed before this becomes a stable property. There must be two publishers and two consumers consistent with the refreshed definition.

This definition needs to define what a multiphoto post is, specifically what multiple u-photo properties in an entry indicate. Bridgy, for example, in consuming h-entry to POSSE to Twitter, includes only the first four u-photo properties it finds, as that is Twitter's limit.

The final issue that has to be covered, the relationship of u-photo and its ilk to e-content, is open for discussion in https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/23

gRegorLove commented 3 years ago

I'll take a crack at this:

u-photo: when the primary content of the entry is a still image or set of still images, add u-photo to the image element(s).

Edit: Changed to "still image or set of still images"

chee commented 3 years ago

as @tantek mentioned on irc, this would be a great opportunity to say something like "still image or set of still images" so it's clear that "u-photo" is not just for literal photographs

gRegorLove commented 1 year ago

Re-reading this, I'm not sure I'm clear on the difference between "caption" and "description", so we should probably clarify that. The text "the presence of a u-photo means the name of the entry should be interpreted as a caption on the photo, and the summary/content should be interpreted as a description of the photo" originally came from 2014.

It made me curious how published photo posts use p-name and e-content. From the several examples I've reviewed, almost all use e-content for the caption. Some also duplicate the caption text in p-name. Only one appears like it might support additional description text in e-content, but I did not find an example of it.

Below is what I found from reviewing https://indieweb.org/photo#IndieWeb_Examples. Let me know any other examples and I can update this list.

e-content for caption, no p-name

both e-content and p-name with same text


calebhearth commented 1 year ago

Has any consideration been given to how u-photo interacts with <picture> that would include multiple variations of the same photo (or potentially even animated vs non-animated in the case of <source media="(prefers-reduced-motion)">?

The semantics around <picture> allow many attributes to fall back to the child <img> element's attributes (alt, title, height, width, etc.) but if we follow that then we leave out the chance to benefit by supporting alternatives. We could suggest that the u-photo be added to <picture> (and <video> and <audio> for relevant classes) directly and somehow specify that several URLs point to the same content, perhaps also grabbing [srcset], [media], [type], and other useful values to help a consumer determine which URL to select.

jgarber623 commented 9 months ago

@calebhearth There's been related conversation and work done over the last ~year or so in microformats/microformats2-parsing#7. Some of the official parsers have added srcset parsing but I don't think there's been a consensus on how to handle the <picture> element and its kinfolk.
