microg / GmsCore

Free implementation of Play Services
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[com.mojang.minecraftpe] <Minecraft can't perform a licence check> #1413

Open iMonZ opened 3 years ago

iMonZ commented 3 years ago

Affected app Name: [Minecraft] Package id: [com.mojang.minecraftpe]

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Minecraft cannot perform a licence check without Play Store to be installed (maybe this should be a feature request to implement a licence check mechanism)

To Reproduce

Installing the Minecraft APK from Aurora Store

Expected behaviour A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. The app should let you create a new world

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System Android Version: [e.g. 10] Custom ROM: [e.g. Lineage OS 17.1] Android 10 Lineage OS 17.1 MicroG edition https://download.lineage.microg.org/a5xelte/lineage-17.1-20210125-microG-a5xelte.zip (this is the latest microG version I think)

MicroG microG Core version: [e.g.] microG Self-Check results: [e.g. All ticked] All ticked

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Doomsdayrs commented 3 years ago

I'm experiencing this as well

ghost commented 3 years ago


iMonZ commented 3 years ago

Would be great if there is a possible way to implement this without pirating anything.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Would be great, but this is a (very) long ways away, and also not something that can be fixed in GmsCore. This would need to be implemented in microG Phonesky, but who knows when development on that will resume.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but for the time being, if you need apps that have to perform a license check, the only real option is to replace FakeStore with the real Play Store so it can do the license check (or of course, pirate workarounds, at your own discretion.)

Depending on the app it might also be possible to remove Play Store after doing the license check and re-replace it with FakeStore, and as long as you don't clear the app's data it'll just continue to work. Some paid apps need to continually check the license through Play Store to remain functional, so this workaround wouldn't work for them and you'd need to keep the official Play Store around.

There are also some (mostly free) apps that ask to check for a license, in theory many of these could be fixed by giving FakeStore a CHECK_LICENSE permission as described in https://github.com/microg/FakeStore/pull/16, but for some reason this isn't being done. Note that this most likely wouldn't help for actual paid apps like Minecraft PE.

Doomsdayrs commented 3 years ago

Seems like Minecraft PE might use server side verification

There is also client side verification