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Gmail doesn't see accounts (at least on Nougat) #2041

Open ale5000-git opened 12 months ago

ale5000-git commented 12 months ago

Affected app Name: Gmail Package id: com.google.android.gm

Describe the bug Gmail doesn't see accounts (at least on Nougat). I have verified that microG correctly return the account and the sync adapter included in Gmail even display the notification of new e-mails but in the interface of Gmail there are no accounts.

Suspicious messages:

Cannot get organization info because account user is not valid

StrictMode policy violation: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=4259871 violation=2

java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open Gmail

System Android Version: 7.1.2 Custom ROM: LineageOS 14.1

microG microG Core version: Latest code of git as of 2023/09/17 microG Self-Check results: All ticked

Additional context Logcat:

09-18 00:19:29.670  2370 10007 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x4000000 pkg=com.google.android.gm cmp=com.google.android.gm/.welcome.WelcomeTourActivity (has extras)} from uid 10237 on display 0
09-18 00:19:29.928 30299 30299 D ClearcutLoggerService: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.clearcut.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
09-18 00:19:29.989 30299 30311 D ChimeraServiceProvider: serviceIntentCall: com.google.android.gms.inappreach.service.START -> Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.inappreach.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.DummyService }
09-18 00:19:30.035 30299 30299 D GmsDummySvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.inappreach.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.DummyService }
09-18 00:19:30.051 30299 30415 D PhenotypeService: bound by: GetServiceRequest{serviceId=PHENOTYPE, gmsVersion=233410000, packageName='com.google.android.gm', extras=Bundle[{}]}
09-18 00:19:30.058 30299 30311 D PhenotypeService: getConfigurationSnapshot2(com.google.android.libraries.onegoogle#com.google.android.gm, , null)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local snapshot for com.google.android.libraries.onegoogle#com.google.android.gm, may result in stale flags.
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' on a null object reference
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at awxk.n(PG:21)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at awxk.get(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at a.be(PG:2)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at axcp.U(PG:10)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at aepz.d(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at aeqb.run(PG:1526)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at zsv.run(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at zfe.run(PG:577)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at zsy.run(PG:51)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' on a null object reference
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at aepc.a(PG:30)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at ruq.run(PG:45)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at tdg.b(PG:100)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at bcsd.g(PG:36)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at tds.s(PG:15)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at qyn.d(PG:5)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at roo.u(PG:7)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at tao.g(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at tav.r(PG:262)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at kwo.onTransact(PG:21)
09-18 00:19:30.106 31720 32230 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
09-18 00:19:30.180  2370  2384 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{4cf9bbc u0 com.google.android.gm/.ui.MailActivityGmail t61}
09-18 00:19:30.377 31720 31731 W art     : Suspending all threads took: 5.515ms
09-18 00:19:30.401 31720 31731 I art     : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14057(998KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 12% free, 10MB/12MB, paused 15.421ms total 144.152ms
09-18 00:19:30.695 30299 30338 E FontsProvider: query: content://com.google.android.gms.fonts [_id, file_id, font_ttc_index, font_variation_settings, font_weight, font_italic, result_code] query = ? [Google Sans Text]
09-18 00:19:30.712 30299 30311 D FontsProvider: openFile: content://com.google.android.gms.fonts/file/1337 mode: r
09-18 00:19:30.793 31720 31720 W ActionBarDrawerToggle: DrawerToggle may not show up because NavigationIcon is not visible. You may need to call actionbar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);
09-18 00:19:30.801 30299 30338 E FontsProvider: query: content://com.google.android.gms.fonts [_id, file_id, font_ttc_index, font_variation_settings, font_weight, font_italic, result_code] query = ? [Google Sans:500]
09-18 00:19:30.822 30299 30311 D FontsProvider: openFile: content://com.google.android.gms.fonts/file/1337 mode: r
09-18 00:19:30.897 30299 30338 E FontsProvider: query: content://com.google.android.gms.fonts [_id, file_id, font_ttc_index, font_variation_settings, font_weight, font_italic, result_code] query = ? [Google Sans]
09-18 00:19:30.920 30299 30311 D FontsProvider: openFile: content://com.google.android.gms.fonts/file/1337 mode: r
09-18 00:19:30.986 30299 30338 E FontsProvider: query: content://com.google.android.gms.fonts [_id, file_id, font_ttc_index, font_variation_settings, font_weight, font_italic, result_code] query = ? [Google Sans Text:500]
09-18 00:19:31.049 30299 30311 D FontsProvider: openFile: content://com.google.android.gms.fonts/file/1337 mode: r
09-18 00:19:31.070 30299 30338 D ClearcutLoggerService: bound by: GetServiceRequest{serviceId=CLEARCUT_LOGGER, gmsVersion=233410000, packageName='com.google.android.gm', extras=Bundle[{}]}
09-18 00:19:31.108 31720 31720 W kwh     : AccountUtils: For b/73513912, load account content://com.google.android.gm2.accountcache from AccountLoadCallbacks. Is account valid result: 0. [CONTEXT android_log_tag="AccountUtils" ]
09-18 00:19:31.120 31720 31731 I art     : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 31574(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 26% free, 11MB/15MB, paused 8.869ms total 309.936ms
09-18 00:19:31.139 30299 30311 D GmsDummySvc: bound by: GetServiceRequest{serviceId=IN_APP_REACH, gmsVersion=233410000, packageName='com.google.android.gm', extras=Bundle[{}]}
09-18 00:19:31.250 31720 31720 W kwh     : [Gmail] ExchangeUpgradeUtils: ExchangeUpgradeUtils: isExchangeLegacy=false [CONTEXT android_log_tag="EasBundling" ]
09-18 00:19:31.325  2000  2070 D Yamaha-MC1N2-Audio: yamaha_mc1n2_audio_output_stop()
09-18 00:19:31.325  2000  2070 D Yamaha-MC1N2-Audio: yamaha_mc1n2_audio_route_start()
09-18 00:19:31.444 31720 32235 E         : Device driver API match
09-18 00:19:31.444 31720 32235 E         : Device driver API version: 29
09-18 00:19:31.444 31720 32235 E         : User space API version: 29 
09-18 00:19:31.444 31720 32235 E         : mali: REVISION=Linux-r3p2-01rel3 BUILD_DATE=Tue Jul 22 19:59:34 KST 2014 
09-18 00:19:31.482 31720 32235 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
09-18 00:19:31.482 31720 32235 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
09-18 00:19:31.565  2370  2391 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.gm/.welcome.WelcomeTourActivity: +1s384ms (total +2s809ms)
09-18 00:19:31.752 30299 30311 D PhenotypeService: getConfigurationSnapshot2(com.google.android.libraries.internal.growth.growthkit#com.google.android.gm, , null)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local snapshot for com.google.android.libraries.internal.growth.growthkit#com.google.android.gm, may result in stale flags.
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' on a null object reference
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at awxk.n(PG:21)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at awxk.get(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at a.be(PG:2)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at axcp.U(PG:10)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at aepz.d(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at aeqb.run(PG:1526)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at zsv.run(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at zfe.run(PG:577)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at zsy.run(PG:51)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()' on a null object reference
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at aepc.a(PG:30)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at ruq.run(PG:45)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at tdg.b(PG:100)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at bcsd.g(PG:36)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at tds.s(PG:15)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at qyn.d(PG:5)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at roo.u(PG:7)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at tao.g(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at tav.r(PG:262)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at kwo.onTransact(PG:21)
09-18 00:19:31.776 31720 32240 W MobStoreFlagStore:     at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
09-18 00:19:31.913 31720 31751 W ariq    : Cannot get organization info because account user is not valid
09-18 00:19:36.900  2370  2448 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Pandorafalse,false
09-18 00:19:38.683 30299 30338 D GmsAuthenticator: getAuthToken: Account {name=***@gmail.com, type=com.google}, oauth2:https://mail.google.com/, Bundle[{androidPackageName=com.google.android.gm, callerPid=31720, callerUid=10237}]
09-18 00:19:38.739 30299 30338 D GmsAuthManager: peekAuthToken: com.google.android.gm:***:oauth2:https://mail.google.com/
09-18 00:19:38.743 30299 30338 D GmsAuthenticator: getAuthToken: ***
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskWriteViolation: policy=4259871 violation=1
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onWriteToDisk(StrictMode.java:1253)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.applyBlockGuardPolicy(SQLiteConnection.java:1043)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(SQLiteConnection.java:779)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(SQLiteSession.java:788)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(SQLiteStatement.java:86)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(SQLiteDatabase.java:1474)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insert(SQLiteDatabase.java:1343)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.insert(DownloadProvider.java:683)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:264)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:163)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode: # via Binder call with stack:
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode: android.os.StrictMode$LogStackTrace
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode.readAndHandleBinderCallViolations(StrictMode.java:1954)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Parcel.readExceptionCode(Parcel.java:1673)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:132)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.insert(ContentProviderNative.java:476)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1279)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.app.DownloadManager.enqueue(DownloadManager.java:1045)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at qdf.g(PG:114)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at qdf.c(PG:59)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at hbq.a(PG:724)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at awxn.c(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at awxp.run(PG:42)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at zsv.run(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at yip.run(PG:230)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at zsy.run(PG:51)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskWriteViolation: policy=4259871 violation=1
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onWriteToDisk(StrictMode.java:1253)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.applyBlockGuardPolicy(SQLiteConnection.java:1043)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(SQLiteConnection.java:779)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(SQLiteSession.java:788)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(SQLiteStatement.java:86)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(SQLiteDatabase.java:1474)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insert(SQLiteDatabase.java:1343)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.insertRequestHeaders(DownloadProvider.java:1032)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.insert(DownloadProvider.java:689)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:264)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:163)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode: # via Binder call with stack:
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode: android.os.StrictMode$LogStackTrace
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode.readAndHandleBinderCallViolations(StrictMode.java:1954)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Parcel.readExceptionCode(Parcel.java:1673)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:132)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.insert(ContentProviderNative.java:476)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1279)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.app.DownloadManager.enqueue(DownloadManager.java:1045)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at qdf.g(PG:114)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at qdf.c(PG:59)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at hbq.a(PG:724)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at awxn.c(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at awxp.run(PG:42)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at zsv.run(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at yip.run(PG:230)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:38.897 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at zsy.run(PG:51)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=4259871 violation=2
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1293)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.applyBlockGuardPolicy(SQLiteConnection.java:1041)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForCursorWindow(SQLiteConnection.java:842)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForCursorWindow(SQLiteSession.java:836)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQuery.fillWindow(SQLiteQuery.java:62)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor.fillWindow(SQLiteCursor.java:143)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor.getCount(SQLiteCursor.java:132)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:553)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentResolver.query(ContentResolver.java:475)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadInfo.queryDownloadInfo(DownloadInfo.java:199)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at com.android.providers.downloads.Helpers.scheduleJob(Helpers.java:116)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadProvider.insert(DownloadProvider.java:701)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(ContentProvider.java:264)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(ContentProviderNative.java:163)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:565)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode: # via Binder call with stack:
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode: android.os.StrictMode$LogStackTrace
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode.readAndHandleBinderCallViolations(StrictMode.java:1954)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.os.Parcel.readExceptionCode(Parcel.java:1673)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:132)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.insert(ContentProviderNative.java:476)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:1279)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at android.app.DownloadManager.enqueue(DownloadManager.java:1045)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at qdf.g(PG:114)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at qdf.c(PG:59)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at hbq.a(PG:724)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at awxn.c(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at awxp.run(PG:42)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at zsv.run(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at yip.run(PG:230)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:38.898 31720 31763 D StrictMode:    at zsy.run(PG:51)
09-18 00:19:38.938 32110 32259 D DownloadManager: [81] Starting
09-18 00:19:39.049 32110 32259 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
09-18 00:19:39.053 32110 32259 W System  : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/tcmclient.jar
09-18 00:19:40.267 32110 32259 W DownloadManager: fallocate() not supported; falling back to ftruncate()
09-18 00:19:40.302 32110 32259 D DownloadManager: [81] Finished with status SUCCESS
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=65567 violation=2
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1293)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.io.UnixFileSystem.getLength(UnixFileSystem.java:263)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.io.File.length(File.java:910)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at icp.apply(PG:943)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at awxo.c(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at awxp.run(PG:42)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at zsv.run(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at yip.run(PG:230)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:40.514 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at zsy.run(PG:51)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation: android.os.StrictMode$StrictModeDiskReadViolation: policy=65567 violation=2
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at android.os.StrictMode$AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onReadFromDisk(StrictMode.java:1293)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.io.UnixFileSystem.getLength(UnixFileSystem.java:263)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.io.File.length(File.java:910)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at icp.apply(PG:949)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at awxo.c(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at awxp.run(PG:42)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at zsv.run(PG:3)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at yip.run(PG:230)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:40.515 31720 31765 D StrictMode:    at zsy.run(PG:51)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    : Counter increment failed.
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    : aukc: Combined exception with 2 cause(s). First cause: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts All: [java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts, java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts]
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at aujg.a(PG:77)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at phx.b(PG:8)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awzf.run(PG:99)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awxk.f(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awxk.i(PG:95)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awxk.set(PG:15)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awyk.m(PG:43)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awxs.f(PG:53)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awxr.run(PG:5)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awxk.f(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awxk.i(PG:95)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at awxk.setFuture(PG:29)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at auin.run(PG:20)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:428)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:272)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    : Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1692)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1645)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at android.accounts.IAccountManager$Stub$Proxy.hasFeatures(IAccountManager.java:1010)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$3.doWork(AccountManager.java:655)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$BaseFutureTask.startTask(AccountManager.java:2113)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$Future2Task.start(AccountManager.java:2172)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager.hasFeatures(AccountManager.java:651)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at rmc.b(PG:18)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at rmb.a(PG:10)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at ucq.call(PG:104)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at aujb.a(PG:108)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at aurl.Z(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  at auin.run(PG:16)
09-18 00:19:40.535 31720 31720 E attp    :  ... 6 more
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    : Job(ItemMessageAttachmentsDownloaderJob#0.643) Counter increment failed.
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    : aukc: Combined exception with 2 cause(s). First cause: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts All: [java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts, java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts]
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at aujg.a(PG:77)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at phx.b(PG:8)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awzf.run(PG:99)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awxk.f(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awxk.i(PG:95)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awxk.set(PG:15)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awyk.m(PG:43)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awxs.f(PG:53)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awxr.run(PG:5)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awxk.f(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awxk.i(PG:95)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at awxk.setFuture(PG:29)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at auin.run(PG:20)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:428)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:272)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    : Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1692)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1645)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at android.accounts.IAccountManager$Stub$Proxy.hasFeatures(IAccountManager.java:1010)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$3.doWork(AccountManager.java:655)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$BaseFutureTask.startTask(AccountManager.java:2113)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$Future2Task.start(AccountManager.java:2172)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager.hasFeatures(AccountManager.java:651)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at rmc.b(PG:18)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at rmb.a(PG:10)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at ucq.call(PG:104)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at aujb.a(PG:108)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at aurl.Z(PG:1)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  at auin.run(PG:16)
09-18 00:19:40.541 31720 32253 E attp    :  ... 6 more
09-18 00:19:40.573 32110 32122 V DownloadManager: Deleting /storage/A406-0142/Android/data/com.google.android.gm/cache/df1d6619b6ea65fa1fc33e6196983829 via provider delete
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread: Service com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadJobService has leaked ServiceConnection android.media.MediaScannerConnection@d14b4d8 that was originally bound here
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread: android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadJobService has leaked ServiceConnection android.media.MediaScannerConnection@d14b4d8 that was originally bound here
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1336)
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1231)
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1450)
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1422)
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:636)
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at android.media.MediaScannerConnection.connect(MediaScannerConnection.java:119)
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadScanner.requestScan(DownloadScanner.java:130)
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadScanner.requestScanBlocking(DownloadScanner.java:85)
09-18 00:19:40.611 32110 32110 E ActivityThread:    at com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadThread.run(DownloadThread.java:391)
09-18 00:19:40.825  2735  2761 E sdcard  : *** NOTIFY FAILED *** 22
09-18 00:19:40.825  2735  2761 E sdcard  : *** NOTIFY FAILED *** 22
09-18 00:19:41.208 32110 32270 D MediaProvider: object removed 17439
09-18 00:19:45.638  2370 32269 W DropBoxManagerService: Dropping: system_app_strictmode (3001 > 0 bytes)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    : Job(ItemMessageAttachmentsDownloaderJob#0.645) Counter increment failed.
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    : aukc: Combined exception with 2 cause(s). First cause: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts All: [java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts, java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts]
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at aujg.a(PG:77)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at phx.b(PG:8)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awzf.run(PG:99)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awxk.f(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awxk.i(PG:95)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awxk.set(PG:15)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awyk.m(PG:43)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awxs.f(PG:53)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awxr.run(PG:5)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awxk.f(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awxk.i(PG:95)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at awxk.setFuture(PG:29)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at auin.run(PG:20)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:428)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:272)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    : Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1692)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1645)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at android.accounts.IAccountManager$Stub$Proxy.hasFeatures(IAccountManager.java:1010)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$3.doWork(AccountManager.java:655)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$BaseFutureTask.startTask(AccountManager.java:2113)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$Future2Task.start(AccountManager.java:2172)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager.hasFeatures(AccountManager.java:651)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at rmc.b(PG:18)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at rmb.a(PG:10)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at ucq.call(PG:104)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at aujb.a(PG:108)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at aurl.Z(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  at auin.run(PG:16)
09-18 00:20:40.944 31720 32289 E attp    :  ... 6 more
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    : Job(ItemMessageAttachmentsDownloaderJob#0.645) Counter increment failed.
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    : aukc: Combined exception with 2 cause(s). First cause: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts All: [java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts, java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts]
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at aujg.a(PG:77)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at phx.b(PG:8)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awzf.run(PG:99)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awxk.f(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awxk.i(PG:95)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awxk.set(PG:15)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awyk.m(PG:43)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awxs.f(PG:53)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awxr.run(PG:5)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awyp.execute(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awxk.f(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awxk.i(PG:95)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at awxk.setFuture(PG:29)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at auin.run(PG:20)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:428)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:272)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    : Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10237 cannot access com.google accounts
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1692)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1645)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at android.accounts.IAccountManager$Stub$Proxy.hasFeatures(IAccountManager.java:1010)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$3.doWork(AccountManager.java:655)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$BaseFutureTask.startTask(AccountManager.java:2113)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager$Future2Task.start(AccountManager.java:2172)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at android.accounts.AccountManager.hasFeatures(AccountManager.java:651)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at rmc.b(PG:18)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at rmb.a(PG:10)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at ucq.call(PG:104)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at aujb.a(PG:108)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at aurl.Z(PG:1)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  at auin.run(PG:16)
09-18 00:20:40.971 31720 32288 E attp    :  ... 6 more
mar-v-in commented 12 months ago

From Google's documentation:

If caller target API level is below Build.VERSION_CODES.O, it is required to hold the permission Manifest.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS or have a signature match with the AbstractAccountAuthenticator that manages the account.

I assume this applies to all apps if the OS Version is below O. The current GMail app does request GET_ACCOUNTS permission, which in the dynamic permission system is grouped into the Contacts permission. Have you granted Contacts permission to the GMail app?

ale5000-git commented 12 months ago

Yes, I have also modified this file to get additional debug info and I can confirm that microG return 1 account and my e-mail match. The problem happens later and I don't know where.

mar-v-in commented 12 months ago

The exception with hasFeatures is probably the culprit. GMail uses hasFeatures to find out if the account has the service_mail feature = is a mail account (as you can also have Google accounts without mail account and those naturally do not show up in GMail). If hasFeatures is throwing an exception, it likely won't work. Unfortunately, hasFeatures access is managed by the operating system before Oreo, so we can't allow the GMail app to access it.

Can you check that the GET_ACCOUNTS permission is indeed granted to the GMail app via adb?

ale5000-git commented 12 months ago

From dumpsys package com.google.android.gm:

com.google.android.gm.permission.READ_GMAIL: granted=true
com.google.android.gm.permission.WRITE_GMAIL: granted=true
android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS: granted=true
android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS: granted=true
android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS: granted=true
com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail: granted=true
android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS: granted=true
android.permission.READ_CONTACTS: granted=true

From cmd appops get com.google.android.gm: READ_CONTACTS: allow; time=+4d1h42m24s887ms ago

The android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS permission doesn't appears at all, I also doesn't see it inside pm list permissions but instead there is: android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED

mar-v-in commented 12 months ago

Can you check if the AndroidManifest has a correspondig uses-permission? Maybe the GMail app does not request the GET_ACCOUNTS permission and relies on having the same signature as gms (which according to the docs I cited above is also possible instead of having the GET_ACCOUNTS permission)

ale5000-git commented 12 months ago

Yes and no:


Apparently it is only requested on old ROMs.

ale5000-git commented 12 months ago

I was able to make it working with this version: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/gmail/gmail-2020-05-31-316831277-release-release/gmail-2020-05-31-316831277-release-3-android-apk-download/ (it doesn't have maxSdkVersion).

But I think we should still keep the ticket open to find better solutions.

EDIT: On Nougat if I remember correctly system apis aren't properly locked down and maybe can be accessed with reflection; so I don't know if there is something that can be done but someone with a better knowledge of Android internal maybe can help.

Traviscott990 commented 12 months ago

I have been facing this problem since last year. The application of Gmail + microg on Android Nougat. The application will not work...the only way to use Gmail is through the browser :(