Open szilardx opened 7 years ago
This depends on FCM/Firebase, which I think is not implemented yet.
Tried it with 0.2.4-92-g3669bab again, same result. "Requested entity was not found."
I also think FCM is not implemented in microg yet.
Chrome/Chromium implements Web Push through GCM. This implementation seems not to work with microG so far. Web FCM is implemented through Web Push, this means that if you use a browser that supports Web Push (and is not chromiums implementation), you can still have push notifications.
Android FCM (which has nothing to do with Web FCM beside the name and API similarities) is realized through GCM and thus mostly supported in microG. There are some features of GCM/FCM missing in microG though (which are likely causing the problems with chromium here)
Thanks for the info! I have tried the web push example sites with Firefox Android - it gets the token, but I get no notification. Does it works with Firefox for you?
Same here, can't get push web notifications in PWA with firefox. GCM permission dialog not firing by firefox at all. Any suggestions?
Did you try disabling this option: "Google Cloud Messaging > 3 dots > Advanced > Confirm new apps" Source:
@sm4rk0 tried, now it works. Then I tried to backup Firefox app and reinstall it and GCM permission dialog intercept push possibility request. It will be perfect to add option to manually add app to list.
Have anyone tried with the new version of microG GmsCore released yesterday?
I have an open issue about this one here:
(maybe you should check my issues too:
anyway, as reported on my issue, you can test with this url, given to me by the chromium team:
I've just tested and I still can't register, so my guess is that this still isn't working
Is this an abandoned issue? Currently suffering from this.
I am trying to develop web push notifications for my webapp. I am new at this, so I made some research. If I understand well, Web Push Notifications are just in the process of getting standardized.
When Chrome started to support it, it was through GCM, then FCM. You had to register to get a Google Developer project, sender id, etc. ( Moving forward, with Chrome 52 you no longer need to do this, there is VAPID, etc. Web Push Protocol is getting standardized. (
What is the current state of Web Push Support in microg?
Using CM13, latest microG (0.2.4-81), and Chromium, I can not get web push notifications working. GCM works fine for other apps.
I tried with theese examples: This site says on the phone: FirebaseError: Requested entity was not found. (I have seen this at other sites too, so it seems that Chromium is not able to get a Firebase token)
Is the these web push notifications supposed to work with microG?
Thanks in advance!