microg / GmsCore

Free implementation of Play Services
Apache License 2.0
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Support for U2F / Fido2 / webauthn? #849

Closed flipsa closed 1 year ago

flipsa commented 5 years ago

Hey there,

I use LineageOS for MicroG on my NFC enabled phone and recently bought a Yubikey 5 NFC. While the phone does detect the Yubikey via NFC or UCB-OTG, there seems to be no support for U2F/ Fido2 / webauthn. I used the Yubico U2F demo site to test it.

If I understand correctly, this functionality is provided on stock Android with the usual Google Apps through the Google play services library, which then exposes it via an API to the mobile browser. On my device, depending on the browser I either get "The user agent does not support public key credentials" (Jelly), or I get a timeout while trying (Chrome, Firefox, Brave).

On a non LineageOS / non-microg device with the Chrome browser, the Yubico demo site works fine.

The browsers (except Jelly) all have support for U2F if I am not mistaken, so that is not the reason I think...

Are there any plans to incorporate this in MicroG? I could not find any info on it, so I'm asking here.

Thanks for any leads - and of course for MicroG in general, I appreciate it very much!

daniellandau commented 2 years ago

Repairing the yubikey from my phone to my github worked, but didn't help with logging in. Removing the other keys did work to allow logging in to github.

luken-dev commented 2 years ago

Hey, This one is for FIDO, on latest nigtly. Signing in to Google Mail.

08-14 15:25:19.302 27731 27731 D FidoUsbHandler: YubiKey FIDO has permission
08-14 15:25:19.306 27731 27731 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close
08-14 15:25:19.306 27731 27731 D FidoUsbHandler: Trying to use YubiKey FIDO for SIGN
08-14 15:25:19.307 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : USB status set to waiting-for-user (Bundle[{device=UsbDevice[mName=/dev/bus/usb/001/002,mVendorId=4176,mProductId=1026,mClass=0,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mManufacturerName=Yubico,mProductName=YubiKey FIDO,mVersion=5.43,mSerialNumberReader=android.hardware.usb.IUsbSerialReader$Stub$Proxy@c85ee7, mHasAudioPlayback=false, mHasAudioCapture=false, mHasMidi=false, mHasVideoCapture=false, mHasVideoPlayback=false, mConfigurations=[
08-14 15:25:19.307 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbConfiguration[mId=1,mName=null,mAttributes=128,mMaxPower=15,mInterfaces=[
08-14 15:25:19.307 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=0,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=3,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mEndpoints=[
08-14 15:25:19.307 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=4,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=2]
08-14 15:25:19.307 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=132,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=2]]]]}])
08-14 15:25:19.307 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Opening connection
08-14 15:25:19.310 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidInitRequest(nonce=b578dKyv4Xo=) in 1 packets
08-14 15:25:19.310 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:25:19.321 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:25:19.321 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 15:25:19.323 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received packet /////4YAEW+e/HSsr+F6/+uYTwIFBAMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 15:25:19.324 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidInitResponse(nonce=0xb578dKyv4Xo=, channelId=0x-1467b1, protocolVersion=0x2, version=5.4.3, capabilities=0x5) in 1 packets
08-14 15:25:19.325 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x7, challenge=pJ2UqxJJRYp7WOKhod0BC8+NA8GuazyD8n9CtqvkkSw=, application=1MnZAnMmJxqJzlH8rzKO1nPxe+M0af+Xnoq43VAeZk8=, keyHandle=W+DEYiPMMcqip9pm5ToRee3jCaOCZcc8qrIPUTuPGbOntMZx7ovaJBDKIXhZMhV60+/Y/7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhA==)) in 3 packets
08-14 15:25:19.325 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:25:19.332 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYT4MAiAACBwAAAIGknZSrEklFintY4qGh3QELz40Dwa5rPIPyf0K2q+SRLNTJ2QJzJicaic5R/K8yjtZz8Q==
08-14 15:25:19.334 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYTwB74zRp/5eeirjdUB5mT0Bb4MRiI8wxyqKn2mblOhF57eMJo4Jlxzyqsg9RO48Zs6e0xnHui9okEMoheA==
08-14 15:25:19.335  7908  7965 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x6fd93c6050 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x6ef8f78430
08-14 15:25:19.337 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYTwFZMhV60+/Y/7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 15:25:19.337 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:25:19.337 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 15:25:19.342 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6a80, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 15:25:19.342 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x7, challenge=pJ2UqxJJRYp7WOKhod0BC8+NA8GuazyD8n9CtqvkkSw=, application=1MnZAnMmJxqJzlH8rzKO1nPxe+M0af+Xnoq43VAeZk8=, keyHandle=sWETwJbeOiv7aAIRqNdclyUXdM7A8Xe0kEN1Mz+dJHCRMXT3TTylpSWyYpGpYj11JuolVvuoK7qYFmLH/fT/nw==)) in 3 packets
08-14 15:25:19.343 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:25:19.344 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYT4MAiAACBwAAAIGknZSrEklFintY4qGh3QELz40Dwa5rPIPyf0K2q+SRLNTJ2QJzJicaic5R/K8yjtZz8Q==
08-14 15:25:19.349 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYTwB74zRp/5eeirjdUB5mT0CxYRPAlt46K/toAhGo11yXJRd0zsDxd7SQQ3UzP50kcJExdPdNPKWlJbJikQ==
08-14 15:25:19.352 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYTwGpYj11JuolVvuoK7qYFmLH/fT/nwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 15:25:19.352 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:25:19.352 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 15:25:19.358 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6a80, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 15:25:19.358 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x3, challenge=pJ2UqxJJRYp7WOKhod0BC8+NA8GuazyD8n9CtqvkkSw=, application=1MnZAnMmJxqJzlH8rzKO1nPxe+M0af+Xnoq43VAeZk8=, keyHandle=W+DEYiPMMcqip9pm5ToRee3jCaOCZcc8qrIPUTuPGbOntMZx7ovaJBDKIXhZMhV60+/Y/7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhA==)) in 3 packets
08-14 15:25:19.359 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:25:19.360 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYT4MAiAACAwAAAIGknZSrEklFintY4qGh3QELz40Dwa5rPIPyf0K2q+SRLNTJ2QJzJicaic5R/K8yjtZz8Q==
08-14 15:25:19.364 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYTwB74zRp/5eeirjdUB5mT0Bb4MRiI8wxyqKn2mblOhF57eMJo4Jlxzyqsg9RO48Zs6e0xnHui9okEMoheA==
08-14 15:25:19.367 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet /+uYTwFZMhV60+/Y/7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 15:25:19.367 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:25:19.367 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6a80, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler: org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidMessageStatusException: Received status 6a80
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidConnection.runCommand(CtapHidConnection.kt:143)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidConnection$runCommand$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:15)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine.afterResume(Scopes.kt:33)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.AbstractCoroutine.resumeWith(AbstractCoroutine.kt:102)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:46)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:106)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.drainQueue(DispatchQueue.kt:75)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.enqueue(DispatchQueue.kt:112)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.dispatchAndEnqueue$lambda-2$lambda-1(DispatchQueue.kt:100)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.$r8$lambda$G2ay370n_s_ksSHUJaD9zIU8eCw(Unknown Source:0)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(Unknown Source:4)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7664)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
08-14 15:25:19.372 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
08-14 15:25:19.375 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : USB status set to waiting-for-device (null)

And this one for YubiKey5

08-14 15:43:59.639 27731 27731 D FidoUsbHandler: YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID has permission
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUsbHandler: Trying to use YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID for SIGN
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : USB status set to waiting-for-user (Bundle[{device=UsbDevice[mName=/dev/bus/usb/001/002,mVendorId=4176,mProductId=1031,mClass=0,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mManufacturerName=Yubico,mProductName=YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID,mVersion=5.43,mSerialNumberReader=android.hardware.usb.IUsbSerialReader$Stub$Proxy@5e46ac1, mHasAudioPlayback=false, mHasAudioCapture=false, mHasMidi=false, mHasVideoCapture=false, mHasVideoPlayback=false, mConfigurations=[
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbConfiguration[mId=1,mName=null,mAttributes=128,mMaxPower=15,mInterfaces=[
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=0,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=3,mSubclass=1,mProtocol=1,mEndpoints=[
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=129,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=8,mInterval=10]]
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=1,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=3,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mEndpoints=[
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=4,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=2]
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=132,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=2]]
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=2,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=11,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mEndpoints=[
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=2,mAttributes=2,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=0]
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=130,mAttributes=2,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=0]
08-14 15:43:59.643 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=131,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=8,mInterval=32]]]]}])
08-14 15:43:59.644 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Opening connection
08-14 15:43:59.645 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidInitRequest(nonce=oeNYeqShAb4=) in 1 packets
08-14 15:43:59.645 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:43:59.647 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:43:59.648 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 15:43:59.653 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received packet /////4YAEaHjWHqkoQG+nN7+FwIFBAMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 15:43:59.654 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidInitResponse(nonce=0xoeNYeqShAb4=, channelId=0x-632101e9, protocolVersion=0x2, version=5.4.3, capabilities=0x5) in 1 packets
08-14 15:43:59.656 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x7, challenge=7niKwxUg7WhuRwR/51gcVNa/aFn6WzlT811Yvd9ruhw=, application=1MnZAnMmJxqJzlH8rzKO1nPxe+M0af+Xnoq43VAeZk8=, keyHandle=W+DEYiPMMcqip9pm5ToRee3jCaOCZcc8qrIPUTuPGbOntMZx7ovaJBDKIXhZMhV60+/Y/7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhA==)) in 3 packets
08-14 15:43:59.656 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:43:59.661  7908  7965 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x6fd9331820 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x6ef8fa60f0
08-14 15:43:59.664 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+F4MAiAACBwAAAIHueIrDFSDtaG5HBH/nWBxU1r9oWfpbOVPzXVi932u6HNTJ2QJzJicaic5R/K8yjtZz8Q==
08-14 15:43:59.666 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+FwB74zRp/5eeirjdUB5mT0Bb4MRiI8wxyqKn2mblOhF57eMJo4Jlxzyqsg9RO48Zs6e0xnHui9okEMoheA==
08-14 15:43:59.676 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+FwFZMhV60+/Y/7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 15:43:59.682 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:43:59.682 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 15:43:59.684 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6a80, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 15:43:59.685 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x7, challenge=7niKwxUg7WhuRwR/51gcVNa/aFn6WzlT811Yvd9ruhw=, application=1MnZAnMmJxqJzlH8rzKO1nPxe+M0af+Xnoq43VAeZk8=, keyHandle=sWETwJbeOiv7aAIRqNdclyUXdM7A8Xe0kEN1Mz+dJHCRMXT3TTylpSWyYpGpYj11JuolVvuoK7qYFmLH/fT/nw==)) in 3 packets
08-14 15:43:59.685 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:43:59.686 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+F4MAiAACBwAAAIHueIrDFSDtaG5HBH/nWBxU1r9oWfpbOVPzXVi932u6HNTJ2QJzJicaic5R/K8yjtZz8Q==
08-14 15:43:59.688 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+FwB74zRp/5eeirjdUB5mT0CxYRPAlt46K/toAhGo11yXJRd0zsDxd7SQQ3UzP50kcJExdPdNPKWlJbJikQ==
08-14 15:43:59.692 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+FwGpYj11JuolVvuoK7qYFmLH/fT/nwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 15:43:59.692 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:43:59.692 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 15:43:59.697 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6a80, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 15:43:59.697 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x3, challenge=7niKwxUg7WhuRwR/51gcVNa/aFn6WzlT811Yvd9ruhw=, application=1MnZAnMmJxqJzlH8rzKO1nPxe+M0af+Xnoq43VAeZk8=, keyHandle=W+DEYiPMMcqip9pm5ToRee3jCaOCZcc8qrIPUTuPGbOntMZx7ovaJBDKIXhZMhV60+/Y/7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhA==)) in 3 packets
08-14 15:43:59.698 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:43:59.701 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+F4MAiAACAwAAAIHueIrDFSDtaG5HBH/nWBxU1r9oWfpbOVPzXVi932u6HNTJ2QJzJicaic5R/K8yjtZz8Q==
08-14 15:43:59.702 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+FwB74zRp/5eeirjdUB5mT0Bb4MRiI8wxyqKn2mblOhF57eMJo4Jlxzyqsg9RO48Zs6e0xnHui9okEMoheA==
08-14 15:43:59.704 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet nN7+FwFZMhV60+/Y/7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 15:43:59.704 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 15:43:59.704 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 15:43:59.713 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6a80, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 15:43:59.713 27731 27731 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler: org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidMessageStatusException: Received status 6a80
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidConnection.runCommand(CtapHidConnection.kt:143)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidConnection$runCommand$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:15)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine.afterResume(Scopes.kt:33)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.AbstractCoroutine.resumeWith(AbstractCoroutine.kt:102)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:46)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:106)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.drainQueue(DispatchQueue.kt:75)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.enqueue(DispatchQueue.kt:112)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.dispatchAndEnqueue$lambda-2$lambda-1(DispatchQueue.kt:100)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.$r8$lambda$G2ay370n_s_ksSHUJaD9zIU8eCw(Unknown Source:0)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(Unknown Source:4)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7664)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
08-14 15:43:59.715 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
08-14 15:43:59.717 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : USB status set to waiting-for-device (null)

In both cases logging in did not succeed.

luken-dev commented 2 years ago

It did work with FIDO key and fastmail. Fails however with YubiKey5. Logcat for YubiKey5 below.

08-14 16:04:23.890 27731 27731 D FidoUsbHandler: YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID has permission
08-14 16:04:23.893 27731 27731 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close
08-14 16:04:23.893 27731 27731 D FidoUsbHandler: Trying to use YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID for SIGN
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : USB status set to waiting-for-user (Bundle[{device=UsbDevice[mName=/dev/bus/usb/001/002,mVendorId=4176,mProductId=1031,mClass=0,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mManufacturerName=Yubico,mProductName=YubiKey OTP+FIDO+CCID,mVersion=5.43,mSerialNumberReader=android.hardware.usb.IUsbSerialReader$Stub$Proxy@a25e8bf, mHasAudioPlayback=false, mHasAudioCapture=false, mHasMidi=false, mHasVideoCapture=false, mHasVideoPlayback=false, mConfigurations=[
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbConfiguration[mId=1,mName=null,mAttributes=128,mMaxPower=15,mInterfaces=[
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=0,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=3,mSubclass=1,mProtocol=1,mEndpoints=[
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=129,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=8,mInterval=10]]
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=1,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=3,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mEndpoints=[
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=4,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=2]
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=132,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=2]]
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=2,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=null,mClass=11,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mEndpoints=[
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=2,mAttributes=2,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=0]
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=130,mAttributes=2,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=0]
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=131,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=8,mInterval=32]]]]}])
08-14 16:04:23.894 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Opening connection
08-14 16:04:23.895 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidInitRequest(nonce=laFHGiAUkkg=) in 1 packets
08-14 16:04:23.895 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 16:04:23.899 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 16:04:23.899 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 16:04:23.904 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received packet /////4YAEZWhRxogFJJIFunQ3wIFBAMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 16:04:23.914 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidInitResponse(nonce=0xlaFHGiAUkkg=, channelId=0x16e9d0df, protocolVersion=0x2, version=5.4.3, capabilities=0x5) in 1 packets
08-14 16:04:23.915 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x7, challenge=OI/6v62/ZmoRK331ZEFiQ+fbcNOk1v/aBGee1FiEKus=, application=P8uCgrhGduvucUDjnsrhbusZkGTHx+RDLijJtX5LYDk=, keyHandle=DhbWEmFa6bOofzaBXpUIghU7tmchvM2jsuVdnaziFt/WJG5pEBAYkxSAMSXnI8+5YLWoCBr+NTHfewy0nu1E3g==)) in 3 packets
08-14 16:04:23.915 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 16:04:23.916 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ34MAiAACBwAAAIE4j/q/rb9mahErffVkQWJD59tw06TW/9oEZ57UWIQq6z/LgoK4Rnbr7nFA457K4W7rGQ==
08-14 16:04:23.922 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ3wCQZMfH5EMuKMm1fktgOUAOFtYSYVrps6h/NoFelQiCFTu2ZyG8zaOy5V2drOIW39YkbmkQEBiTFIAxJQ==
08-14 16:04:23.926 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ3wHnI8+5YLWoCBr+NTHfewy0nu1E3gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 16:04:23.927 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 16:04:23.927 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 16:04:23.930 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6a80, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 16:04:23.930 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x7, challenge=OI/6v62/ZmoRK331ZEFiQ+fbcNOk1v/aBGee1FiEKus=, application=P8uCgrhGduvucUDjnsrhbusZkGTHx+RDLijJtX5LYDk=, keyHandle=fyb9oKPblqWGBk+tWxDxoE5a1HFhd5tCg4KkLnAqZ4R9wNwkTYaRa+LRVU1T0UOwv90Z8JBH09Ph1YwyH/DO3Q==)) in 3 packets
08-14 16:04:23.930 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 16:04:23.948 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ34MAiAACBwAAAIE4j/q/rb9mahErffVkQWJD59tw06TW/9oEZ57UWIQq6z/LgoK4Rnbr7nFA457K4W7rGQ==
08-14 16:04:23.949 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ3wCQZMfH5EMuKMm1fktgOUB/Jv2go9uWpYYGT61bEPGgTlrUcWF3m0KDgqQucCpnhH3A3CRNhpFr4tFVTQ==
08-14 16:04:23.952 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ3wFT0UOwv90Z8JBH09Ph1YwyH/DO3QAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 16:04:23.952 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 16:04:23.952 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 16:04:23.958 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6985, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 16:04:23.959 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidMessageRequest(U2fAuthenticationRequest(controlByte=0x3, challenge=OI/6v62/ZmoRK331ZEFiQ+fbcNOk1v/aBGee1FiEKus=, application=P8uCgrhGduvucUDjnsrhbusZkGTHx+RDLijJtX5LYDk=, keyHandle=DhbWEmFa6bOofzaBXpUIghU7tmchvM2jsuVdnaziFt/WJG5pEBAYkxSAMSXnI8+5YLWoCBr+NTHfewy0nu1E3g==)) in 3 packets
08-14 16:04:23.959 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 16:04:23.961 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ34MAiAACAwAAAIE4j/q/rb9mahErffVkQWJD59tw06TW/9oEZ57UWIQq6z/LgoK4Rnbr7nFA457K4W7rGQ==
08-14 16:04:23.964 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ3wCQZMfH5EMuKMm1fktgOUAOFtYSYVrps6h/NoFelQiCFTu2ZyG8zaOy5V2drOIW39YkbmkQEBiTFIAxJQ==
08-14 16:04:23.966 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sent packet FunQ3wHnI8+5YLWoCBr+NTHfewy0nu1E3gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
08-14 16:04:23.966 27731 27731 D UsbRequestJNI: init
08-14 16:04:23.966 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
08-14 16:04:23.972 27731 27731 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Received CtapHidMessageResponse(statusCode=0x6a80, payload=) in 1 packets
08-14 16:04:23.972 27731 27731 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler: org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidMessageStatusException: Received status 6a80
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidConnection.runCommand(CtapHidConnection.kt:143)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.usb.ctaphid.CtapHidConnection$runCommand$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:15)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine.afterResume(Scopes.kt:33)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.AbstractCoroutine.resumeWith(AbstractCoroutine.kt:102)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:46)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:106)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.drainQueue(DispatchQueue.kt:75)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.enqueue(DispatchQueue.kt:112)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.dispatchAndEnqueue$lambda-2$lambda-1(DispatchQueue.kt:100)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.$r8$lambda$G2ay370n_s_ksSHUJaD9zIU8eCw(Unknown Source:0)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(Unknown Source:4)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7664)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
08-14 16:04:23.974 27731 27731 W FidoUsbHandler:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
08-14 16:04:23.977 27731 27731 D FidoUi  : USB status set to waiting-for-device (null)
Bubu commented 2 years ago

@mar-v-in Is there already (or is that planned) a microG replacement for the play-services-fido client library, such that the f-droid firefox builds can use that?

(or is that the point 5. from above? If yes, geckoview depends on that lib, so any app that depends on geckoview pulls that in automatically.)

mar-v-in commented 2 years ago

@Bubu no, point 5 is unrelated, browsers need to use the privileged API

The play-services-fido client library on master is entirely untested right now, but comes with the APIs required for browsers. I don't know how easily it could be embedded in the f-droid firefox builds as the library and dependency structure currently doesn't match the one from Google entirely (this doesn't matter for apps that use maven/gradle dependency resolution, but I know it does affect chromium builds).

Also, even with the play-services-fido client library, the f-droid build of Firefox will not be working with Google Play Services Fido services, as the privileged API that browsers need to use is restricted to authorized apps. However you technically could also embed the play-services-fido-core module with the Firefox build and have it directly connect to the USB device (instead of using the service) - similarly as it's done in CCTG.

Bubu commented 2 years ago

I don't know how easily it could be embedded in the f-droid firefox builds as the library and dependency structure currently doesn't match the one from Google entirely (this doesn't matter for apps that use maven/gradle dependency resolution, but I know it does affect chromium builds).

Geckoview uses gradle for including play-services-fido, so that should "just work" (I haven't looked at the f-droid fennec build in quite a while, so I can't say for sure)

However you technically could also embed the play-services-fido-core module with the Firefox build and have it directly connect to the USB device (instead of using the service) - similarly as it's done in CCTG.

Heh, that sounds like a fun project actually. (For completely unrelated reasons, I've just been playing around with building geckoview anyway, while stumbling over this comment thread :))

Downstream issue: https://gitlab.com/relan/fennecbuild/-/issues/34

relan commented 1 year ago

Fennec F-Droid maintainer here (Fennec is a libre fork of Firefox). A free implementation of WebAuthn sounds very exciting, would love to use it in our builds! :slightly_smiling_face:

I'm trying to build GeckoView (Firefox engine) with the microG client library instead of GMS:

diff -r ae56b3bb7fa3 mobile/android/geckoview/build.gradle
--- a/mobile/android/geckoview/build.gradle Thu Aug 18 12:29:20 2022 +0000
+++ b/mobile/android/geckoview/build.gradle Fri Sep 16 07:17:02 2022 +0000
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
     implementation "androidx.annotation:annotation:1.3.0"
     implementation "androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0"

-    implementation "com.google.android.gms:play-services-fido:18.1.0"
+    implementation "org.microg.gms:play-services-fido:"
     implementation "org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.24:android"

     implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions:2.2.0"

Fixed two issues (#1782, #1783), now struggling with:

 0:26.64 /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/build/srclib/MozFennec/mobile/android/geckoview/src/main/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/WebAuthnTokenManager.java:206: error: unreported exception UnsupportedPubKeyCredDescriptorException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
 0:26.64           new PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor(
 0:26.64           ^
 0:26.64 /home/fdroid/fdroiddata/build/srclib/MozFennec/mobile/android/geckoview/src/main/java/org/mozilla/geckoview/WebAuthnTokenManager.java:412: error: unreported exception UnsupportedPubKeyCredDescriptorException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
 0:26.64           new PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor(
 0:26.64           ^
 0:27.24 Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
 0:27.24 Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 0:27.24 2 errors

Mozilla code is here.

Any ideas how to fix this unreported exception issue?

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

The PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor constructor indeed is not supposed to throw this exception. The exception catched inside the constructor is encapsulated in an unchecked IllegalArgumentException in Google's implementation instead. I'll push a patch for that later today,

I also plan to finally push a release of this in the next days (after I finally finished and properly tested CTAP2, NFC and FidoAppIdExtension support, which should fix all the issues reported so far).

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

Support for CTAP2, NFC, FidoAppId extension, android-key and android-safetynet attestation are now in the nightly. This should greatly improve compatibility. If you had issues with any key or website before, please try again with latest nightly and report back.

relan commented 1 year ago

GeckoView builds fine with org.microg.gms:play-services-fido: (b582f19), thanks!

Would be great if someone could test WebAuthn in the experimental build of Fennec: https://gitlab.com/relan/fennecbuild/-/issues/34#note_1105832704

luken-dev commented 1 year ago

Hey there, amazing work @mar-v-in!

Github and Fastmail work on both Fido and YubiKey 5, and both via USB or NFC.

Unfortunately Google Mail is still broken - however this time it doesn't even bring up the prompt to insert / touch the key. The page switches to "There was a problem" almost immediately, and suggests to try again, or try another method of verification. Will post a logcat later.

luken-dev commented 1 year ago

I tried logging in to GMail app - there a message was displayed, stating that my browser does not support security keys

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

You're talking about signing into your Google Account via microG's Google Account Manager? Indeed this currently won't work, as the login flow doesn't use a normal browser that could support WebAuthn, but a special Android WebView.

Or are you talking about signing into your Google Account from a supported web browser like Chrome(ium) or Firefox? This should work as far as I can tell, but I haven't tried with Google Accounts yet. I will try to setup a Google Account to test this.

luken-dev commented 1 year ago

The first few attempts were in Firefox - these resulted in the page switching to "There was a problem" page. When testing one of the previous nightlies (mid-Aug) the security key prompt was displayed while trying to log in to the same Gmail account.

tjburrows commented 1 year ago

Thanks for working on this mar-v-in! I have also tested the nightly (lineage 19.1 microg sunfish, yubico 5 series) with browser auth, and found the following: Firefox: AWS & Github work, google does not Chromium: none of the above three work On Chromium, AWS & Github get to the step of touching key in the microg workflow, but the key does not flash and touching it does nothing. For google, I had same observation as luken-dev. The browser key auth fails without bringing up the security key prompt at all.

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

@tjburrows which chromium version and build source are you using?

tjburrows commented 1 year ago

I used the version provided by FFUpdater. This is currently version 108.0.5314.0.

daniellandau commented 1 year ago

I can now login to github with my yubikey 4 even when the account has multiple registered keys. The solokey still doesn't work.

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

The latest nightly contains a fix that should help with latest Chromium. Also Google sign-in now works for me on both Firefox and latest Chrome (tested using a Yubikey 5 with NFC).

Note that PIN-protected security keys are not yet supported.

TheEdgeOfRage commented 1 year ago

Tried logging into AWS using an NFC Yubikey 5 on Firefox (official from play store). It just vibrates when I tap it and get this stack trace in logcat:

10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler: org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.nfc.CtapNfcMessageStatusException: Received status 2e
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.nfc.CtapNfcConnection.runCommand(CtapNfcConnection.kt:62)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.TransportHandler.ctap2sign(TransportHandler.kt:184)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.TransportHandler.sign$play_services_fido_core_release(TransportHandler.kt:249)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.nfc.NfcTransportHandler$sign$2.invokeSuspend(NfcTransportHandler.kt:80)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.nfc.NfcTransportHandler$sign$2.invoke(Unknown Source:8)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.nfc.NfcTransportHandler$sign$2.invoke(Unknown Source:4)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.nfc.CtapNfcConnection.open(CtapNfcConnection.kt:115)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at org.microg.gms.fido.core.transport.nfc.CtapNfcConnection$open$3.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:15)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:106)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.drainQueue(DispatchQueue.kt:75)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.enqueue(DispatchQueue.kt:112)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.dispatchAndEnqueue$lambda-2$lambda-1(DispatchQueue.kt:100)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue.$r8$lambda$G2ay370n_s_ksSHUJaD9zIU8eCw(Unknown Source:0)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at androidx.lifecycle.DispatchQueue$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(Unknown Source:4)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7666)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
10-03 23:27:56.764 23717 23717 W FidoNfcHandler:    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
10-03 23:27:56.765 23717 23717 D FidoUi  : NFC status set to waiting-for-device (null)

Full log with some redacted (marked as such) stuff, cause I'm not sure whether something is sensitive

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

@TheEdgeOfRage your logs indicate that you have a PIN configured on the Yubikey, which is not yet supported.

TheEdgeOfRage commented 1 year ago

I have it set on the GPG key, it never asks for a pin when doing regular FIDO stuff. But I guess it still interferes with the FIDO flow?

restena-sw commented 1 year ago

Just registered my Fairpone 3 (e/OS/ 1.4, Android 11, unknown microG version) and that worked in Firefox.

Then, authenticating with the just-registered key failed with a quite telling reason - see screenshot: the response sets the AT flag and sends attestation data, even though that is only expected to happen during the registration.

None of the FIDO authenticators I see in production (Yubikey, Feitian, Apple touchID, faceID, Windows Hello) ever sends AT during auth phase.



mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

@restena-sw I guess this is with the screen lock used as authenticator and not an external security key?

restena-sw commented 1 year ago

That's correct, it was screen-lock which then triggered the built-in fingerprint reader.

See §6.5 of the WebAuthn-2 spec:

"All this information is returned by authenticators any time a new public key credential is generated, in the overall form of an attestation object."

(note the new public key - i.e. during reg, not subsequent auth)

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

I see. This was fixed in 304c3522e992a3db641411fd21df4088db579dad, so I guess the version in /e/OS/ 1.4 just doesn't include that yet.

restena-sw commented 1 year ago

Ah, great! I'll merrily wait for that fix then (not interested in compiling an Android build myself really).

luken-dev commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately there is no change for me on latest nightly. Firefox (105.1.0) and Vivaldi still fail to bring up the prompts for auth. This is isolated to Google only. Fastmail and GitHub work fine.

Occasionally there is a brief popup before the page changes to 'There was something wrong', but it disappears quickly and it's difficult to repro, so I have no clue what the message on it is.

ale5000-git commented 1 year ago

The latest nightly build currently is (ff5c5a7). Are you sure to have this?

luken-dev commented 1 year ago

Yes, that's the one. Tried storage wipe on it, also on FF, as well as reinstall of FF. Same outcome in every case.

luken-dev commented 1 year ago

I've half a mind to do a full phone wipe, but can't do it before the weekend.

ale5000-git commented 1 year ago

Could you please post a logcat?

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

@luken-dev Google Account sign-in with WebAuthn in Firefox (105.2.0) works for me. I guess we need a logcat here.

TheEdgeOfRage commented 1 year ago

I have tried using my Ledger Nano S, a hw crypto wallet that also supports FIDO, through USB, but nothing is happening. Here's the steps I did:

  1. Plug in Ledger
  2. Unlock Ledger and start FIDO app
  3. Start login flow in browser
  4. microG window opens and I select USB
  5. It asks for authorization to access the Ledger, but nothing happens on the Ledger (it's supposed to show a confirmation prompt)

Here's the logcat:

10-05 12:07:09.855  7431  7431 D FidoUsbHandler: Nano S has suitable hid interface 0
10-05 12:07:09.855  7431  7431 D FidoUsbHandler: Nano S has permission
10-05 12:07:09.860  7431  7431 D FidoUsbHandler: Signature: [REDACTED]
10-05 12:07:09.860  7431  7431 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close
10-05 12:07:09.860  7431  7431 D FidoUsbHandler: Nano S signature does not match
10-05 12:07:09.860  7431  7431 D FidoUsbHandler: Nano S has suitable hid interface 1
10-05 12:07:09.860  7431  7431 D FidoUsbHandler: Nano S has permission
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUsbHandler: Signature: [REDACTED]
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUsbHandler: Trying to use Nano S for SIGN
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUi  : USB status set to waiting-for-user (Bundle[{device=UsbDevice[mName=/dev/bus/usb/001/003,mVendorId=11415,mProductId=4101,mClass=0,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mManufacturerName=Ledger,mProductName=Nano S,mVersion=2.01,mSerialNumberReader=android.hardware.usb.IUsbSerialReader$Stub$Proxy@d047852, mHasAudioPlayback=false, mHasAudioCapture=false, mHasMidi=false, mHasVideoCapture=false, mHasVideoPlayback=false, mConfigurations=[
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUi  : UsbConfiguration[mId=1,mName=Nano S,mAttributes=192,mMaxPower=50,mInterfaces=[
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=0,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=Nano S,mClass=3,mSubclass=0,mProtocol=0,mEndpoints=[
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=130,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=1]
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=2,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=1]]
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUi  : UsbInterface[mId=1,mAlternateSetting=0,mName=Nano S,mClass=3,mSubclass=1,mProtocol=1,mEndpoints=[
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=129,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=1]
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoUi  : UsbEndpoint[mAddress=1,mAttributes=3,mMaxPacketSize=64,mInterval=1]]]]}])
10-05 12:07:09.869  7431  7431 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Opening connection
10-05 12:07:09.870  7431  7431 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Sending CtapHidInitRequest(nonce=a80CDpeB++A=) in 1 packets
10-05 12:07:09.870  7431  7431 D UsbRequestJNI: init
10-05 12:07:09.873  7431  7431 D UsbRequestJNI: close
10-05 12:07:09.873  7431  7431 W FidoUi  : kotlinx.coroutines.TimeoutCancellationException: Timed out waiting for 1000 ms
10-05 12:07:09.873  7431  7431 W FidoUi  :  at kotlinx.coroutines.TimeoutKt.TimeoutCancellationException(Timeout.kt:184)
10-05 12:07:09.873  7431  7431 W FidoUi  :  at kotlinx.coroutines.TimeoutCoroutine.run(Timeout.kt:154)
10-05 12:07:09.873  7431  7431 W FidoUi  :  at kotlinx.coroutines.EventLoopImplBase$DelayedRunnableTask.run(EventLoop.common.kt:508)
10-05 12:07:09.873  7431  7431 W FidoUi  :  at kotlinx.coroutines.EventLoopImplBase.processNextEvent(EventLoop.common.kt:284)
10-05 12:07:09.873  7431  7431 W FidoUi  :  at kotlinx.coroutines.DefaultExecutor.run(DefaultExecutor.kt:108)
10-05 12:07:09.873  7431  7431 W FidoUi  :  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)
10-05 12:07:09.874  7431  7431 D UsbRequestJNI: close
10-05 12:07:09.874  7431  7431 D UsbRequestJNI: init
10-05 12:07:09.874  7431  7431 D FidoCtapHidConnection: Reading 64 bytes from usb
mar-v-in commented 1 year ago


luken-dev commented 1 year ago

Logcat of two attempts at login below.

10-05 22:03:50.326  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 5000 msec from now
10-05 22:03:50.326  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 5000 msec from now
10-05 22:03:50.326  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 5010 msec from now
10-05 22:03:50.326  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: Reset idle timeout: tell observer 0x70cf7c9528 user is back
10-05 22:03:50.647  6140  6156 W GeckoEditable: Invalid token
10-05 22:03:51.952  3659  3659 V InlineSuggestionRenderService: handleDestroySuggestionViews called for 0:1597396344
10-05 22:03:51.969  6140  6140 I GeckoSession: handleMessage GeckoView:PageStart uri=
10-05 22:03:52.104  6140  6154 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 
10-05 22:03:52.104  6140  6154 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 
10-05 22:03:52.227  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: begin_transaction
10-05 22:03:52.283  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: commit
10-05 22:03:52.626  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: begin_transaction
10-05 22:03:52.668  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: commit
10-05 22:03:55.339  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: Get idle time: time since reset 4929 msec
10-05 22:03:55.339  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: current idle time 4929 msec
10-05 22:03:55.339  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 71 msec from now
10-05 22:03:55.339  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 71 msec from now
10-05 22:03:55.340  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 81 msec from now
10-05 22:03:55.408  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: begin_transaction
10-05 22:03:55.436  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: Get idle time: time since reset 5025 msec
10-05 22:03:55.436  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: current idle time 5025 msec
10-05 22:03:55.436  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 4294967289974 msec from now
10-05 22:03:55.436  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 4294967289974 msec from now
10-05 22:03:55.436  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 4294967289984 msec from now
10-05 22:03:55.436  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: tell observer 0x70cf7c9528 user is idle
10-05 22:03:55.459  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: commit
10-05 22:03:55.710  6140  6140 I GeckoSession: handleMessage GeckoView:PageStop uri=null
10-05 22:03:55.716  6140  6930 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Load finished
10-05 22:03:55.833 19616 19616 D Fido2Privileged: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.fido.fido2.privileged.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
10-05 22:03:55.863 19616 19636 D Fido2Privileged: bound by: GetServiceRequest{serviceId=FIDO2_PRIVILEGED, gmsVersion=12451000, packageName='org.mozilla.firefox', extras=Bundle[{FIDO2_ACTION_START_SERVICE=com.google.android.gms.fido.fido2.privileged.START}]}
10-05 22:03:55.956  6140  6140 I WebAuthnFeature: Received activity delegate request with code: 10
10-05 22:03:49.151  2730  2730 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0
10-05 22:03:55.957  2730 11408 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.fido.core.ui.AuthenticatorActivity (has extras)} from uid 10085
10-05 22:03:55.966   572   572 I android.hardware.power-service-qti: Power setMode: 5 to: 1
10-05 22:03:55.977  2730  2795 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10085; state: DISABLED
10-05 22:03:55.978  2730  2812 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10085; state: DISABLED
10-05 22:03:55.997  2233  2233 D Zygote  : Forked child process 7274
10-05 22:03:56.006  2730  2812 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7274:com.google.android.gms:ui/u0a85 for pre-top-activity {com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.fido.core.ui.AuthenticatorActivity}
10-05 22:03:56.014  7274  7274 E .android.gms:u: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
10-05 22:03:56.068  7274  7274 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
10-05 22:03:56.072  7274  7274 W .android.gms:u: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=1, found=0 (PCL[/system/framework/org.lineageos.platform.jar*1006563850] | PCL[])
10-05 22:03:56.090  7274  7274 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
10-05 22:03:56.090  7274  7274 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
10-05 22:03:56.091  7274  7274 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
10-05 22:03:56.091  7274  7274 I MultiDex: Installing application
10-05 22:03:56.091  7274  7274 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
10-05 22:03:56.155  7274  7274 D FidoUi  : onCreate caller=org.mozilla.firefox options=BrowserPublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions[PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions[challenge=AJhMu1kz8rOeOsZ9M7zD2WkLOJ1PfrhBLbk0QfjgRqmMi7NYhmT86icV8zEQ7Hznf7Vt0SaWLOPaupmm0LOshlyb_lId21Wy-F-DjspFeA2QIbHk4valH846MQilCFoWYT95oF7Ka20lMvqAG9fw7WmIM4YNwKaHGSrEGTDekND4RM61EV2sLyAwZbUHpPykoS9sxfDh9DBb26RpJXgyIAPKr_MEwNOkD1FuIwsdVnbYO44IgDFFH5ZIDNwPPpDWf9Fo8eBbWiVfSohDRg3RZC7VzEDV4uCDQOWJqeDNqeQA0L3zM7A1vFVF9Yc5E1J_cwSaUoR8OZ03wOe3ZMQFfwJuI-1nQXUizcdqTyrAi0IbT6woWMuaRhutKUK0kvkWa1jR7lgw4qDLHydx-N1HR7GH0jMkli6oPEjycFiMD_V4EZESZQYd0JRkjpB4MnKLLewdciJilkI1ZNAGuza0rSq-A3Qw9FAQrjMBzpRiBi457n29tYlFfoDyDK-sBNnQzQIaHRnUWqG4P7PuxYuDPcW5uNVfk7E7bWm6g9j64wv9Y0mWdIiUzL3QrzHVAFth6x5tfh60DdzjwatRbH-zmkExteyLOC2ToqIoVuDO1sufh06IaAR6RaehG3mZJq-OvpFsjglWzrs4PSXXo-8rCaS9_G5rezqHsjOeGKOExIsydeYDXLUo1FZEeBxWPyAyvSjCEXUr8TgE8a5pkZcfk7rG9bgGdRyP2gWRpAi7IZhiHlNRbiTQYlke1ZDKfiPtHpC6nvD4KgSMq7V2k0Daf3uccr_v_LdPNG9x9Xe3XiL4vfR1zsUHzzp9uVpjlJas_twSMfbAvqCQiaHvdkNknoX9EerHHEMwR4HyEOHfsdZceXL6S57igPHGhyM3YHLuTabH0EFUGdFDtbw3hwZGQL43O04pTS4aO-jOkoeFeEPIAS0pw04Ny77QN2SfcPKws9mU_j67FaN18sCAdKJXfgG3lnlGhZKudyWA5mS_zTVyIbpzKqo9n8P6yqk1AM4sjNX7-j_sjYolV2zyo2X7tJ5MeQFzVzrGQd9ryr7EJAKa5nvJV9vgbDDTQF0zG_jfl65OwP7HzGnTaUY6SPq91uRTonAJFk6sP4GkGuUXFvCxtrXLQKSsRY1oGOScKlUaGinANimFYg6hqdmLmWfoCOmwBT7fMlr_zDvSc1shGp5stoy2lesYKlbbgMHibbWFfShuiBIn-mUeaI7EKAGzaY-5mijTEaxQr_ze4bb_kbF48z0PGZlnQbgFFUsA_sk5LEqqYI4oOkvD7n0fISzIeytka2EyJq-Frpr76U35ZkPFKW1Gz-UrNf6zdWHbtfNnZ2nVtGr8HV37a2KacyFv0fMiDuxtfoeQtks28kABOVixgqR6ChQiUrFqAHiVPxAmjbvMkPDKI2wCjpzRh_tmrySzesvUWycdroVLCwXG8OMwVFEB1MJLgSjcG0MUauYfdPbeiO-g0xf4EqLR2OYQ6xH6Dhwtq3-jhDKmItDQI4TCdcYxtFlkaUuJFu_cHN7cdWFf48DxdObQ7-mklrdj0Z3mnuNB84V1X3YL5913_rh1gWwWLeu7vYVHEwqQaH_plzkgmJZ27oBhC_GC-nQmBnERoTg27COcLVFF9fBt_uFL8WyEXqYnyfsS7InNuoet6zOTgLc9_nVJhyOQmpFICK1FXWOzBNcU0SQuEJm4ETDBCSKj2r8S-h9fLWUB4oXk0UEHfarYrKuOLz5gz1l6sO4N6cPWBUGR4Z_kdjNLrYF3GyWjk36gts-7EwC8ZLkxDYMt8c_wzQhMJ14RrO-3Y2tu0e80o_UtvJKDkweOPyyTttFRPan3AfJRvrJDhYar3dEy5owumHvpmY__o8AX40ulLTt14E-8kKNfARwNXuHiAoJmPk8bsrHJqTAg5KZSxRURGQz0PHwSZ8mAbckrrT26OgBU8UMdps8UJjZExcwnlh6vm00eidj0XeXD8P4jjbwzEihVN7KtMjn37ETK4l80MdYSBkP7MkZQ_mFqb5pX8JumDRb7lJDhh3wlQgzsv-8c1FYnXU9x5vG3Ph9TC3nMg1PFCSYm3oWaK0U8PrGEfvOWXyjc4OPrZKNxDWQ4_S8dKtlDYrywatbm50Axl6IJz4cudkAc7Ef1Ki1avQaGO6-xzdQhHAQwpsvOYQbWr09f-2rwjIQJhjmXGBt5RQiOJUlZBnOGlyPC7-OagX_hLwlnkDzzI4OBWtN9NYPR7x3tW_kbmu3oyLMG4Z1Jrka-XNakD9ZGie5QdJZy3-2gdoiOI9YKuQgV2u-ZVdoJQwZg4R4BvdosrNcY3TS0H1BPgbPS6Ge3oSG5GPy1XNmRXzSkgxhXnWP5i7BHX_ZTEjbnAzIJds2iQYLg2UHEjmHVEm7Q8VuxkcK-VYtUZ1iV0HMDaDdKRFh89lYKpkeRaRvjJoUqDRD1KZgHKkyC1ElgmfP8hONkjOLO8RyF9KRknLS2H-uQEaNIMfcDPA0um8-hJN0urWuXJaFhNH4drz_TWSYAFdvWjPb259esatRQmGM5LuCaELsAD0dMcfxAqgoERoBjW2ki8g9_IY4OpLz0ekAfw7LD-CATILiaaiTOwTR2AWNJDhD8kybvLoMCyAy99Jhy6yJVz1yLkFDBrrQsZGjv42LTxAJcd2bDAW-Zk3P5HNrmSc_azJ-MXjfYWBvTeIP4Cl70ZRcfH6qKtocHzce7QS6EvSlcXhbLOkbHQBF3lkGrdQgyDhUBlZoZX713kfClBkkFeEVMktjSJlf1pWdihrJpxiW-3Zdiv_pxvrpmnhHYLbZgPUNvvpL19dL_OGyPxvtCEJBd4YKP5jdI4aMsZJTFhRr7Ll11NoGH9tkg5cE4AxOdPb8, timeoutSeconds=120.0, rpId="google.com", allowList=[PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor[W-DEYiPMMcqip9pm5ToRee3jCaOCZcc8qrIPUTuPGbOntMZx7ovaJBDKIXhZMhV60-_Y_7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhA, type=public-key, transports=[]], PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor[sWETwJbeOiv7aAIRqNdclyUXdM7A8Xe0kEN1Mz-dJHCRMXT3TTylpSWyYpGpYj11JuolVvuoK7qYFmLH_fT_nw, type=public-key, transports=[]]], authenticationExtensions=AuthenticationExtensions[fidoAppIdExtension="https://www.gstatic.com/securitykey/origins.json"]], origin=https://accounts.google.com]
10-05 22:03:56.227  7274  7274 D FidoUi  : Finish with error: FIDO AppId must be same TLD+1 (NOT_ALLOWED_ERR)
10-05 22:03:56.270  6140  6140 I WebAuthnFeature: Received activity result with code: 10 and original request code: 10
10-05 22:03:56.281  6140  6140 E WebAuthnTokenManager: errorCode.name: NOT_ALLOWED_ERR
10-05 22:03:56.281  6140  6140 E WebAuthnTokenManager: errorMessage: FIDO AppId must be same TLD+1
10-05 22:03:56.298   572   572 I android.hardware.power-service-qti: Power setMode: 5 to: 0
10-05 22:03:56.339  3434  3451 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 
10-05 22:03:56.339  3434  3451 I chatty  : uid=10149(com.android.launcher3) FinalizerDaemon identical 1 line
10-05 22:03:56.339  3434  3451 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 
10-05 22:03:56.352  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: begin_transaction
10-05 22:03:56.385  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: commit
10-05 22:03:56.412  3205  3236 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 25535(1260KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/20MB, paused 87us total 167.717ms
10-05 22:03:59.373  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 5000 msec from now
10-05 22:03:59.373  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 5000 msec from now
10-05 22:03:59.373  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 5010 msec from now
10-05 22:03:59.373  6140  6174 D GeckoIdleService: Reset idle timeout: tell observer 0x70cf7c9528 user is back
[ telephony & keyguard entries removed ]
10-05 22:04:00.365  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: begin_transaction
10-05 22:04:00.398  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: commit
10-05 22:04:00.483  6140  6140 I WebAuthnFeature: Received activity delegate request with code: 11
10-05 22:04:00.486  2730 11113 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.fido.core.ui.AuthenticatorActivity (has extras)} from uid 10085
10-05 22:04:00.489   572   572 I android.hardware.power-service-qti: Power setMode: 5 to: 1
10-05 22:04:00.496  6140  6152 I mozilla.firefo: Background concurrent copying GC freed 162140(6069KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(132KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 4912KB/9825KB, paused 287us total 178.640ms
10-05 22:04:00.501  2730 11113 W ActivityTaskManager: Tried to set launchTime (0) < mLastActivityLaunchTime (63140476)
10-05 22:04:00.524  6140  6154 W System  : A resource failed to call release. 
10-05 22:04:00.537  7274  7274 D FidoUi  : onCreate caller=org.mozilla.firefox options=BrowserPublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions[PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions[challenge=AJhMu1kpVg9_Ct8qsWStT3NFCIJD12Xzwlj_TOzAWzHWll_mnVBVJNhn5CkobyRVX8EkUqoBWc9jwFUrYlZ6IdSu-ICzeZCBCXkERGNJUE3tER7YzAJIeYTRNUmS_QHUnYL-Y5236G3biSLRj4_A_CS-A6Jv4P0BsPBfpDHMqX2Z5ue0qeuQO2-Gd2dbOZjIx-gU6jI-TnuiUrgPkVg1RDzKTb30FiuDZDsTQQwpwad0oq1YFH04g53sExTTOZvXkxXk6hpCTovN8Yygo2T4VxVuSqmmlJVKxBwwTh9v6MKwldBuH026b-stGkzFnilzPVdyQGtD5X1u2A59uSe6meL8MM5A1iYJteHv6idHaNgghrWwdbNPNpwehidGQHWl7cCkvTvrmWGIkT_Ae6fhp04D_KBdpTaq1CpntfF9TolM5KpdVgRKhP9BDwtqd_b3MJLTI_RcANxGNwanZijB9w7s2Ja2xJHWZP0NhQLtIqTEDwLOhGZEOt4NcXy4BOZImxwCEwXU2Vy3HP465bYgVQIZUPWbw6dA1tvf4BmosJG2kC04hJW-S7CkjLHK_sXV5i3wF-g0mCCl__HIA7PW-t837_C4F42rhgzo6JycA2iQWCWg9D7kIBnUoLFJkp2zV8T-0M4rMXhlltmFGHzFONjWhIPwMK6l0X_qTs_2dEirkmS6n0yPVTpgKKxasevZ9gAp9k2NhTlZayKsCtzLQaNlBfZ_xMefObxIrqQQvJCXhrrEwVoWhu_tMKzRSDy9fDDjtbMh4K4r_IBZ_xa-ujxxDGIJ9iK__pqI21nH7ljG1L7bkbKnL-58ug-TdaKzrSxRcMmqd48th3ad5_cqeQrJiChPnq0rK3Vyk-RnC68PBBKlsvYw3yoUVf_zrUZTwaqMwpPMmx24sJ89Fj1BhvqyY9pCiVykn4gnYgzGWchO2DIg9PeM5lKCUILECycSNwVwTIPZXvXlyVFr5UgSeE96fLEW-_6Dgp1TOuGcGp8h2b1SjrVLOQbqwDECGYcz8w8dYH-RL9TYBcmUxv0m1JE9UID7KoTYaZrbZ1sxvaeGXtdboJsnO1o49mRrD7Nlh1nah1OrIsYy8obegePwzX4iiDiqX38uQ_2LyBGL_YM1ZInBTd8Zuyeem3ynWtjSTX6CcdoLLvA7S5xt_n49bvaDf_9UXB-jecryDbXOiafvuXo894F1gVfy8EfqV_8_Htd5NFa-nBPWwyEEA_kR_DdTbn0sykA0Tm0Qc8iLbQGqssoSkM1yrO6vvGiQUM2LI1cnVfW164GJBUNK1s1ZrezB1OL-npzBbtYZmV6Ne7SHvoPNZo10hc0Dgs_Hm6nJhANy1mC2jS3IUSzvQcueSjz78pAh10CsEcrxVvhxC1H8nOqMTmvXXxyzIP5tyDiVZN96r-4X2cEj297GpvUqQHAcEQ1_AgRQqR-5TrmbuRUJfHj8TUOnt8yLzunlwM2UPazvMiAV-V5VPgwh2EF1tIL_wkgmjqKkUvebbWtxQ834sQTnuWsIlCHOt5YSWNGCbMnB8Y3o04ajlT2ZFak0EgeooQXFJlg9MoMWDalj3QE6ECSzCKT5aE9fpb4wjwp4UED2UAG3YUcI2k6C7diSq68oJZtDPw2R6FZZ6JNGPIqIFTNgs2XjuNu3iCRRmU1UYltG_l1PwaYSy6sqlgHjBXsy_f0SjBYuBbCHHDSk2tETRKmoA86NKJ4cul9aM_FTRJLSsR-awSp2Usg2Do1BkoSn9chSeDve_Lql1nTEnN_kR_Yg9pRAzmvJIMinJYu4WcoDvdu_r5yFd0vgNeRdfePW6dDhygmSHlSsdflO8lnZsFH6LmZGeG71ZnkQwzjA_W-FG4PaCItLnofI8FggWRNfdEDvegkUqpxgdQDwEXJ_Vsvkzx0BM-2Vc-Ridcql4U9zk3xhQ4UbtJjKQILEAzWecfgJv-z8ALNYmGgv5DdwnvJgjbAgAIeoHAXwLIq3Sdb7d4JRZiskfcyoQTQyUIlKGMaWNZa-WfjwWcgKxGeWlJzsz5UaLq2L_kCoMtic9sHC3-xjFqyvA_lxtJPMfEwGvReTPNLzbHC04gBWkAXoJWcfS6wlktQQEetuBeboMmOevizt-bDOtrXvYQfJvJ30Ve7LxaaH117dmQNsubnT8fq3Nv-uGOYLt_O2TqSLHEiWAuqiLmNFv0rcxWQ6-dSq3BB98ReC8eTDPHo-FrBuLIxP5uYZQ5AAmyzNYlxKY-c8IF3memuvKn4MH4h6xUTBslAFIhqil6Crv3rPCugogkqPa4g6dpkF4GbVMDKsAC7drzyvB5oAuiVCugKoqWqPyT2P02CapXX7NkIh0MdgTwWtUSusf2MP5V2uvGBqTNj0MTLgMItyiOGZGpNqgDVxC_trXRVb2we6-ruC9XrEsBVk-tV6q9O9126QQGTI_A99Vqbal_8RntaPnds7zlgoinFdz_4SO7IuKMbOvjjejAXX6s5HGhsQS6KpZCgAIF1n00xmlxFNhQHUeS5y5ADNU4IcVMxa5osHEFgSJxBZ_A_vIdM2paG382WAm1VV267oIwqdP-fypBLWvglhfULLSEiJ_tqJTT1_jbwY7Z-cneG3p-jb2PgdSFG4SqOavl5MHc0B_qEVqjoH93k1xhUCYSFoY5EZyqggbuqF2ZvtfCKw31oZjWjGcnxEWpXzzBmN9d9JdzhI8V8WCv-0oujw80WGfUuMsudQnIgtvyYSIJ4Dfso_YdfhacXhJ5JMf9U9X6T2BhWLJs901T0d4W-l37NOEQvegZWcsuStXijiMjYeDbEImCOmV-6ywVWDQLb7ONYnbmTtuk5_3TAESVd0-HlDGjRDPXY5a_hrxmJup3IPbkura9ayDZg, timeoutSeconds=120.0, rpId="google.com", allowList=[PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor[W-DEYiPMMcqip9pm5ToRee3jCaOCZcc8qrIPUTuPGbOntMZx7ovaJBDKIXhZMhV60-_Y_7PIkwKSzZMu47sVhA, type=public-key, transports=[]], PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor[sWETwJbeOiv7aAIRqNdclyUXdM7A8Xe0kEN1Mz-dJHCRMXT3TTylpSWyYpGpYj11JuolVvuoK7qYFmLH_fT_nw, type=public-key, transports=[]]], authenticationExtensions=AuthenticationExtensions[fidoAppIdExtension="https://www.gstatic.com/securitykey/origins.json"]], origin=https://accounts.google.com]
10-05 22:04:00.538  7274  7274 D FidoUi  : Finish with error: FIDO AppId must be same TLD+1 (NOT_ALLOWED_ERR)
10-05 22:04:00.564  6140  6140 I WebAuthnFeature: Received activity result with code: 11 and original request code: 11
10-05 22:04:00.577  6140  6140 E WebAuthnTokenManager: errorCode.name: NOT_ALLOWED_ERR
10-05 22:04:00.577  6140  6140 E WebAuthnTokenManager: errorMessage: FIDO AppId must be same TLD+1
10-05 22:04:00.590   572   572 I android.hardware.power-service-qti: Power setMode: 5 to: 0
10-05 22:04:00.658  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: begin_transaction
10-05 22:04:00.672  3205  3236 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 3957(283KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/20MB, paused 593us total 120.928ms
10-05 22:04:00.735  6140  6390 I places::storage::history: breadcrumb: apply_observation: commit
10-05 22:04:02.493  3205  3205 V ShadeControllerImpl: NotificationShadeWindow: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.NotificationShadeWindowView{2f20a7c I.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,1920} canPanelBeCollapsed(): false
10-05 22:04:02.495  2730 11408 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.android.launcher3 cmp=com.android.launcher3/.uioverrides.QuickstepLauncher (has extras)} from uid 10149
10-05 22:04:02.496   572   572 I android.hardware.power-service-qti: Power setMode: 5 to: 1
10-05 22:04:02.530  2730  3647 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.WINDOW_OVERLAY dat=app://com.android.launcher3:10149?v=9&cv=14 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox } U=0: not found
10-05 22:04:02.532  3434  3434 D RecentsOrientedState: current RecentsOrientedState: [this=RecentsOrientedState@c2f9bc4 mOrientationHandler=PortraitPagedViewHandler@f533aad mDisplayRotation=0 mTouchRotation=0 mRecentsActivityRotation=0 isRecentsActivityRotationAllowed=false mSystemRotation=false mFlags=291]
10-05 22:04:02.536  2730 11408 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.android.launcher3.WINDOW_OVERLAY dat=app://com.android.launcher3:10149?v=9&cv=14 pkg=com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox } U=0: not found
10-05 22:04:02.532  3434  3434 D RecentsOrientedState: current RecentsOrientedState: [this=RecentsOrientedState@c2f9bc4 mOrientationHandler=PortraitPagedViewHandler@f533aad mDisplayRotation=0 mTouchRotation=0 mRecentsActivityRotation=0 isRecentsActivityRotationAllowed=false mSystemRotation=false mFlags=291]
10-05 22:04:02.578  3434  3434 D RecentsOrientedState: current RecentsOrientedState: [this=RecentsOrientedState@4c45838 mOrientationHandler=PortraitPagedViewHandler@f533aad mDisplayRotation=0 mTouchRotation=0 mRecentsActivityRotation=0 isRecentsActivityRotationAllowed=false mSystemRotation=false mFlags=35]
10-05 22:04:02.578  3434  3434 I chatty  : uid=10149(com.android.launcher3) identical 2 lines
10-05 22:04:02.578  3434  3434 D RecentsOrientedState: current RecentsOrientedState: [this=RecentsOrientedState@4c45838 mOrientationHandler=PortraitPagedViewHandler@f533aad mDisplayRotation=0 mTouchRotation=0 mRecentsActivityRotation=0 isRecentsActivityRotationAllowed=false mSystemRotation=false mFlags=35]
10-05 22:04:02.581   572   572 I android.hardware.power-service-qti: Power setMode: 5 to: 0
10-05 22:04:02.694  3205  3236 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 1741(175KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/20MB, paused 82us total 104.298ms
10-05 22:04:02.894   619   619 E Layer   : [Surface(name=Task=1)/@0x6d6133a - animation-leash#0] No local sync point found
10-05 22:04:02.895   619   619 E Layer   : [Surface(name=Task=144)/@0xe9d808d - animation-leash#0] No local sync point found
10-05 22:04:02.900  6140  6140 I MemoryController: onTrimMemory(20)
10-05 22:04:02.900  6140  6140 I FenixApplication: onTrimMemory(), level=20, main=true
10-05 22:04:03.230  6140  6140 I SessionStorage/AutoSave: Save: Background
10-05 22:04:03.242  6140  6172 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::metrics::ping: Glean disabled: not submitting any pings.
10-05 22:04:03.242  6140  6172 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::core: baseline ping not submitted on inactive
10-05 22:04:03.242  6140  6172 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::metrics::ping: Glean disabled: not submitting any pings.
10-05 22:04:03.242  6140  6172 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::core: events ping not submitted on inactive
10-05 22:04:03.329  2730 11113 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10167/6140 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2664, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10167 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10167 RequestorPackageName: org.mozilla.firefox] ]
10-05 22:04:03.329  2730  3161 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [2664 : null → 129]
10-05 22:04:03.331  2730  3157 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2664, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10167 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10167 RequestorPackageName: org.mozilla.firefox] ] with score 60 and providerId 5
10-05 22:04:03.333  2730  3193 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2664, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10167 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10167 RequestorPackageName: org.mozilla.firefox] ] with score 60 and providerId 5
10-05 22:04:03.334  3614  3614 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2664, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10167 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10167 RequestorPackageName: org.mozilla.firefox] ] with score 60 and providerId 5
10-05 22:04:03.334  2730  3157 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2664, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10167 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10167 RequestorPackageName: org.mozilla.firefox] ] with score 60 and providerId 5
[ telephony & keyguard entries removed ]
10-05 22:04:03.359  3614  3614 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=1, activeData=1
10-05 22:04:03.359  3614  3614 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference.
10-05 22:04:03.359  3614  3614 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=2, activeData=1
10-05 22:04:03.359  3614  3614 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference.
10-05 22:04:03.372  6140  6260 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-firefox/deletion-request/1/db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: IOException while uploading ping
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: java.io.IOException: org.mozilla.geckoview.WebRequestError: Request failed, error=0x43, category=0x3
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.browser.engine.gecko.fetch.GeckoViewFetchClient.fetch(GeckoViewFetchClient.kt:63)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.service.glean.net.ConceptFetchHttpUploader.performUpload$service_glean_release(ConceptFetchHttpUploader.kt:5)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.service.glean.net.ConceptFetchHttpUploader.upload(ConceptFetchHttpUploader.kt:14)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.net.BaseUploader.upload(Unknown Source:17)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.net.BaseUploader.doUpload$glean_release(BaseUploader.kt:2)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker.doWork(PingUploadWorker.kt:16)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at androidx.work.Worker$1.run(Worker.java:1)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: Caused by: org.mozilla.geckoview.WebRequestError: Request failed, error=0x43, category=0x3
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at org.mozilla.gecko.mozglue.GeckoLoader.nativeRun(Native Method)
10-05 22:04:03.431  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoThread.run(GeckoThread.java:151)
10-05 22:04:03.433  6140  6260 W libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Recoverable upload failure while attempting to send ping db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8, will retry. Error was RecoverableFailure { unused: 0 }
10-05 22:04:03.433  6140  6260 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.firefox/glean_data/deletion_request/db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8
10-05 22:04:03.435  6140  6260 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-firefox/deletion-request/1/db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: IOException while uploading ping
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: java.io.IOException: org.mozilla.geckoview.WebRequestError: Request failed, error=0x43, category=0x3
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.browser.engine.gecko.fetch.GeckoViewFetchClient.fetch(GeckoViewFetchClient.kt:63)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.service.glean.net.ConceptFetchHttpUploader.performUpload$service_glean_release(ConceptFetchHttpUploader.kt:5)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.service.glean.net.ConceptFetchHttpUploader.upload(ConceptFetchHttpUploader.kt:14)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.net.BaseUploader.upload(Unknown Source:17)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.net.BaseUploader.doUpload$glean_release(BaseUploader.kt:2)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker.doWork(PingUploadWorker.kt:16)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at androidx.work.Worker$1.run(Worker.java:1)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: Caused by: org.mozilla.geckoview.WebRequestError: Request failed, error=0x43, category=0x3
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at org.mozilla.gecko.mozglue.GeckoLoader.nativeRun(Native Method)
10-05 22:04:03.471  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoThread.run(GeckoThread.java:151)
10-05 22:04:03.472  6140  6260 W libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Recoverable upload failure while attempting to send ping db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8, will retry. Error was RecoverableFailure { unused: 0 }
10-05 22:04:03.473  6140  6260 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.firefox/glean_data/deletion_request/db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8
10-05 22:04:03.474  6140  6260 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: New upload task with id db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8 (path: /submit/org-mozilla-firefox/deletion-request/1/db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: IOException while uploading ping
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: java.io.IOException: org.mozilla.geckoview.WebRequestError: Request failed, error=0x43, category=0x3
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.browser.engine.gecko.fetch.GeckoViewFetchClient.fetch(GeckoViewFetchClient.kt:63)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.service.glean.net.ConceptFetchHttpUploader.performUpload$service_glean_release(ConceptFetchHttpUploader.kt:5)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.components.service.glean.net.ConceptFetchHttpUploader.upload(ConceptFetchHttpUploader.kt:14)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.net.BaseUploader.upload(Unknown Source:17)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.net.BaseUploader.doUpload$glean_release(BaseUploader.kt:2)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker.doWork(PingUploadWorker.kt:16)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at androidx.work.Worker$1.run(Worker.java:1)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader: Caused by: org.mozilla.geckoview.WebRequestError: Request failed, error=0x43, category=0x3
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at org.mozilla.gecko.mozglue.GeckoLoader.nativeRun(Native Method)
10-05 22:04:03.491  6140  6260 W glean/ConceptFetchHttpUploader:    at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoThread.run(GeckoThread.java:151)
10-05 22:04:03.493  6140  6260 W libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Recoverable upload failure while attempting to send ping db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8, will retry. Error was RecoverableFailure { unused: 0 }
10-05 22:04:03.493  6140  6260 I libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload::directory: Processing ping at: /data/user/0/org.mozilla.firefox/glean_data/deletion_request/db44e1bc-24bd-4ac7-8846-183163def2f8
10-05 22:04:03.494  6140  6260 W libglean_ffi: glean_core::upload: Reached maximum recoverable failures for the current uploading window. You are done.
10-05 22:04:03.497  6140  6210 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=62e5166c-ddc5-4ebe-a445-2e510b1f8862, tags={ mozilla.telemetry.glean.scheduler.PingUploadWorker, mozac_service_glean_ping_upload_worker } ]
10-05 22:04:03.502  2730  3161 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=2664, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10167 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10167 RequestorPackageName: org.mozilla.firefox] ] (release request)
restena-sw commented 1 year ago

Maybe I'm again living in the past with my Fairphone 3 /e/OS 1.4 build, apologies. In case not:

I tried to register the Fairphone against a server that required Passwordless compatibility (userVerification required, residentKey required, keyProps report requested, credProtect = 2 required). Basically the client-side JS you can find here: https://github.com/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp-module-webauthn/blob/release-2.0/www/assets/js/webauthn.js#L116

To my surprise, the microG "token" went through a successful registration but did not report about a resident key being created (it did execute and report about userVerification being done).

This is not a conformant implementation: if residentKey is set to required, it needs to fail the registration process if it cannot assert resident keys. And if it does support resident keys with the credProps client extension, it needs to respond with credProps or fail the request if it doesn't understand the extension.

Of course, once it properly creates and stores and reports about resident keys, a natural question would be how the security of the stored credentials is ascertained. Like, does microG use TEE storage if available on the phone, etc.

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

Hi @restena-sw

First of all, thanks for looking into these things, it's very much appreciated.

The WebAuthn implementation on Android is a little bit more complex than on desktops. This is because parts of what the client / user agent is supposed to do according to the WebAuthn specification are done in the browser app, while other parts are done in Play Services / microG.

Browsers do not forward the credProps extension from the webauthn registration operation to microG. Either it is meant to be handled entirely in the browser, or not supported at all. credProps was also not part of WebAuthn L1, so maybe support for L2 is just not available to Android yet (enterprise attestation also is not supported).

microG does store the keys in the Android key store, which will use TEE or SE on supported devices. Since 304c3522e992a3db641411fd21df4088db579dad we also have support for the android-key attestation statement on supported devices (and android-safetynet attestation statement for unsupported devices).

strugee commented 1 year ago

I believe https://github.com/microg/GmsCore/wiki/Implementation-Status needs updating to indicate partial support?

luken-dev commented 1 year ago

Hi, Tried installing latest nightly on a fresh LineageOS install, and it works exactly the same. Keys work, with the exception of logging into a Google account, which fails to bring up a security key prompt.

restena-sw commented 1 year ago

Re the firefox tests on e/OS/: my bad... yes, I tried Firefox which means there is no Level 2 support - Firefox has open bugs and lots of votes on passwordless FIDO. Also on a desktop, Firefox doesn't know how to handle passwordless. I should really have run those tests with a Chromium-based browser, where Level 2 is available.

So I used the e/OS/ built-in fork of Bromite, but that doesn't have any FIDO capabilities at all :-( So, for the moment, there is no way for me to test UV, resident keys or credProtect on this device. IOW: forgot what I said.

FWIW, credProps is indeed part of WebAuthN Level 2, see chapter 10.4 (https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#sctn-authenticator-credential-properties-extension)

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

@restena-sw According to https://chromestatus.com/feature/5701094648840192 credProps extension support is only available on Chrome/Chromium Desktop since version 89. Mobile Chrome (and forks) are still at L1. The latest (beta) version of the official fido library for Android (available here) is dated January 2021 and does not support L2, the PR for WebAuthn L2 is dated February 2021 and Chrome 89 was released March 2021. So for now, no support for WebAuthn L2 on Android (when using the official fido library, other implementations like the Hardware Security SDK might be able to support it in case you need it).

Yannik commented 1 year ago

Hi, Tried installing latest nightly on a fresh LineageOS install, and it works exactly the same. Keys work, with the exception of logging into a Google account, which fails to bring up a security key prompt.

@luken-dev A logcat would surely help in debugging this issue.

ale5000-git commented 1 year ago

@mar-v-in Soon I will be able to test it with a Fido2 key that support USB/NFC/Bluetooth. How is the current bluetooth support?

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

I don't have a key with Bluetooth yet, so I couldn't test and thus didn't start development

ale5000-git commented 1 year ago

Meanwhile I will report whether it works or not with USB once it is arrived. I have ordered this: https://shop.ftsafe.us/collections/multipass-fido-series/products/k25

luken-dev commented 1 year ago

@Yannik see here: https://github.com/microg/GmsCore/issues/849#issuecomment-1268929313

ale5000-git commented 1 year ago

@mar-v-in I have seen a report on a forum that say that adding a Google account with SafetyNet disabled make microG crash. It may be related to the new FIDO code.

mar-v-in commented 1 year ago

@ale5000-git It's not directly related to FIDO code but was introduced with adding support for DroidGuard attestation for MinuteMaid account sign-up flow (which indeed is new in 0.2.25).

restena-sw commented 1 year ago

Just confirmed that a Fairphone 3 with e/OS/ 1.5 Android 12 (microG can both register and authenticate WebAuthN with the fingerprint sensor of the device. Hooray! Given the absence of a browser app that could possibly support Passwordless auth, I guess this is as far as we can go right now. Thanks VERY much @mar-v-in !