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Can't communicate with Google servers #974

Closed pmaccarron closed 4 years ago

pmaccarron commented 4 years ago

I can't sign into my google which has a few purchased apps I'd like to access. Whenever I try to sign in I get: "Sorry.... There was a problem communicating with Google servers. Try again later"

This used to work on version 0.2.6 however if I roll back now I get the same thing. I just tried another account there and that worked so then attempted to create a family group to share those apps but I couldn't access them without Google Play store shennanigans.

Checking the security settings on each of these google accounts they appear to be set up the same. I tried using the Checkin method in the dialler but that made no difference.

Here is the logcat (full logcat here): 11-03 22:36:08.500 17213 17218 I art : Do full code cache collection, code=27KB, data=126KB 11-03 22:36:08.501 17213 17218 I art : Starting a blocking GC JitCodeCache 11-03 22:36:08.501 17213 17218 I art : After code cache collection, code=14KB, data=17KB 11-03 22:36:09.385 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:36:09.385 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:36:09.385 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:36:09.385 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:36:09.385 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:36:09.385 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:36:09.385 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:36:09.387 17213 17213 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:358): avc: denied { read } for uid=10064 name="gpuclk" dev="sysfs" ino=11316 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-03 22:36:09.389 17213 17251 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:36:09.389 17213 17251 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:36:09.391 17213 17251 W Adreno-ES20: <get_gpu_clk:229>: open failed: errno 13 11-03 22:36:09.789 17213 17213 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 11-03 22:36:09.790 17213 17213 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 11-03 22:36:09.841 17213 17213 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.FrameLayout{cf154d5 V.E...... ......ID 0,84-540,192 #7f09003c app:id/buttonbarframe} during layout: running second layout pass 11-03 22:36:09.841 17213 17213 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar{c5834ea V.E...... ......ID 0,0-540,84 #7f090011 app:id/action_bar} during layout: running second layout pass 11-03 22:36:09.986 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.amaze.filemanager/.activities.MainActivity: +3s616ms 11-03 22:36:10.377 17213 17260 D skia : --- SkAndroidCodec::NewFromStream returned null 11-03 22:36:10.378 17213 17260 D skia : --- SkAndroidCodec::NewFromStream returned null 11-03 22:36:10.379 17213 17260 D skia : --- SkAndroidCodec::NewFromStream returned null 11-03 22:36:10.384 17213 17260 D skia : --- SkAndroidCodec::NewFromStream returned null 11-03 22:36:10.869 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:12.308 17213 17218 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=101KB, data=125KB 11-03 22:36:12.310 17213 17218 I art : After code cache collection, code=93KB, data=120KB 11-03 22:36:12.310 17213 17218 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 512KB 11-03 22:36:13.927 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:16.990 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:19.750 842 31366 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17263:android.process.media/u0a9 for content provider com.android.providers.media/.MediaProvider 11-03 22:36:19.849 17263 17263 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/arm 11-03 22:36:19.951 17263 17263 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm 11-03 22:36:19.954 17263 17263 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm:/system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/DownloadProvider.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xb33d7090 11-03 22:36:20.050 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:20.346 842 31366 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/logs.txt typ=text/plain cmp=android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity} from uid 10064 on display 0 11-03 22:36:20.379 17213 17213 I Choreographer: Skipped 39 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-03 22:36:20.424 842 1778 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17283:system:ui/1000 for activity android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity 11-03 22:36:20.960 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity: +551ms 11-03 22:36:22.404 842 3080 I PackageManager: Setting last chosen activity org.billthefarmer.editor/.Editor for user 0: 11-03 22:36:22.404 842 3080 I PackageManager: Action: "android.intent.action.VIEW" 11-03 22:36:22.404 842 3080 I PackageManager: Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" 11-03 22:36:22.404 842 3080 I PackageManager: Type: "text/plain" 11-03 22:36:22.404 842 3080 I PackageManager: AutoVerify=false 11-03 22:36:22.409 842 2153 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/logs.txt typ=text/plain flg=0x13000000 cmp=org.billthefarmer.editor/.Editor} from uid 10064 on display 0 11-03 22:36:22.476 842 5714 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17302:org.billthefarmer.editor/u0a86 for activity org.billthefarmer.editor/.Editor 11-03 22:36:22.589 842 1681 W art : Long monitor contention with owner Binder:842_C (5714) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.activityPaused(android.os.IBinder)(ActivityManagerService.java:7128) waiters=0 in void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.dispatchUidsChanged() for 125ms 11-03 22:36:22.683 842 1778 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 93ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked 11-03 22:36:22.715 17302 17302 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/org.billthefarmer.editor-1/lib/arm 11-03 22:36:22.722 12757 12784 W cr_ChildProcessConn: onServiceDisconnected (crash or killed by oom): pid=15694 11-03 22:36:22.731 842 852 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 54043(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(408KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 15MB/23MB, paused 2.414ms total 181.378ms 11-03 22:36:22.750 842 2403 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.vending (pid 15886) has died 11-03 22:36:22.750 842 2403 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 15886 11-03 22:36:22.764 842 2153 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.printspooler (pid 16787) has died 11-03 22:36:22.764 842 2153 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16787 11-03 22:36:22.774 278 278 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/16740/oom_score_adj; errno=2 11-03 22:36:22.778 842 2718 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver (pid 16740) has died 11-03 22:36:22.778 842 2718 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16740 11-03 22:36:22.795 842 10264 I ActivityManager: Process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process21 (pid 15694) has died 11-03 22:36:22.795 842 10264 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 15694 11-03 22:36:22.796 842 10264 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.brave.browser/org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService21 in 1000ms 11-03 22:36:22.813 842 31366 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 8 11-03 22:36:22.813 842 10165 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{ce2788a u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings} 11-03 22:36:22.813 842 1754 W InputDispatcher: channel 'ce2788a com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 11-03 22:36:22.813 842 1754 E InputDispatcher: channel 'ce2788a com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 11-03 22:36:22.813 842 1754 W InputDispatcher: channel 'b78354c com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 11-03 22:36:22.813 842 1754 E InputDispatcher: channel 'b78354c com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 11-03 22:36:22.814 842 10165 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'ce2788a com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings (server)' 11-03 22:36:22.835 842 2403 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{b78354c u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity} 11-03 22:36:22.835 842 2403 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'b78354c com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$DevelopmentSettingsActivity (server)' 11-03 22:36:22.849 842 1519 I ActivityManager: Process taxi.android.client (pid 17070) has died 11-03 22:36:22.849 842 1519 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17070 11-03 22:36:22.874 278 278 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/16667/oom_score_adj; errno=2 11-03 22:36:22.875 278 278 E lowmemorykiller: Error opening /proc/16723/oom_score_adj; errno=2 11-03 22:36:22.882 842 5714 I ActivityManager: Process com.windscribe.vpn (pid 16667) has died 11-03 22:36:22.882 842 5714 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16667 11-03 22:36:22.894 842 1518 I ActivityManager: Process com.windscribe.vpn:openvpn (pid 16723) has died 11-03 22:36:22.894 842 1518 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16723 11-03 22:36:22.910 842 2153 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.settings (pid 16687) has died 11-03 22:36:22.910 842 2153 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16687 11-03 22:36:22.990 12757 12757 I cr_TabWebContentsObs: renderProcessGone() for tab id: 14930, oom protected: false, already needs reload: false 11-03 22:36:23.100 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:23.223 17302 17322 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:36:23.223 17302 17322 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:36:23.223 17302 17322 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:36:23.223 17302 17322 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:36:23.223 17302 17322 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:36:23.223 17302 17322 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:36:23.223 17302 17322 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:36:23.231 17302 17302 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:359): avc: denied { read } for uid=10086 name="gpuclk" dev="sysfs" ino=11316 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-03 22:36:23.233 17302 17322 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:36:23.233 17302 17322 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:36:23.235 17302 17322 W Adreno-ES20: <get_gpu_clk:229>: open failed: errno 13 11-03 22:36:23.435 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed org.billthefarmer.editor/.Editor: +972ms 11-03 22:36:26.154 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:26.405 17302 17302 I Choreographer: Skipped 183 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-03 22:36:29.214 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:29.510 17302 17302 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring onBind: cur seq=403, given seq=402 11-03 22:36:29.510 17302 17302 I Choreographer: Skipped 182 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-03 22:36:29.953 842 5714 W ActivityManager: Finishing task with all activities already finished 11-03 22:36:29.954 842 5714 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{18b6002 u0 android/com.android.internal.app.ResolverActivity t23305 f} 11-03 22:36:32.271 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:35.336 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:38.399 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:41.462 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:44.508 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:47.557 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:50.619 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:53.679 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:56.745 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:36:59.805 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:02.869 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:04.550 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SCAN TYPE=ONLY freq=2412 scan_id=17,18' 11-03 22:37:04.550 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 0.000000 sec 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: Scan SSID (manual request): UPC4288703 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: Scan SSID (manual request): UPC9414284 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Limit manual scan to specified channels 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Add radio work 'scan'@0xb67a8270 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting radio work 'scan'@0xb67a8270 after 0.000070 second wait 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: scan request 11-03 22:37:04.551 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds 11-03 22:37:04.552 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 33 (NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN) received for wlan0 11-03 22:37:04.552 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: Scan trigger 11-03 22:37:04.552 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_STARTED (46) received 11-03 22:37:04.552 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Own scan request started a scan in 0.000163 seconds 11-03 22:37:04.640 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 34 (NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS) received for wlan0 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: New scan results available 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan probed for SSID 'UPC4288703' 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan probed for SSID 'UPC9414284' 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan probed for SSID '' 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan included frequencies: 2412 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Scan completed in 0.089017 seconds 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated on 2412 MHz 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated with e0:b9:e5:e9:93:cf 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Received scan results (12 BSSes) 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan results indicate BSS status with e0:b9:e5:e9:93:cf as associated 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 578 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: BSS: last_scan_res_used=12/64 11-03 22:37:04.641 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Scan-only results received 11-03 22:37:04.642 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Radio work 'scan'@0xb67a8270 done in 0.091600 seconds 11-03 22:37:04.643 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: radio_work_free('scan'@0xb67a8270: num_active_works --> 0 11-03 22:37:04.684 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:37:04.684 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:37:04.684 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:37:04.689 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:37:04.689 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:37:04.689 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:37:05.930 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:08.987 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:12.048 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:15.109 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:18.166 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:21.225 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:24.285 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:27.347 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:30.410 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:33.476 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:36.541 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:37.047 842 1683 E BatteryStatsService: power: Missing API 11-03 22:37:37.069 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:37:37.084 1818 1818 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0 11-03 22:37:37.087 842 2403 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@91227ca attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@bb3250e 11-03 22:37:37.100 842 1683 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-03 22:37:37.128 842 1683 E BatteryStatsService: modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0} 11-03 22:37:37.160 17302 17302 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:37:37.217 17302 17302 W IInputConnectionWrapper: requestCursorAnchorInfo on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:37:37.224 17302 17302 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:37:37.225 1818 1818 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text. 11-03 22:37:37.225 1818 1818 D RichInputConnection: Will try to retrieve text later. 11-03 22:37:37.243 17302 17302 W IInputConnectionWrapper: getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:37:37.243 1818 1818 E RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor to retrieve text. 11-03 22:37:37.243 1818 1818 W RichInputConnection: Unable to connect to the editor. Setting caps mode without knowing text. 11-03 22:37:37.294 17302 17302 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:37:37.298 1818 1818 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0 11-03 22:37:37.480 17302 17322 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x9a25cd00 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0x9ba86ce0 11-03 22:37:39.594 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:42.659 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:45.720 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:45.731 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:37:48.793 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:48.805 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:37:51.867 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:52.317 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:37:52.328 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:37:53.267 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=108.18239, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:37:53.267 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: Sliding distanceY > distancex, 4.4953003, -1.4972305 11-03 22:37:53.514 17213 17213 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:360): avc: denied { read } for uid=10064 name="gpuclk" dev="sysfs" ino=11316 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 11-03 22:37:53.515 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:37:53.515 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:37:53.515 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:37:53.515 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:37:53.515 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:37:53.515 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:37:53.515 17213 17251 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:37:53.516 17213 17251 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:37:53.516 17213 17251 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:37:53.517 17213 17251 W Adreno-ES20: <get_gpu_clk:229>: open failed: errno 13 11-03 22:37:53.681 17302 17302 W IInputConnectionWrapper: reportFullscreenMode on inexistent InputConnection 11-03 22:37:53.681 17302 17302 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:37:54.926 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:37:57.993 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:00.041 17213 17213 I TextInputLayout: EditText added is not a TextInputEditText. Please switch to using that class instead. 11-03 22:38:01.055 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:01.827 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:38:01.836 1818 1818 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0 11-03 22:38:04.118 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:05.264 17213 17218 I art : Do full code cache collection, code=215KB, data=251KB 11-03 22:38:05.265 17213 17218 I art : Starting a blocking GC JitCodeCache 11-03 22:38:05.266 17213 17218 I art : After code cache collection, code=182KB, data=193KB 11-03 22:38:07.194 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:10.256 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:13.318 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:16.384 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:16.836 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:38:16.941 17213 17213 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:38:16.941 17213 17213 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:38:16.941 17213 17213 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:38:17.011 17213 17377 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /storage/emulated/0/Download/GmsCore-v0.2.9.19420-5-cfc90b4.apk Binary XML file line #109 11-03 22:38:17.138 17213 17378 W PackageParser: Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: android.permission.WAKE_LOCK in package: com.google.android.apps.maps at: Binary XML file line #119 11-03 22:38:17.325 17213 17380 W PackageParser: Unknown element under <manifest>: meta-data at /storage/emulated/0/Download/GmsCore-v0.2.6.13280.apk Binary XML file line #105 11-03 22:38:18.398 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:38:18.412 842 1754 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/com.android.launcher3.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:38:18.550 3090 3211 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:38:18.769 842 842 W WindowManager: Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@16c2956 11-03 22:38:19.056 3090 3211 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 11-03 22:38:19.444 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:20.239 842 3098 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=1833 11-03 22:38:20.242 1833 1833 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings > 11-03 22:38:22.050 842 4646 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings} from uid 10033 on display 0 11-03 22:38:22.060 842 2403 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@fb86190 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@9daf6eb 11-03 22:38:22.113 842 1518 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0 11-03 22:38:22.130 842 1518 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17385:com.android.settings/1000 for activity com.android.settings/.Settings 11-03 22:38:22.237 842 31366 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 69ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked 11-03 22:38:22.465 842 3032 I ActivityManager: Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=1833 11-03 22:38:22.467 1833 1833 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back home recent clock search quick_settings > 11-03 22:38:22.508 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:22.650 17385 17385 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 2 lines 11-03 22:38:23.099 17385 17402 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 4 lines 11-03 22:38:23.156 17385 17407 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 3 lines 11-03 22:38:23.184 842 1778 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17408:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/u0a8 for content provider com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastSearchIndexableProvider 11-03 22:38:23.252 17408 17408 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/CellBroadcastReceiver/lib/arm 11-03 22:38:23.532 842 3098 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17430:com.android.printspooler/u0a55 for service com.android.printspooler/.model.PrintSpoolerService 11-03 22:38:23.545 17385 17426 I chatty : uid=1000(system) com.android.settings expire 1 line 11-03 22:38:23.549 17385 17426 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:38:23.549 17385 17426 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:38:23.621 17385 17444 V NFC : this device does not have NFC support 11-03 22:38:23.671 17385 17444 W TileUtils: Found com.android.systemui.tuner.TunerActivity for intent Intent { act=com.android.settings.action.EXTRA_SETTINGS } missing metadata 11-03 22:38:23.775 17385 17385 D DashboardSummary: onConditionsChanged 11-03 22:38:23.815 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings: +1s701ms 11-03 22:38:23.884 842 31367 I ProcessStatsService: Added stats: 2019-11-03-15-15-02, over +6h31m9s747ms 11-03 22:38:23.929 842 2719 E BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied 11-03 22:38:23.957 842 2719 E BatteryStatsService: modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0} 11-03 22:38:23.980 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.android.providers.calendar/10004 for service com.android.providers.calendar.EmptyService 11-03 22:38:23.981 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process android.process.media/10009 for service com.android.providers.media.MediaScannerService 11-03 22:38:23.981 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.viber.voip/10165 for service androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService 11-03 22:38:23.983 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process ch.protonmail.android/10151 for service ch.protonmail.android.api.segments.event.EventUpdaterService 11-03 22:38:23.983 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process10/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService10 11-03 22:38:23.983 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process11/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService11 11-03 22:38:23.983 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process12/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService12 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process13/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService13 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process14/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService14 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process15/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService15 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process16/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService16 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process17/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService17 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process18/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService18 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process19/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService19 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process20/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService20 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process21/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService21 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process22/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService22 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process23/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService23 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process0/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process1/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService1 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process2/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService2 11-03 22:38:23.984 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process3/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService3 11-03 22:38:23.985 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process4/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService4 11-03 22:38:23.985 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process5/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService5 11-03 22:38:23.985 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process6/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService6 11-03 22:38:23.985 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process7/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService7 11-03 22:38:23.985 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process8/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService8 11-03 22:38:23.985 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.brave.browser:sandboxed_process9/10066 for service org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService9 11-03 22:38:23.986 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.cyanogenmod.lockclock/10053 for service com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.ClockWidgetService 11-03 22:38:23.986 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.android.printspooler/10055 for service com.android.printspooler.model.PrintSpoolerService 11-03 22:38:23.986 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.android.webview:webview_service/10062 for service org.chromium.android_webview.services.VariationsSeedServer 11-03 22:38:23.986 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process org.fdroid.fdroid/10063 for service org.fdroid.fdroid.net.ConnectivityMonitorService 11-03 22:38:23.986 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process org.fdroid.fdroid/10063 for service org.fdroid.fdroid.data.InstalledAppProviderService 11-03 22:38:23.986 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process org.fdroid.fdroid/10063 for service org.fdroid.fdroid.nearby.WifiStateChangeService 11-03 22:38:23.986 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process org.fdroid.fdroid/10063 for service org.fdroid.fdroid.nearby.SDCardScannerService 11-03 22:38:23.987 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/10008 for service com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastConfigService 11-03 22:38:23.992 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.bytestorm.artflow:er/10087 for service com.bytestorm.er.Uploader 11-03 22:38:23.993 17385 17402 W ProcStatsManager: No process com.hipipal.qpyplus/10185 for service com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdService 11-03 22:38:24.031 17385 17390 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=15KB, data=31KB 11-03 22:38:24.035 17385 17390 I art : After code cache collection, code=15KB, data=31KB 11-03 22:38:24.035 17385 17390 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 11-03 22:38:24.265 17385 17444 I IndexDatabaseHelper: Using schema version: 115 11-03 22:38:24.268 17385 17444 I IndexDatabaseHelper: Index is fine 11-03 22:38:24.275 17385 17444 D Index : Locale 'en_IE' is already indexed 11-03 22:38:24.302 17385 17444 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 25 millis 11-03 22:38:24.338 17385 17407 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 12 millis 11-03 22:38:25.566 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:26.874 17385 17390 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=41KB, data=62KB 11-03 22:38:26.875 17385 17390 I art : After code cache collection, code=41KB, data=62KB 11-03 22:38:26.875 17385 17390 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB 11-03 22:38:28.628 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:29.856 842 3032 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x8000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$AccountSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 11-03 22:38:30.148 17385 17444 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 15 millis 11-03 22:38:30.187 17385 17444 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 16 millis 11-03 22:38:30.255 17385 17444 W TileUtils: Found com.android.systemui.tuner.TunerActivity for intent Intent { act=com.android.settings.action.EXTRA_SETTINGS } missing metadata 11-03 22:38:30.296 17385 17444 D Index : Deleting data for locale 'en_IE' took 31 millis 11-03 22:38:30.302 17385 17444 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 6 millis 11-03 22:38:30.608 17385 17385 I Choreographer: Skipped 39 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-03 22:38:30.669 17385 17385 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout 11-03 22:38:30.861 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.Settings$AccountSettingsActivity: +955ms 11-03 22:38:31.694 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:32.700 842 2718 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.SubSettings (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 11-03 22:38:32.862 17385 17385 D SubSettings: Launching fragment com.android.settings.accounts.ManageAccountsSettings 11-03 22:38:32.949 17385 17403 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 14 millis 11-03 22:38:32.985 17385 17403 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 12 millis 11-03 22:38:33.049 17385 17403 W TileUtils: Found com.android.systemui.tuner.TunerActivity for intent Intent { act=com.android.settings.action.EXTRA_SETTINGS } missing metadata 11-03 22:38:33.185 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.settings/.SubSettings: +435ms 11-03 22:38:33.284 17385 17426 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x9d012880 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x999ff570 11-03 22:38:34.756 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:36.199 842 10165 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.SECURITY_SETTINGS flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.AccountSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 11-03 22:38:36.432 842 852 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 61288(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 35(1256KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 15MB/23MB, paused 2.808ms total 151.684ms 11-03 22:38:36.999 16410 17461 I chatty : uid=10068(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 11-03 22:38:37.260 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.AccountSettingsActivity: +995ms 11-03 22:38:37.827 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:39.737 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.009961218, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:38:39.928 17385 17444 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 23 millis 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:38:39.974 17385 17426 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:38:40.013 17385 17444 W TileUtils: Found com.android.systemui.tuner.TunerActivity for intent Intent { act=com.android.settings.action.EXTRA_SETTINGS } missing metadata 11-03 22:38:40.888 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:40.904 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:38:42.289 842 4646 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.PRIVACY_SETTINGS flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.AccountSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 11-03 22:38:42.506 16410 16410 I chatty : uid=10068(com.google.android.gms) expire 86 lines 11-03 22:38:42.515 842 852 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 12353(709KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(188KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 15MB/23MB, paused 3.076ms total 143.323ms 11-03 22:38:42.736 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.AccountSettingsActivity: +396ms 11-03 22:38:43.969 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:43.980 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:38:45.923 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:38:46.118 17385 17403 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 20 millis 11-03 22:38:46.133 17385 17390 I art : Do full code cache collection, code=87KB, data=125KB 11-03 22:38:46.134 17385 17390 I art : Starting a blocking GC JitCodeCache 11-03 22:38:46.134 17385 17390 I art : After code cache collection, code=59KB, data=66KB 11-03 22:38:46.164 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:38:46.164 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:38:46.164 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:38:46.164 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:38:46.164 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:38:46.164 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:38:46.164 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:38:46.165 17385 17426 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:38:46.165 17385 17426 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:38:46.196 17385 17403 W TileUtils: Found com.android.systemui.tuner.TunerActivity for intent Intent { act=com.android.settings.action.EXTRA_SETTINGS } missing metadata 11-03 22:38:47.040 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:47.216 842 2718 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.ACCOUNT_PREFERENCES_SETTINGS flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.AccountSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 11-03 22:38:47.407 842 852 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 11806(642KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(156KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 15MB/23MB, paused 2.605ms total 122.594ms 11-03 22:38:47.428 842 1679 W art : Long monitor contention with owner Binder:842_A (3098) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.activityPaused(android.os.IBinder)(ActivityManagerService.java:7128) waiters=2 in void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$3.handleMessage(android.os.Message) for 108ms 11-03 22:38:47.563 16410 16415 I chatty : uid=10068(com.google.android.gms) expire 3 lines 11-03 22:38:47.703 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.AccountSettingsActivity: +438ms 11-03 22:38:49.199 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:38:49.360 842 1681 W art : Long monitor contention with owner Binder:842_8 (3032) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.activityPaused(android.os.IBinder)(ActivityManagerService.java:7128) waiters=0 in void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.dispatchProcessesChanged() for 103ms 11-03 22:38:49.399 17385 17444 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 22 millis 11-03 22:38:49.439 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:38:49.439 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:38:49.439 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:38:49.439 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:38:49.439 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:38:49.439 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:38:49.439 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:38:49.440 17385 17426 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:38:49.443 17385 17426 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:38:49.496 17385 17444 W TileUtils: Found com.android.systemui.tuner.TunerActivity for intent Intent { act=com.android.settings.action.EXTRA_SETTINGS } missing metadata 11-03 22:38:50.098 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:50.110 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:38:52.717 842 31366 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms.accountsettings.SECURITY_SETTINGS flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.AccountSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.b() 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.c() 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.o() 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.d() 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.e() 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.j.a() 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.h.onStart() 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.support.v7.app.e.onStart() 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnStart(Instrumentation.java:1249) 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.app.Activity.performStart(Activity.java:6701) 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2647) 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2751) 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap12(ActivityThread.java) 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1496) 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 11-03 22:38:52.992 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154) 11-03 22:38:52.993 16410 16410 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6186) 11-03 22:38:52.993 16410 16410 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-03 22:38:52.993 16410 16410 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:889) 11-03 22:38:52.993 16410 16410 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:779) 11-03 22:38:52.996 842 852 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8883(518KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(140KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 15MB/23MB, paused 2.949ms total 159.897ms 11-03 22:38:53.169 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:53.206 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.AccountSettingsActivity: +431ms 11-03 22:38:54.345 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=226.31863, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:38:54.345 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: Sliding distanceY > distancex, 7.4922485, 2.9944534 11-03 22:38:54.516 842 1679 W art : Long monitor contention with owner Binder:842_3 (1778) at void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.activityPaused(android.os.IBinder)(ActivityManagerService.java:7128) waiters=1 in void com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$3.handleMessage(android.os.Message) for 116ms 11-03 22:38:54.551 17385 17403 D Index : Indexing locale 'en_IE' took 20 millis 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:38:54.597 17385 17426 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:38:54.649 17385 17403 W TileUtils: Found com.android.systemui.tuner.TunerActivity for intent Intent { act=com.android.settings.action.EXTRA_SETTINGS } missing metadata 11-03 22:38:55.285 16410 16410 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit 11-03 22:38:55.315 16410 16410 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3855(283KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 487us total 29.394ms 11-03 22:38:55.319 16410 16410 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit 11-03 22:38:55.348 16410 16410 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3036(199KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 41% free, 2MB/4MB, paused 496us total 28.423ms 11-03 22:38:56.232 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:56.245 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:38:57.504 842 2718 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@5c6ee80 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@f2cac7d 11-03 22:38:58.144 1833 1833 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (409.24216,17.057251) 11-03 22:38:58.248 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:38:59.304 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:38:59.451 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:38:59.475 842 1518 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10033 on display 0 11-03 22:38:59.686 842 852 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 8619(474KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(80KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 15MB/23MB, paused 2.781ms total 150.007ms 11-03 22:38:59.702 1833 1846 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 15371(561KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(24KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 7MB/12MB, paused 836us total 100.840ms 11-03 22:39:00.850 842 1778 I ActivityManager: Killing 17385:com.android.settings/1000 (adj 900): remove task 11-03 22:39:00.922 842 10264 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 10 11-03 22:39:00.922 842 1778 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17385 11-03 22:39:00.922 842 1754 W InputDispatcher: channel '841b772 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 11-03 22:39:00.922 842 1754 E InputDispatcher: channel '841b772 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 11-03 22:39:00.923 842 5714 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{841b772 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings} 11-03 22:39:00.923 842 5714 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '841b772 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.SubSettings (server)' 11-03 22:39:02.365 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:02.946 842 2153 I ActivityManager: Killing 16410:com.google.android.gms/u0a68 (adj 100): remove task 11-03 22:39:03.006 842 2718 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 9 11-03 22:39:03.009 842 3080 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 16410 11-03 22:39:03.016 842 3080 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.location.LocationServiceV2 in 1000ms 11-03 22:39:03.018 842 3080 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService in 758914ms 11-03 22:39:03.019 842 3080 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.geocode.GeocodeServiceV1 in 10997ms 11-03 22:39:04.038 842 1680 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17483:com.google.android.gms/u0a68 for service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.location.LocationServiceV2 11-03 22:39:04.459 17483 17483 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/lib/GmsCore-v0.2.10.19420 11-03 22:39:04.496 17483 17483 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 11-03 22:39:04.496 17483 17483 I MultiDex: Installing application 11-03 22:39:04.496 17483 17483 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 11-03 22:39:04.505 17483 17483 D GmsApiAvailability: As we can't know right now if the later desired feature is available, we just pretend it to be. 11-03 22:39:04.531 17483 17483 D GmsPhenotypeCfgProvider: unimplemented Method: onCreate 11-03 22:39:04.608 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #2 11-03 22:39:04.608 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #1 11-03 22:39:04.611 17483 17504 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #1 11-03 22:39:04.612 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.CONNECT cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.613 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connection is not enabled or dead. 11-03 22:39:04.615 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #2 11-03 22:39:04.617 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #3 11-03 22:39:04.617 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Starting MCS connection... 11-03 22:39:04.618 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #4 11-03 22:39:04.620 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #5 11-03 22:39:04.622 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #6 11-03 22:39:04.625 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #7 11-03 22:39:04.627 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #8 11-03 22:39:04.642 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #9 11-03 22:39:04.644 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #10 11-03 22:39:04.645 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #11 11-03 22:39:04.647 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #12 11-03 22:39:04.652 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #13 11-03 22:39:04.660 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #14 11-03 22:39:04.661 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #15 11-03 22:39:04.667 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #16 11-03 22:39:04.671 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #17 11-03 22:39:04.672 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #18 11-03 22:39:04.676 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #19 11-03 22:39:04.677 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #20 11-03 22:39:04.679 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #21 11-03 22:39:04.680 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #22 11-03 22:39:04.682 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #23 11-03 22:39:04.686 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #24 11-03 22:39:04.688 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #25 11-03 22:39:04.689 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #26 11-03 22:39:04.691 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #27 11-03 22:39:04.694 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #28 11-03 22:39:04.696 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #29 11-03 22:39:04.698 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #30 11-03 22:39:04.703 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #31 11-03 22:39:04.704 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #32 11-03 22:39:04.705 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #33 11-03 22:39:04.709 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #34 11-03 22:39:04.710 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #35 11-03 22:39:04.716 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connected to mtalk.google.com:5228 11-03 22:39:04.718 17483 17504 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-03 22:39:04.719 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Activated SSL with mtalk.google.com:5228 11-03 22:39:04.733 17483 17483 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #1 11-03 22:39:04.743 17483 17483 D NlpGeoBackendHelper: Binding to: Intent { act=org.microg.nlp.GEOCODER_BACKEND pkg=org.microg.nlp.backend.nominatim cmp=org.microg.nlp.backend.nominatim/.BackendService } 11-03 22:39:04.783 17483 17483 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connection is not enabled or dead. 11-03 22:39:04.784 17483 17483 D GmsGcmTrigger: Not connected to GCM but should be, asking the service to start up. Triggered by: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.820 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.820 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Sending login request... 11-03 22:39:04.836 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.836 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.852 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.852 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.867 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.868 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.868 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.882 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.883 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.897 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.898 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.912 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.913 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.928 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.929 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.944 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.944 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.959 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.959 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.974 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.974 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:04.989 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:04.989 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.006 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.007 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.025 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.025 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.043 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.044 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.068 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.068 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.089 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.089 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.106 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.106 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.124 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.125 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.144 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.144 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.162 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.162 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.180 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.180 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.198 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.198 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.217 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.218 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.235 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.235 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.252 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.252 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.271 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.271 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.289 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.289 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.307 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.307 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.307 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.327 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.327 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.344 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.344 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.362 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.362 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.385 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.386 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.405 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.405 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.424 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.424 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.428 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:05.440 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:05.443 17483 17483 D NlpGeoBackendHelper: Bound to: ComponentInfo{org.microg.nlp.backend.nominatim/org.microg.nlp.backend.nominatim.BackendService} 11-03 22:39:05.449 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.450 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.470 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.471 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.497 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.497 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.518 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.518 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.540 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.541 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.562 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.563 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.582 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.582 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.600 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.600 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.622 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.623 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.642 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.642 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.658 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.658 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.674 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.674 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.689 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.689 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.689 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.705 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.705 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.720 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.721 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.736 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.736 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.752 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.752 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.768 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.768 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.783 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.783 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.798 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.798 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.813 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.813 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.813 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.813 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.814 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.828 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.829 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.844 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.845 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.845 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.859 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.860 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.874 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.874 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.889 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.889 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.904 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.904 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.918 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.919 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.933 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.934 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.948 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.948 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.963 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.963 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.978 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.978 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:05.993 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:05.993 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:06.008 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:06.008 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:06.023 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:06.023 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:06.038 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:06.038 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:06.053 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:06.053 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:06.067 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:06.068 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:39:06.083 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:06.083 17483 17504 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-03 22:39:06.112 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: LoginRequest{id=android-25, domain=mcs.android.com, user=4124559181100976590, resource=4124559181100976590, auth_token=7932647006382508623, device_id=android-393d60b8ec9989ce, setting=[Setting{name=new_vc, value=1}], received_persistent_id=[], adaptive_heartbeat=false, use_rmq2=true, auth_service=ANDROID_ID, network_type=1} 11-03 22:39:06.113 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Write MCS version code: 41 11-03 22:39:06.122 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{last_stream_id_received=0} 11-03 22:39:06.125 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.126 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.128 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.129 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.130 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.131 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.132 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.132 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.133 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.134 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.135 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.135 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.136 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.136 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.137 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.138 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.139 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.139 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.140 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.140 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.141 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.142 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.142 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.143 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.144 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.145 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.145 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.146 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.147 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.148 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.149 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.149 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.150 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.151 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.151 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.152 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.153 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.154 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.156 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.157 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.158 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.158 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.159 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Reading from MCS version: 41 11-03 22:39:06.160 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.164 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.165 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.166 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.167 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.168 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.169 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.169 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.170 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.171 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.171 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.172 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.173 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.174 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.175 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.175 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.176 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.178 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.179 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.180 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.181 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.182 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.182 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.183 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.184 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.184 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.185 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.185 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.186 17483 17509 D GmsGcmMcsOutput: Outgoing message: HeartbeatPing{} 11-03 22:39:06.200 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.200 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 1381 11-03 22:39:06.203 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.203 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.205 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.205 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.207 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.208 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.211 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.211 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.213 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.213 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.215 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.216 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.218 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.218 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.220 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.220 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.223 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.223 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.225 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.225 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.229 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.229 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.232 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.232 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.235 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.235 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.237 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.237 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.240 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.240 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.243 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.243 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.246 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.246 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.249 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.249 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.251 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.251 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.253 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.253 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 1 11-03 22:39:06.256 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.256 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.258 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.258 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.261 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.261 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.263 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.263 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.265 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.265 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.268 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.268 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.269 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.270 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.272 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.272 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.274 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.274 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.276 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{} 11-03 22:39:06.277 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.289 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: LoginResponse{id=android-25, jid=4124559181100976590@mcs.android.com/4124559181100976590, setting=[], last_stream_id_received=1, server_timestamp=1572820745996} 11-03 22:39:06.289 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Logged in 11-03 22:39:06.313 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: IqStanza{type=SET, id=34A48BF8, from=mcs.android.com, to=4124559181100976590@mcs.android.com/4124559181100976590, extension=Extension{id=12, data=[size=0]}, account_id=-1} 11-03 22:39:06.313 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: Unknown message: IqStanza{type=SET, id=34A48BF8, from=mcs.android.com, to=4124559181100976590@mcs.android.com/4124559181100976590, extension=Extension{id=12, data=[size=0]}, account_id=-1} 11-03 22:39:06.315 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=2} 11-03 22:39:06.316 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.318 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=3} 11-03 22:39:06.318 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.320 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=4} 11-03 22:39:06.320 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.322 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=5} 11-03 22:39:06.323 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.325 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=6} 11-03 22:39:06.325 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.328 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=7} 11-03 22:39:06.328 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.331 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=8} 11-03 22:39:06.331 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.333 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=9} 11-03 22:39:06.333 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 1 11-03 22:39:06.335 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=10} 11-03 22:39:06.336 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.338 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=11} 11-03 22:39:06.338 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.340 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=12} 11-03 22:39:06.340 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.343 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=13} 11-03 22:39:06.343 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.346 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=14} 11-03 22:39:06.346 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.349 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=15} 11-03 22:39:06.349 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.352 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=16} 11-03 22:39:06.352 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.354 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=17} 11-03 22:39:06.354 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.356 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=18} 11-03 22:39:06.356 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 1 11-03 22:39:06.359 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=19} 11-03 22:39:06.359 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.362 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=20} 11-03 22:39:06.362 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.365 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=21} 11-03 22:39:06.365 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.370 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=22} 11-03 22:39:06.370 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 5 11-03 22:39:06.372 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=23} 11-03 22:39:06.372 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 1 11-03 22:39:06.375 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=24} 11-03 22:39:06.375 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.378 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=25} 11-03 22:39:06.378 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.381 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=26} 11-03 22:39:06.381 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.383 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=27} 11-03 22:39:06.383 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 1 11-03 22:39:06.385 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=28} 11-03 22:39:06.386 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.388 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=29} 11-03 22:39:06.389 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.391 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=30} 11-03 22:39:06.391 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.393 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=31} 11-03 22:39:06.394 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.396 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=32} 11-03 22:39:06.397 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.402 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=33} 11-03 22:39:06.402 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 1 11-03 22:39:06.405 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=34} 11-03 22:39:06.405 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.408 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=35} 11-03 22:39:06.410 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 5 11-03 22:39:06.413 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=36} 11-03 22:39:06.414 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 3 11-03 22:39:06.420 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=37} 11-03 22:39:06.420 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 6 11-03 22:39:06.422 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=38} 11-03 22:39:06.422 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.426 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=39} 11-03 22:39:06.426 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 4 11-03 22:39:06.430 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=40} 11-03 22:39:06.430 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.433 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=41} 11-03 22:39:06.433 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:06.435 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: HeartbeatAck{last_stream_id_received=42} 11-03 22:39:06.435 17483 17508 D GmsGcmPrefs: learnReached: gcm_network_wifi / 2 11-03 22:39:08.496 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:08.507 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:09.103 842 10165 I ActivityManager: Killing 17302:org.billthefarmer.editor/u0a86 (adj 904): remove task 11-03 22:39:09.151 842 31367 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 8 11-03 22:39:09.152 842 5714 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17302 11-03 22:39:11.576 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:11.588 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:11.760 842 2403 I ActivityManager: Killing 17213:com.amaze.filemanager/u0a64 (adj 900): remove task 11-03 22:39:11.762 842 1682 I libprocessgroup: Killing pid 17233 in uid 10064 as part of process group 17213 11-03 22:39:11.762 842 1682 I libprocessgroup: Killing pid 17237 in uid 10064 as part of process group 17213 11-03 22:39:11.806 842 1518 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 7 11-03 22:39:11.806 842 10264 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{cda701c u0 com.amaze.filemanager/com.amaze.filemanager.activities.MainActivity} 11-03 22:39:11.806 842 4646 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17213 11-03 22:39:11.813 17241 17241 D su : Finishing su operation for app [uid:10064, pkgName: com.amaze.filemanager] 11-03 22:39:11.816 17241 17241 W IPCThreadState: Calling IPCThreadState::self() during shutdown is dangerous, expect a crash. 11-03 22:39:11.816 17241 17241 W IPCThreadState: Calling IPCThreadState::self() during shutdown is dangerous, expect a crash. 11-03 22:39:11.818 17239 17239 D su : sending code 11-03 22:39:11.818 17239 17239 E su : unable to write exit code failed with 32: Broken pipe 11-03 22:39:11.818 17239 17239 D su : child exited 11-03 22:39:11.846 1833 1833 I SuControllerImpl: Got change 11-03 22:39:12.326 842 1778 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0 11-03 22:39:12.450 16618 16623 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=28KB, data=30KB 11-03 22:39:12.456 16618 16623 I art : After code cache collection, code=27KB, data=30KB 11-03 22:39:12.456 16618 16623 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 11-03 22:39:12.479 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:39:12.489 1818 1818 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = -1,-1 11-03 22:39:12.501 1818 1818 I InputAttributes: InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified 11-03 22:39:14.658 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:14.670 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:17.736 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:17.748 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:20.804 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:23.091 1818 1825 I art : Do full code cache collection, code=235KB, data=250KB 11-03 22:39:23.094 1818 1825 I art : Starting a blocking GC JitCodeCache 11-03 22:39:23.094 1818 1825 I art : After code cache collection, code=224KB, data=231KB 11-03 22:39:23.869 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:23.881 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:26.944 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:26.957 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:29.235 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsInput: Incoming message: DataMessageStanza{id=34A4D0E4, from=293955441834, category=com.whatsapp, token=2, app_data=[AppData{key=id, value=501BAE31EF1EFCCBA67FB7737B81D8DA}, AppData{key=notify, value=1}, AppData{key=ts, value=1572820768}], persistent_id=0:1572820768834157%a3bffb5f00000032, ttl=2419200, sent=1572820768831} 11-03 22:39:29.347 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Target: ResolveInfo{b73b645 com.whatsapp/com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver m=0x108000} 11-03 22:39:29.348 17483 17508 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Adding app com.whatsapp for userId 0 to the temp whitelist 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService.handleAppMessage() 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService.handleCloudMessage() 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService.handleInput() 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService.handleMessage() 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at org.microg.gms.gcm.McsInputStream.run() 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Calling app u0a68 is not on whitelist 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1692) 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1645) 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: at android.os.IDeviceIdleController$Stub$Proxy.addPowerSaveTempWhitelistApp(IDeviceIdleController.java:491) 11-03 22:39:29.350 17483 17508 W GmsGcmMcsSvc: ... 7 more 11-03 22:39:29.366 842 1680 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17518:com.whatsapp/u0a141 for broadcast com.whatsapp/com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceIdReceiver 11-03 22:39:30.009 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:30.021 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:30.601 17518 17518 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 11-03 22:39:30.601 17518 17518 I MultiDex: Installing application 11-03 22:39:30.601 17518 17518 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 11-03 22:39:30.661 17518 17518 D SigquitBasedANRDetector: Registered 11-03 22:39:31.011 17518 17518 D ActivityThread: Loading provider com.whatsapp.provider.contact: com.whatsapp.contact.ContactProvider 11-03 22:39:31.603 17518 17518 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseAuth is not linked. Skipping initialization. 11-03 22:39:31.605 17518 17518 D FirebaseApp: com.google.firebase.crash.FirebaseCrash is not linked. Skipping initialization. 11-03 22:39:31.606 17518 17518 D FirebaseApp: com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement is not linked. Skipping initialization. 11-03 22:39:31.606 17518 17518 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 11-03 22:39:31.944 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=97.67744, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:39:31.944 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: Sliding distanceY > distancex, 3.3934937, -1.1302795 11-03 22:39:31.959 842 1754 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/com.android.launcher3.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0 11-03 22:39:32.057 17518 17564 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/tcmclient.jar 11-03 22:39:32.061 17518 17564 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 11-03 22:39:32.115 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:39:32.115 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:39:32.115 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:39:32.115 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:39:32.115 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:39:32.115 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:39:32.115 3090 3211 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:39:32.116 3090 3211 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:39:32.116 3090 3211 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:39:32.175 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:39:32.177 16618 16618 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:39:32.181 16618 16618 W IInputConnectionWrapper: reportFullscreenMode on inexistent InputConnection 11-03 22:39:32.181 16618 16618 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:39:32.509 17518 17518 D Event : No subscribers registered for event class X.1IL 11-03 22:39:32.509 17518 17518 D Event : No subscribers registered for event class X.2rX 11-03 22:39:32.630 3090 3211 W OpenGLRenderer: Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer... 11-03 22:39:32.880 17518 17518 E SQLiteLog: (1) no such table: conversion_tuples 11-03 22:39:33.066 17518 17523 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=21KB, data=30KB 11-03 22:39:33.067 17518 17523 I art : After code cache collection, code=21KB, data=30KB 11-03 22:39:33.067 17518 17523 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 11-03 22:39:33.078 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<X.1Xs>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/app/job/JobServiceEngine; 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0Nb.A1N(android.app.Application) (:44112) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0ZY.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void X.1TN.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void java.lang.Thread.run() (Thread.java:761) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.app.job.JobServiceEngine" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.whatsapp-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.whatsapp-1/lib/arm, /data/app/com.whatsapp-1/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:56) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:380) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0Nb.A1N(android.app.Application) (:44112) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0ZY.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void X.1TN.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : at void java.lang.Thread.run() (Thread.java:761) 11-03 22:39:33.173 17518 17570 I art : 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<X.1Xs>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/app/job/JobServiceEngine; 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0Nb.A1N(android.app.Application) (:44112) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0ZY.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void X.1TN.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void java.lang.Thread.run() (Thread.java:761) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.app.job.JobServiceEngine" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.whatsapp-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.whatsapp-1/lib/arm, /data/app/com.whatsapp-1/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:56) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:380) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0Nb.A1N(android.app.Application) (:44112) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0ZY.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void X.1TN.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : at void java.lang.Thread.run() (Thread.java:761) 11-03 22:39:33.177 17518 17570 I art : 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<X.1Xs>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/app/job/JobServiceEngine; 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0Nb.A1N(android.app.Application) (:44112) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0ZY.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void X.1TN.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void java.lang.Thread.run() (Thread.java:761) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.app.job.JobServiceEngine" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.whatsapp-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.whatsapp-1/lib/arm, /data/app/com.whatsapp-1/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:56) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:380) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0Nb.A1N(android.app.Application) (:44112) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void X.0ZY.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker) (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run() (ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void X.1TN.run() (:-1) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : at void java.lang.Thread.run() (Thread.java:761) 11-03 22:39:33.179 17518 17570 I art : 11-03 22:39:33.203 17518 17518 D Event : No subscribers registered for event class X.1IL 11-03 22:39:33.203 17518 17518 D Event : No subscribers registered for event class X.2rX 11-03 22:39:33.328 17483 17483 D GmsGcmRegisterSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTER pkg=com.google.android.gms } 11-03 22:39:33.339 17483 17483 W GmsGcmRegisterHdl: oneWay requested 11-03 22:39:34.375 17518 17594 W FirebaseMessaging: Message ack failed: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Timed out waiting for Task 11-03 22:39:36.142 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:37.299 842 2403 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.SettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10028 on display 0 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field mResId in class Landroid/support/v7/preference/h$c; (declaration of 'android.support.v7.preference.h$c' appears in /system/priv-app/GmsCore-v0.2.10.19420.apk) 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Native Method) 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at com.takisoft.fix.support.v7.preference.d.f() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at com.takisoft.fix.support.v7.preference.d.<init>() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at com.takisoft.fix.support.v7.preference.c.onCreateAdapter() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v7.preference.g.bindPreferences() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v7.preference.g.onViewCreated() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.a() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.h() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.a() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.c.e() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.a() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.b() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.c() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.o() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.d() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.m.e() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.j.a() 11-03 22:39:37.911 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v4.app.h.onStart() 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.support.v7.app.e.onStart() 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnStart(Instrumentation.java:1249) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.app.Activity.performStart(Activity.java:6701) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2647) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2751) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap12(ActivityThread.java) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1496) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6186) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:889) 11-03 22:39:37.912 17483 17483 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:779) 11-03 22:39:38.034 17483 17609 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: Nondeterministic_AU_msm8916_32_LA.BR.1.2.9_RB1__release_AU (I750f7f2fa6) 11-03 22:39:38.034 17483 17609 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03 11-03 22:39:38.034 17483 17609 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 02/18/17 Sat 11-03 22:39:38.034 17483 17609 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: 11-03 22:39:38.034 17483 17609 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BR.1.2.9_rb1.12 11-03 22:39:38.034 17483 17609 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE 11-03 22:39:38.034 17483 17609 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING 11-03 22:39:38.041 17483 17609 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-03 22:39:38.041 17483 17609 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-03 22:39:38.328 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.ui.SettingsActivity: +980ms 11-03 22:39:39.078 842 10264 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17615:android.process.acore/u0a1 for content provider com.android.providers.contacts/.ContactsProvider2 11-03 22:39:39.193 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:39.229 17615 17615 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ContactsProvider/lib/arm 11-03 22:39:39.439 17615 17615 I ContactsPerf: VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate start 11-03 22:39:39.451 17615 17615 I ContactsPerf: VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate finish 11-03 22:39:39.497 17615 17615 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider/lib/arm 11-03 22:39:39.499 17615 17615 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider/lib/arm:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xb33d7090 11-03 22:39:39.522 17615 17615 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm 11-03 22:39:39.528 17615 17615 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/app/UserDictionaryProvider/lib/arm:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xb33d70d0 11-03 22:39:39.696 17615 17633 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [[en_IE,ga_IE]]: […, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω, …, А, Б, В, Г, Д, Ђ, Е, Є, Ж, З, И, І, Й, Ј, К, Л, Љ, М, Н, Њ, О, П, Р, С, Т, Ћ, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Џ, Ш, Щ, Ю, Я, …, א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, כ, ל, מ, נ, ס, ע, פ, צ, ק, ר, ש, ת, …, ا, ب, ت, ث, ج, ح, خ, د, ذ, ر, ز, س, ش, ص, ض, ط, ظ, ع, غ, ف, ق, ك, ل, م, ن, ه, و, ي, …, ก, ข, ฃ, ค, ฅ, ฆ, ง, จ, ฉ, ช, ซ, ฌ, ญ, ฎ, ฏ, ฐ, ฑ, ฒ, ณ, ด, ต, ถ, ท, ธ, น, บ, ป, ผ, ฝ, พ, ฟ, ภ, ม, ย, ร, ฤ, ล, ฦ, ว, ศ, ษ, ส, ห, ฬ, อ, ฮ, …, ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, …, あ, か, さ, た, な, は, ま, や, ら, わ, #, …] 11-03 22:39:39.814 17518 17523 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=28KB, data=44KB 11-03 22:39:39.815 17518 17523 I art : After code cache collection, code=28KB, data=44KB 11-03 22:39:39.815 17518 17523 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB 11-03 22:39:39.822 17518 17523 I art : Compiler allocated 6MB to compile void X.2Tp.run() 11-03 22:39:40.052 17483 17483 D GmsWearSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.wearable.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } 11-03 22:39:40.069 842 842 D ZenLog : intercepted: 0|com.whatsapp|1|4YoNVaGmfp6Qu1cp/4lfNWXzPnNvG4OJmxZGUMhb6ko= 11-03 22:39:40.069 842 842 D ZenLog : |10141,!priority 11-03 22:39:40.072 842 842 V NotificationService: pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=false intercept=true 11-03 22:39:40.080 842 842 D ZenLog : intercepted: 0|com.whatsapp|1|null|10141,!allowMessages 11-03 22:39:40.084 842 842 V NotificationService: pkg=com.whatsapp canInterrupt=false intercept=true 11-03 22:39:40.088 17483 17496 D SafeParcel: Unknown field num 10 in com.google.android.gms.common.internal.GetServiceRequest, skipping. 11-03 22:39:40.088 17483 17496 D SafeParcel: Unknown field num 11 in com.google.android.gms.common.internal.GetServiceRequest, skipping. 11-03 22:39:40.088 17483 17496 D SafeParcel: Unknown field num 12 in com.google.android.gms.common.internal.GetServiceRequest, skipping. 11-03 22:39:40.088 17483 17496 D GmsWearSvc: bound by: GetServiceRequest{serviceId=WEARABLE, gmsVersion=12451000, packageName='com.whatsapp', extras=Bundle[{}]} 11-03 22:39:40.149 842 2153 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.auth.login.LoginActivity} from uid 10068 on display 0 11-03 22:39:40.488 17483 17483 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/webview/lib/arm 11-03 22:39:40.490 17483 17483 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/app/webview/lib/arm:/system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0xb33d6090 11-03 22:39:40.496 17483 17483 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.webview version 69.0.3497.109 (code 349710900) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.android.webview.chromium.TracingControllerAdapter>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/TracingController; 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName!(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:400) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:349) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:194) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2384) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.ensureProviderCreated() (WebView.java:2379) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.setOverScrollMode(int) (WebView.java:2438) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context) (View.java:4023) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (View.java:4146) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.view.ViewGroup.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (ViewGroup.java:579) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.widget.AbsoluteLayout.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (AbsoluteLayout.java:55) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:632) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:577) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:560) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:547) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context) (WebView.java:537) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at android.webkit.WebView org.microg.gms.auth.login.LoginActivity.createWebView(android.content.Context) (:-1) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void org.microg.gms.auth.login.LoginActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (:-1) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6684) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1119) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2637) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2751) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap12(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1496) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:102) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:154) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6186) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (ZygoteInit.java:889) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:779) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.TracingController" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/app/webview/webview.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/app/webview/lib/arm, /system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /vendor/lib, /system/lib, /vendor/lib]] 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:56) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:380) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312) 11-03 22:39:40.630 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName!(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:400) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:349) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:194) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2384) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.ensureProviderCreated() (WebView.java:2379) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.setOverScrollMode(int) (WebView.java:2438) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context) (View.java:4023) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.view.View.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (View.java:4146) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.view.ViewGroup.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (ViewGroup.java:579) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.widget.AbsoluteLayout.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (AbsoluteLayout.java:55) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int, java.util.Map, boolean) (WebView.java:632) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int) (WebView.java:577) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) (WebView.java:560) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet) (WebView.java:547) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.webkit.WebView.<init>(android.content.Context) (WebView.java:537) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at android.webkit.WebView org.microg.gms.auth.login.LoginActivity.createWebView(android.content.Context) (:-1) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void org.microg.gms.auth.login.LoginActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (:-1) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:6684) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1119) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:2637) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:2751) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap12(android.app.ActivityThread, android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent, java.lang.String) (ActivityThread.java:-1) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1496) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:102) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:154) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:6186) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (ZygoteInit.java:889) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:779) 11-03 22:39:40.631 17483 17483 I art : 11-03 22:39:40.698 17483 17483 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 16 ms (timestamps 7569-7585) 11-03 22:39:40.829 17483 17483 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(36)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 11-03 22:39:40.832 17483 17483 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "69.0.3497.109", actual native library version number "69.0.3497.109" 11-03 22:39:40.918 17483 17483 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true 11-03 22:39:41.120 17483 17483 I chromium: [INFO:aw_field_trial_creator.cc(54)] First-WebView-Experiment not found 11-03 22:39:41.228 17483 17662 W cr_CrashFileManager: /data/user/0/com.google.android.gms/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory 11-03 22:39:41.386 17518 17523 I art : Do full code cache collection, code=50KB, data=95KB 11-03 22:39:41.387 17518 17523 I art : Starting a blocking GC JitCodeCache 11-03 22:39:41.387 17518 17523 I art : After code cache collection, code=29KB, data=62KB 11-03 22:39:41.387 17518 17523 I art : JIT allocated 110KB for stack maps of void X.16F.run() 11-03 22:39:41.611 842 1687 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.auth.login.LoginActivity: +1s424ms 11-03 22:39:42.246 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:43.677 17483 17670 E libEGL : validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) 11-03 22:39:43.703 17483 17657 W cr_media: Requires BLUETOOTH permission 11-03 22:39:43.716 17483 17652 E cr_ApiBridge: Failed to init handler: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.reflect.Constructor java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructor(java.lang.Class[])' on a null object reference 11-03 22:39:43.802 17483 17670 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc 11-03 22:39:43.820 17483 17670 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2 11-03 22:39:43.856 17483 17670 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 11-03 22:39:43.865 17483 17670 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ac3 11-03 22:39:43.866 17483 17670 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac 11-03 22:39:43.868 17483 17670 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape 11-03 22:39:43.869 17483 17670 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ffmpeg 11-03 22:39:43.871 17483 17670 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/dts 11-03 22:39:43.874 17483 17670 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2 11-03 22:39:43.875 17483 17670 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/vnd.rn-realaudio 11-03 22:39:43.878 17483 17670 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma 11-03 22:39:43.880 17483 17670 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx 11-03 22:39:43.883 17483 17670 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-flv 11-03 22:39:43.891 17483 17670 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/vnd.rn-realvideo 11-03 22:39:43.896 17483 17670 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/vc1 11-03 22:39:43.899 17483 17670 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/ffmpeg 11-03 22:39:43.902 17483 17670 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv 11-03 22:39:45.308 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:46.232 17483 17483 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: pageFinished: https://accounts.google.com/EmbeddedSetup?source=android&xoauth_display_name=Android%20Device&lang=en&cc=ie&langCountry=en_ie&hl=en-IE&tmpl=new_account 11-03 22:39:46.392 17483 17483 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: pageFinished: https://accounts.google.com/EmbeddedSetup?source=android&xoauth_display_name=Android%20Device&lang=en&cc=ie&langCountry=en_ie&hl=en-IE&tmpl=new_account 11-03 22:39:46.586 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getAndroidId 4124559181100976590 11-03 22:39:46.609 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: notifyOnTermsOfServiceAccepted 11-03 22:39:46.904 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: log Loading page: identifier 11-03 22:39:46.916 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getAccounts 11-03 22:39:47.681 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: showView 11-03 22:39:47.870 17483 17483 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: pageFinished: https://accounts.google.com/EmbeddedSetup/identifier?source=android&xoauth_display_name=Android%20Device&lang=en&cc=ie&langCountry=en_ie&hl=en-IE&tmpl=new_account&flowName=EmbeddedSetupAndroid 11-03 22:39:48.371 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:49.307 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:39:49.321 1818 1818 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0 11-03 22:39:51.434 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:54.069 842 1680 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{c784fcc u0 com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService} 11-03 22:39:54.101 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SCAN TYPE=ONLY freq=2412 scan_id=17,18' 11-03 22:39:54.101 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Setting scan request: 0.000000 sec 11-03 22:39:54.102 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: Scan SSID (manual request): UPC4288703 11-03 22:39:54.102 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: Scan SSID (manual request): UPC9414284 11-03 22:39:54.102 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting AP scan for wildcard SSID 11-03 22:39:54.102 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Limit manual scan to specified channels 11-03 22:39:54.102 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Add radio work 'scan'@0xb67a8060 11-03 22:39:54.102 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: First radio work item in the queue - schedule start immediately 11-03 22:39:54.102 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Starting radio work 'scan'@0xb67a8060 after 0.000125 second wait 11-03 22:39:54.102 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: scan request 11-03 22:39:54.104 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: Scan requested (ret=0) - scan timeout 30 seconds 11-03 22:39:54.104 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 33 (NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN) received for wlan0 11-03 22:39:54.104 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: Scan trigger 11-03 22:39:54.105 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_STARTED (46) received 11-03 22:39:54.105 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Own scan request started a scan in 0.000363 seconds 11-03 22:39:54.201 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Drv Event 34 (NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS) received for wlan0 11-03 22:39:54.201 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: nl80211: New scan results available 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan probed for SSID 'UPC4288703' 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan probed for SSID 'UPC9414284' 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan probed for SSID '' 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan included frequencies: 2412 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Event SCAN_RESULTS (3) received 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Scan completed in 0.097005 seconds 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated on 2412 MHz 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Associated with e0:b9:e5:e9:93:cf 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Received scan results (13 BSSes) 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Scan results indicate BSS status with e0:b9:e5:e9:93:cf as associated 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Start scan result update 579 11-03 22:39:54.202 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: BSS: Add new id 929 BSSID 38:a6:ce:c1:f8:18 SSID 'SKYFF5EE' freq 2412 11-03 22:39:54.203 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: BSS: last_scan_res_used=13/64 11-03 22:39:54.203 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Scan-only results received 11-03 22:39:54.203 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Radio work 'scan'@0xb67a8060 done in 0.100420 seconds 11-03 22:39:54.203 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: radio_work_free('scan'@0xb67a8060: num_active_works --> 0 11-03 22:39:54.242 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.242 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.242 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.243 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.243 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.243 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.271 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.271 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.271 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.271 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.271 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.271 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPS: Unsupported attribute type 0x1058 len=34 11-03 22:39:54.484 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:54.488 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:57.546 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:39:57.557 842 1765 D WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:TNCAPE993CFfalse,false 11-03 22:39:57.654 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getAccounts 11-03 22:39:57.798 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getDroidGuardResult: ["XXXXX"] 11-03 22:39:57.812 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:39:57.817 17483 17687 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:39:58.818 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getAndroidId 4124559181100976590 11-03 22:39:59.122 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: setAccountIdentifier XXXXX@gmail.com 11-03 22:39:59.609 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: log Loading page: signin/v2/challenge/pwd 11-03 22:39:59.743 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: l2_packet_receive: src=e0:b9:e5:e9:93:cf len=147 11-03 22:39:59.744 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RX EAPOL from e0:b9:e5:e9:93:cf 11-03 22:39:59.748 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: IEEE 802.1X RX: version=2 type=3 length=143 11-03 22:39:59.748 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: EAPOL-Key type=2 11-03 22:39:59.749 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: key_info 0x1382 (ver=2 keyidx=0 rsvd=0 Group Ack MIC Secure Encr) 11-03 22:39:59.749 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: key_length=32 key_data_length=48 11-03 22:39:59.749 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: replay_counter - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 11-03 22:39:59.749 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: key_nonce - hexdump(len=32): ce 39 52 11 51 28 79 5a 48 30 98 df 43 4d 31 b3 9c 9b b4 17 d7 ac 84 fc 6d 69 e3 8b e1 cb 95 9d 11-03 22:39:59.749 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: key_iv - hexdump(len=16): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-03 22:39:59.749 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: key_rsc - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-03 22:39:59.749 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: key_id (reserved) - hexdump(len=8): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-03 22:39:59.749 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: key_mic - hexdump(len=16): 03 57 8a 20 2e e3 5b 72 e7 b8 e0 6d 57 98 76 e8 11-03 22:39:59.754 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: RSN: encrypted key data - hexdump(len=48): 98 de 9c ea e8 fb 1a 34 c4 ba f6 bc 7d 55 d9 81 53 b5 f7 81 03 ce a3 0c 3a 34 75 69 c7 39 d3 d8 ... 11-03 22:39:59.758 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPA: decrypted EAPOL-Key key data - hexdump(len=40): [REMOVED] 11-03 22:39:59.760 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 1 of Group Key Handshake from e0:b9:e5:e9:93:cf (ver=2) 11-03 22:39:59.760 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: RSN: msg 1/2 key data - hexdump(len=40): dd 26 00 0f ac 01 02 00 59 ff e3 96 a1 90 76 8b 62 a7 a7 c4 20 f3 5f 9b fb bf 48 1e 23 17 e9 e7 ... 11-03 22:39:59.760 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPA: GTK in EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=40): [REMOVED] 11-03 22:39:59.760 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: RSN: received GTK in group key handshake - hexdump(len=34): [REMOVED] 11-03 22:39:59.760 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: COMPLETED -> GROUP_HANDSHAKE 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Determining shared radio frequencies (max len 2) 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Shared frequencies (len=1): completed iteration 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: freq[0]: 2412, flags=0x1 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: Add operating class 81 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: Channels - hexdump(len=13): 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: Update channel list 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: channels: 81:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: cli_channels: 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPA: Group Key - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED] 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Installing GTK to the driver (keyidx=2 tx=0 len=32) 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPA: RSC - hexdump(len=6): 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wpa_driver_nl80211_set_key: ifindex=30 (wlan0) alg=2 addr=0xb6f0dbeb key_idx=2 set_tx=0 seq_len=6 key_len=32 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: KEY_DATA - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED] 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: KEY_SEQ - hexdump(len=6): 00 00 00 00 00 00 11-03 22:39:59.764 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: broadcast key 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/2 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPA: KCK - hexdump(len=16): [REMOVED] 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: WPA: Derived Key MIC - hexdump(len=16): fd 15 68 32 ac 2f ae 4b a5 18 67 0f 10 8d 5c 66 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with e0:b9:e5:e9:93:cf [GTK=TKIP] 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Cancelling authentication timeout 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: State: GROUP_HANDSHAKE -> COMPLETED 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Determining shared radio frequencies (max len 2) 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Shared frequencies (len=1): completed iteration 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: freq[0]: 2412, flags=0x1 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: Add operating class 81 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: Channels - hexdump(len=13): 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 11-03 22:39:59.765 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: Update channel list 11-03 22:39:59.766 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: channels: 81:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 11-03 22:39:59.766 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: P2P: cli_channels: 11-03 22:39:59.766 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Set rekey offload 11-03 22:40:00.361 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: showView 11-03 22:40:00.607 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:00.731 88 88 W kswapd0 : type=1400 audit(0.0:361): avc: denied { write } for uid=0 path=2F6465762F6173686D656D2F7368617265645F6D656D6F72792F3338374239393042393042373645313832303443413930324143383730323843202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=542969 scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:priv_app_tmpfs:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=0 11-03 22:40:00.731 88 88 W kswapd0 : type=1400 audit(0.0:362): avc: denied { write } for uid=0 path=2F6465762F6173686D656D2F7368617265645F6D656D6F72792F3338374239393042393042373645313832303443413930324143383730323843202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=542969 scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:priv_app_tmpfs:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=0 11-03 22:40:00.957 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:40:00.967 1818 1818 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0 11-03 22:40:03.339 17518 17597 W MessengerIpcClient: Timing out request: 1 11-03 22:40:03.668 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:04.574 17483 17488 I art : Do partial code cache collection, code=20KB, data=30KB 11-03 22:40:04.577 17483 17488 I art : After code cache collection, code=19KB, data=30KB 11-03 22:40:04.577 17483 17488 I art : Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB 11-03 22:40:06.732 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:09.798 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:12.860 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:13.639 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getDroidGuardResult: ["AEThLlzn8nbqhGfHQw156138Joi3r11LH0KeS1TLZ9UrkGDmwb99JTIShJWFRYsm4Z_PxvOxx384lxEteMfXSTq_YhI9jOg_M2CG"] 11-03 22:40:13.648 17483 17687 W IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection 11-03 22:40:13.649 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:40:14.642 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getAndroidId 4124559181100976590 11-03 22:40:15.118 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: log Loading page: signinconsent 11-03 22:40:15.921 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:16.725 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getAndroidId 4124559181100976590 11-03 22:40:17.033 17483 17684 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: JSBridge: getAndroidId 4124559181100976590 11-03 22:40:17.162 17483 17483 D GmsAuthLoginBrowser: pageFinished: https://accounts.google.com/EmbeddedSetup/signinconsent?source=android&xoauth_display_name=Android%20Device&lang=en&cc=ie&langCountry=en_ie&hl=en-IE&tmpl=new_account&flowName=EmbeddedSetupAndroid&TL=APDPHBCkrjBygXwjmsS8_S_lMQeIqkn9TS3ExghSav07H3nPY7PmKMh9wsFIiSxr&cid=1#close 11-03 22:40:17.200 17483 17699 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/tcmclient.jar 11-03 22:40:17.209 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: -- Request -- 11-03 22:40:17.209 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: add_account=1&androidId=393d60b8ec9989ce&app=com.google.android.gms&client_sig=38918a453d07199354f8b19af05ec6562ced5788&callerPkg=com.google.android.gms&callerSig=38918a453d07199354f8b19af05ec6562ced5788&device_country=ie&get_accountid=1&google_play_services_version=19420000&ACCESS_TOKEN=1&lang=en_IE&operatorCountry=ie&sdk_version=25&service=ac2dm&Token=oauth2_4%2FswFf744p3wvhR3DOEWicng1vgmToS_mwFn2kMo6vnKAHF59gc9YWWCiHymRSpQ2wDNnJLvRrW3iZ5qCOFuORUx4 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: -- Response -- 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: Token=aas_et/AKppINYC073cZcuWDTUARa-z-Oz65B1Qbbf673hKLoj2r289fMmj6PtKH5RykrDNc4KX5_GVgyvD2VnG6si0z7Hu59RDXi6KM11q2t8JtHY8a2xdF87cFdZX_blQGbIqiMvSjyFF5cmHALlN50JICJTuxh92vjz1dbBu4bi2QxKl85Fw5_TX_0Kra05N5T5PHxqBVZeCHJwFwWexZnQci3E= 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: Auth=qAforZCmQxxUv_LM1l3yj76uiO-3VIsNy7tf5RiWMvp3_OHzfllUWefQnzVEEfU1ZGZRsQ. 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: SID=qAforXHs1twFl1iFJLVnDroPRZAqy_QvGP-as7EMzcIGMonoWfzUoUk48J9WA9TSVDG3yQ. 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: LSID=qAforaRz6ZmJWwhUN0EH0tmSMBnv-9LnoKpWtz_Vyv--RcnUMRv1e5yeBvbUGsScX5MdJg. 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: services=mail,talk,cl,wise,writely,toolbar,reader,oz,youtube,lh2,ig,android,omaha,lso,fusiontables,androidconsole,chromiumsync,friendview,multilogin,mapsengine,local,chromewebstore,mymaps,googleplay,sierra,sj,news,bookmarks,memento,ahsid 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: Email=XXXXX@gmail.com 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: GooglePlusUpdate=0 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: firstName=XXXXXX 11-03 22:40:17.808 17483 17699 D GmsHttpFormClient: lastName=XXXX 11-03 22:40:17.853 842 2153 W AccountManagerService: insertAccountIntoDatabase: Account {name=XXXXX@gmail.com, type=com.google}, skipping since the account already exists 11-03 22:40:17.854 17483 17699 W GmsAuthLoginBrowser: Account NOT created!11-03 22:40:18.987 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:21.672 17483 17609 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x9cdbb980 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x9b69e4f0 11-03 22:40:22.050 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:22.799 1833 1833 I SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=75 11-03 22:40:22.824 842 2403 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recents.RecentsActivity} from uid 10033 on display 0 11-03 22:40:23.057 842 852 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 119193(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 22(576KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 15MB/23MB, paused 4.622ms total 184.883ms 11-03 22:40:24.722 1833 1833 V DeadZone: consuming errant click: (382.29205,2.072815) 11-03 22:40:25.123 1898 1898 D wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL' 11-03 22:40:25.441 842 31366 I ActivityManager: Killing 17483:com.google.android.gms/u0a68 (adj 100): remove task 11-03 22:40:25.517 842 3032 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 7 11-03 22:40:25.517 842 2718 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=45, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@72622db) 11-03 22:40:25.518 842 2718 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=44, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@a3dc178) 11-03 22:40:25.520 842 3032 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 17483 11-03 22:40:25.524 842 3032 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.location.LocationServiceV2 in 1000ms 11-03 22:40:25.525 842 1769 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=45, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-03 22:40:25.526 842 3032 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService in 162848ms 11-03 22:40:25.526 842 3032 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.wearable.WearableService in 10997ms 11-03 22:40:25.527 842 1769 E ConnectivityService: RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=44, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ] 11-03 22:40:25.527 842 3032 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.geocode.GeocodeServiceV1 in 20997ms 11-03 22:40:25.604 842 1518 E ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0 11-03 22:40:25.775 1818 1818 W InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2 11-03 22:40:25.786 1818 1818 I LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = -1,-1 11-03 22:40:25.796 1818 1818 I InputAttributes: InputType.TYPE_NULL is specified 11-03 22:40:26.548 842 1680 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17714:com.google.android.gms/u0a68 for service com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp.location.LocationServiceV2 11-03 22:40:26.991 17714 17714 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/lib/GmsCore-v0.2.10.19420 11-03 22:40:27.026 17714 17714 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 11-03 22:40:27.026 17714 17714 I MultiDex: Installing application 11-03 22:40:27.026 17714 17714 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 11-03 22:40:27.036 17714 17714 D GmsApiAvailability: As we can't know right now if the later desired feature is available, we just pretend it to be. 11-03 22:40:27.072 17714 17714 D GmsPhenotypeCfgProvider: unimplemented Method: onCreate 11-03 22:40:27.158 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #2 11-03 22:40:27.159 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #1 11-03 22:40:27.161 17714 17735 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #1 11-03 22:40:27.164 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.CONNECT cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.166 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #2 11-03 22:40:27.166 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connection is not enabled or dead. 11-03 22:40:27.168 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #3 11-03 22:40:27.170 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #4 11-03 22:40:27.171 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Starting MCS connection... 11-03 22:40:27.171 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #5 11-03 22:40:27.173 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #6 11-03 22:40:27.174 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #7 11-03 22:40:27.176 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #8 11-03 22:40:27.189 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #9 11-03 22:40:27.191 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #10 11-03 22:40:27.193 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #11 11-03 22:40:27.194 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #12 11-03 22:40:27.198 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #13 11-03 22:40:27.206 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #14 11-03 22:40:27.208 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #15 11-03 22:40:27.211 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connected to mtalk.google.com:5228 11-03 22:40:27.216 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #16 11-03 22:40:27.216 17714 17735 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-03 22:40:27.220 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #17 11-03 22:40:27.222 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Activated SSL with mtalk.google.com:5228 11-03 22:40:27.222 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #18 11-03 22:40:27.225 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #19 11-03 22:40:27.227 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #20 11-03 22:40:27.228 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #21 11-03 22:40:27.230 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #22 11-03 22:40:27.231 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #23 11-03 22:40:27.235 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #24 11-03 22:40:27.236 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #25 11-03 22:40:27.238 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #26 11-03 22:40:27.239 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #27 11-03 22:40:27.242 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #28 11-03 22:40:27.245 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #29 11-03 22:40:27.247 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #30 11-03 22:40:27.250 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #31 11-03 22:40:27.252 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #32 11-03 22:40:27.253 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #33 11-03 22:40:27.256 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #34 11-03 22:40:27.257 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #35 11-03 22:40:27.277 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #1 11-03 22:40:27.278 17714 17714 W WakefulBroadcastReceiv.: No active wake lock id #1 11-03 22:40:27.317 17714 17714 D GmsWearSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.wearable.BIND pkg=com.google.android.gms } 11-03 22:40:27.331 17714 17714 D NlpGeoBackendHelper: Binding to: Intent { act=org.microg.nlp.GEOCODER_BACKEND pkg=org.microg.nlp.backend.nominatim cmp=org.microg.nlp.backend.nominatim/.BackendService } 11-03 22:40:27.332 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.333 17714 17741 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Sending login request... 11-03 22:40:27.350 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.351 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.371 17714 17714 D GmsGcmTrigger: Ignoring Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }: service is running. schedule reconnect instead. 11-03 22:40:27.371 17714 17714 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling reconnect in 5 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.382 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.383 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.404 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.405 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.424 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.424 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.425 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.443 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.443 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.465 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.465 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.486 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.486 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.505 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.505 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.523 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.524 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.541 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.542 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.558 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.558 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.574 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.574 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.589 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.589 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.605 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.606 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.621 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.622 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.639 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.640 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.657 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.658 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.673 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.674 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.689 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.689 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.705 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.705 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.721 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.721 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.741 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.742 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.757 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.758 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.773 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.774 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.789 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.789 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.805 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.805 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.823 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.823 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.842 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.842 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.862 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Connect initiated, reason: Intent { act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.862 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.863 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.879 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.879 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.895 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.896 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.912 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.912 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.919 17714 17714 D NlpGeoBackendHelper: Bound to: ComponentInfo{org.microg.nlp.backend.nominatim/org.microg.nlp.backend.nominatim.BackendService} 11-03 22:40:27.932 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.933 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.951 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.951 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.967 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.967 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:27.983 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:27.983 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:28.006 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:28.006 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:28.026 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.HEARTBEAT flg=0x4 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.McsService (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:28.026 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:28.043 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:28.043 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds... 11-03 22:40:28.059 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Heartbeat initiated, reason: Intent { act=org.microg.gms.gcm.mcs.RECONNECT flg=0x14 cmp=com.google.android.gms/org.microg.gms.gcm.TriggerReceiver (has extras) } 11-03 22:40:28.059 17714 17735 D GmsGcmMcsSvc: Scheduling heartbeat in 600 seconds...

pmaccarron commented 4 years ago

Sorry, added this twice, closing one.