microg / IchnaeaNlpBackend

Backend for UnifiedNlp that uses Mozilla Location Service for geolocation.
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add option to temporarily turn on WiFi when location is requested #24

Open Be-ing opened 8 years ago

Be-ing commented 8 years ago

It would be convenient to add an option to automatically and temporarily turn on the WiFi radio when location is requested if the WiFi radio was off at the time of the request. I normally keep my WiFi radio off to save battery, but have to activate it for location.

be-neth commented 7 years ago


I am currently debugging this backend and I found that this is already the case (at least from Android 7). You must enable: in Location Settings You have a menu at top right of the screen -> Scanning

Wi-Fi Scanning
Improve location by allowing system apps and services to detect Wi-Fi networks at any time.

Even with my wifi disabled in settings, the IchnaeaBackend still report SSID around me.

tomasz1986 commented 7 years ago

It is because with scanning turned on your WiFi is also always on, regardless of what is says in Settings.

timmaahhh commented 7 years ago

Can I ask a stupid question? Because this is all Greek to me. I just found an installed version of unifiednip. Is this a means for someone to spy on my phone?

Phyks commented 6 years ago

@be-neth It seems to be the case for new versions of Android (> 4.4 I would say). However, under Android 4.2.2 it seems if wifi is not enabled, it won't fetch any location using wifi networks (and the option available in later versions of Android is not available :/).