microg / NetworkLocation

Deprecated! Use UnifiedNlp --- Geolocation using wlan and gsm cells. Data provided by Apple and opencellid.org
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Can't install update on Cyanogen 11 #9

Open dvenza opened 10 years ago

dvenza commented 10 years ago

Installing on CyanogenMon 11 M5 (4.4), by clicking on the apk installed in the correct location, gives the following error on logcat:

Can't install update of com.google.android.gms update version 1302 is older than installed version 4325036

I have the gapps installed.

mar-v-in commented 10 years ago

NetworkLocation conflicts at least with Google Play Services, which is included in GAPPS on Android 4.4. You can try uninstalling Google Play Services and removing GmsCore.apk from /system/app (or /system/priv-app), but this will remove any Play Services related features.

breversa commented 9 years ago

You may want to have a look at Xposed Unified NLP (https://github.com/Rawi01/XposedUnifiedNlp) that avoid conflict with GApps.