microg / RemoteDroidGuard

Service to run Google's DroidGuard binary in an isolated environment
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Support for API 9 #15

Closed ale5000-git closed 7 years ago

ale5000-git commented 7 years ago

Please add support for API 9

mar-v-in commented 7 years ago

Are there actual devices still running API 9?

ale5000-git commented 7 years ago

Well, a phone is working until isn't broken. It can be almost forever if you are lucky.

There are a lot of used phones that can be bought.

mar-v-in commented 7 years ago

Sure, but I think all of them actually upgraded to API 10+

ale5000-git commented 7 years ago

It may not happen on all phones, there are a lot of unknown chinese brands that do not give support at all.