microg / RemoteDroidGuard

Service to run Google's DroidGuard binary in an isolated environment
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MicroG lineage build don't pass SafetyNet and I'm very new to this #23

Closed Atrashraccoon closed 5 years ago

Atrashraccoon commented 5 years ago


I installed microG for LineageOS on both my S9+ and S7 Edge but even when I enable SafetyNet and installed the Droid Guard Helper from Fdroid I can't pass the test.

I've read that you might need to push files to /system/priv-app/ and other things but I have no idea how to do that and if I should.

JeffreyAbbinante commented 5 years ago

Use the version here and put it in /system/priv-app/ using the Systemizer Magisk Module. After that you will enable SafetyNet in the MicroG settings app and enable using the official server in the advanced settings. This is how I got SafetyNet to work on my phone. Hope this helps as it took me awhile to figure this out and resulted in me not wanting to use LineageOS for MicroG at first.

Nanolx commented 5 years ago

@ale5000-git could you close this issue? It's about the old bug fixed by https://github.com/microg/android_packages_apps_RemoteDroidGuard/pull/19

Atrashraccoon commented 5 years ago

Sorry for that, my issue wasn't closed and I spent countless hours trying to educate myself on this matter, I'll be checking your link @Nanolx and close this issue.

ale5000-git commented 5 years ago

@Nanolx: Now, I can do it.