microg / UnifiedNlp

Alternative network location provider for Android, with plugin interface to easily integrate third-party location providers.
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Issues with unifiednlp location!!! In android 9 #167

Closed Shabinder closed 4 years ago

Shabinder commented 5 years ago

Hello devs , I want to let u know that our unified nlp no longer works perfect , as it is having issues in Android 9 , its working like a charm in oreo and below , but in android 9 if we install the standalone application there are issue in registering and binding it into system , but whenwe install microg using installer like nanodroid , the it registers into system but always show plzz check ur location backends nmand unified nlp has no location to test geocoders!

I have given all the permission to it , and even using terminal too , as describes in issue https://github.com/microg/android_packages_apps_GmsCore/issues/366#issuecomment-427252345

So plz take a look into this and fix it if possible as many of the users are forced to be on oreo as there are compatibilty issue with pie!!

Also i have checked the same on 3 to 4 ROMs. And i the issue was same in all of them !

Shabinder commented 5 years ago

I am using following backends , moxilla backend , Deja vu location And nominatim , and all the oermissions are granted , checked twice for reassurance!

skygate2012 commented 5 years ago

Same issue here.

machiav3lli commented 5 years ago

just remove them(deja vu and mozilla's) from the system/priv-app, uninstall all the updates, restart the phone and reinstall them(actually one is enough) through f-droid.