Currently the error handling messages during development is supplied to the developer via fucky wucky br bullshit.
This error handling should not be visible for the user, and instead should be inserted into a log file on the server.
This error_log should at least include the date, timestamp and error message. If possible the version of the code-base should be included as well.
Should probably function as a function in includers/basic.php for easy usage. Keep in mind that this should point to the error_log file in the Julet root directory, no matter from what page the code is executed.
Currently the error handling messages during development is supplied to the developer via fucky wucky br bullshit. This error handling should not be visible for the user, and instead should be inserted into a log file on the server.
This error_log should at least include the date, timestamp and error message. If possible the version of the code-base should be included as well.
Should probably function as a function in includers/basic.php for easy usage. Keep in mind that this should point to the error_log file in the Julet root directory, no matter from what page the code is executed.