microlinkhq / metascraper

Get unified metadata from websites using Open Graph, Microdata, RDFa, Twitter Cards, JSON-LD, HTML, and more.
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Instagram Scraping Give me null at some field #658

Closed RubberArchind closed 1 year ago

RubberArchind commented 1 year ago


Subject of the issue

So I try scraping instagram post with metascraper and got some field was null like author and logo which should have some value according to the snapshots in this page https://github.com/microlinkhq/metascraper/blob/master/packages/metascraper-instagram/test/snapshots/index.js.md

Steps to reproduce

Note: You can reproduce the code using interactive Node.js shell by Runkit. const getHTML = require('html-get')


const getContent = async url => { // create a browser context inside the main Chromium process const browserContext = browserless.createContext() const promise = getHTML(url, { getBrowserless: () => browserContext }) // close browser resources before return the result promise.then(() => browserContext).then(browser => browser.destroyContext()) return promise }



Expected behaviour

all scraped field must have values as in snapshot

Actual behaviour

{ author: null, video: null, title: 'KRITIS, INFORMATIF, EDUKATIF on Instagram: “Sebab Kerusuhan Dago Elos, Kepolisan Tolak Laporan Dugaan Data Palsu dan Penipuan...”', date: '2023-08-21T07:47:48.000Z', image: 'https://scontent-cgk1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/368080123_864654158412825_2083724060336667766_n.webp?stp=c216.0.648.648a_dst-jpg_s640x640&_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=NLt-IeCY_owAX98WBsr&_nc_oc=AQmtubtZ85gSxAW0UM_2HHn5c-kvgnyhKKVPkRFSpIYIJ81ew6bIcU9_GKU_5ebG3Nw&_nc_ht=scontent-cgk1-1.cdninstagram.com&oh=00_AfAeHSaNPnDOcpTOs2j9tikXyxlLlJRwA44ygDiJlagrZw&oe=64E8B60B', description: '12K likes, 644 comments - undercover.id on August 15, 2023: “Sebab Kerusuhan Dago Elos, Kepolisan Tolak Laporan Dugaan Data Palsu dan Penipuan...”', publisher: 'Instagram', logo: null, url: 'https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv_Lbq1ygce/' }

Kikobeats commented 1 year ago

Sorry but it isn't a metascraper concern.

Having the right HTML markup before using metascraper is a precondition