micromatch / picomatch

Blazing fast and accurate glob matcher written JavaScript, with no dependencies and full support for standard and extended Bash glob features, including braces, extglobs, POSIX brackets, and regular expressions. Used by GraphQL, Jest, Astro, Snowpack, Storybook, bulma, Serverless, fdir, Netlify, AWS Amplify, Revogrid, rollup, routify, open-wc, imba, ava, docusaurus, fast-glob, globby, chokidar, anymatch, cloudflare/miniflare, pts, and more than 5 million projects! Please follow picomatch's author: https://github.com/jonschlinkert
MIT License
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`options.cwd` is not used and there's no picomatch.split #119

Open saschanaz opened 1 year ago

saschanaz commented 1 year ago


Option Type Default value Description
cwd string process.cwd() Current working directory. Used by picomatch.split()
> require('picomatch').split

I don't see any cwd use in the tree, is it removed?