micronaut-projects / micronaut-aws

Projects specific to integrating Micronaut and Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Apache License 2.0
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fix(deps): update aws-java-sdk monorepo to v1.12.744 #2139

Closed renovate[bot] closed 2 weeks ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core (source) 1.12.738 -> 1.12.744 age adoption passing confidence
com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom (source) 1.12.738 -> 1.12.744 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

aws/aws-sdk-java (com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core) ### [`v1.12.744`](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#112744-2024-06-14) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/compare/1.12.743...1.12.744) #### **AWS Elemental MediaConvert** - ### Features - This release adds the ability to search for historical job records within the management console using a search box and/or via the SDK/CLI with partial string matching search on input file name. #### **Amazon DataZone** - ### Features - This release introduces a new default service blueprint for custom environment creation. #### **Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud** - ### Features - Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. #### **Amazon Macie 2** - ### Features - This release adds support for managing the status of automated sensitive data discovery for individual accounts in an organization, and determining whether individual S3 buckets are included in the scope of the analyses. #### **Amazon Route 53 Domains** - ### Features - Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing. ### [`v1.12.743`](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#112743-2024-06-14) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/compare/1.12.742...1.12.743) #### **AWS CloudHSM V2** - ### Features - Added support for hsm type hsm2m.medium. Added supported for creating a cluster in FIPS or NON_FIPS mode. #### **AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2** - ### Features - This release adds support for CMAF ingest (DASH-IF live media ingest protocol interface 1) #### **AWS Glue** - ### Features - This release adds support for configuration of evaluation method for composite rules in Glue Data Quality rulesets. #### **AWS IoT Wireless** - ### Features - Add RoamingDeviceSNR and RoamingDeviceRSSI to Customer Metrics. #### **AWS Key Management Service** - ### Features - This feature allows customers to use their keys stored in KMS to derive a shared secret which can then be used to establish a secured channel for communication, provide proof of possession, or establish trust with other parties. ### [`v1.12.742`](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#112742-2024-06-12) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/compare/1.12.741...1.12.742) #### **AWS Mainframe Modernization Application Testing** - ### Features - AWS Mainframe Modernization Application Testing is an AWS Mainframe Modernization service feature that automates functional equivalence testing for mainframe application modernization and migration to AWS, and regression testing. #### **AWS Secrets Manager** - ### Features - Introducing RotationToken parameter for PutSecretValue API #### **Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud** - ### Features - Tagging support for Traffic Mirroring FilterRule resource #### **Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion** - ### Features - SDK changes for self-managed vpc endpoint to OpenSearch ingestion pipelines. #### **Amazon Redshift** - ### Features - Updates to remove DC1 and DS2 node types. #### **Amazon Security Lake** - ### Features - This release updates request validation regex to account for non-commercial aws partitions. #### **Amazon Simple Email Service** - ### Features - This release adds support for Amazon EventBridge as an email sending events destination. ### [`v1.12.741`](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#112741-2024-06-11) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/compare/1.12.740...1.12.741) #### **AWS Network Manager** - ### Features - This is model changes & documentation update for Service Insertion feature for AWS Cloud WAN. This feature allows insertion of AWS/3rd party security services on Cloud WAN. This allows to steer inter/intra segment traffic via security appliances and provide visibility to the route updates. #### **Access Analyzer** - ### Features - IAM Access Analyzer now provides policy recommendations to help resolve unused permissions for IAM roles and users. Additionally, IAM Access Analyzer now extends its custom policy checks to detect when IAM policies grant public access or access to critical resources ahead of deployments. #### **Amazon GuardDuty** - ### Features - Added API support for GuardDuty Malware Protection for S3. #### **Amazon SageMaker Service** - ### Features - Introduced Scope and AuthenticationRequestExtraParams to SageMaker Workforce OIDC configuration; this allows customers to modify these options for their private Workforce IdP integration. Model Registry Cross-account model package groups are discoverable. #### **Private CA Connector for SCEP** - ### Features - Connector for SCEP allows you to use a managed, cloud CA to enroll mobile devices and networking gear. SCEP is a widely-adopted protocol used by mobile device management (MDM) solutions for enrolling mobile devices. With the connector, you can use AWS Private CA with popular MDM solutions. ### [`v1.12.740`](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#112740-2024-06-10) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/compare/1.12.739...1.12.740) #### **Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals** - ### Features - This is the initial SDK release for Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals. Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals provides curated application performance monitoring for developers to monitor and troubleshoot application health using pre-built dashboards and Service Level Objectives. #### **Amazon EC2 Container Service** - ### Features - This release introduces a new cluster configuration to support the customer-managed keys for ECS managed storage encryption. #### **EC2 Image Builder** - ### Features - This release updates the regex pattern for Image Builder ARNs. ### [`v1.12.739`](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#112739-2024-06-07) [Compare Source](https://togithub.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/compare/1.12.738...1.12.739) #### **AWS Audit Manager** - ### Features - New feature: common controls. When creating custom controls, you can now use pre-grouped AWS data sources based on common compliance themes. Also, the awsServices parameter is deprecated because we now manage services in scope for you. If used, the input is ignored and an empty list is returned. #### **AWS B2B Data Interchange** - ### Features - Added exceptions to B2Bi List operations and ConflictException to B2Bi StartTransformerJob operation. Also made capabilities field explicitly required when creating a Partnership. #### **AWS CodePipeline** - ### Features - CodePipeline now supports overriding S3 Source Object Key during StartPipelineExecution, as part of Source Overrides. #### **Amazon SageMaker Service** - ### Features - This release introduces a new optional parameter: InferenceAmiVersion, in ProductionVariant. #### **Amazon Verified Permissions** - ### Features - This release adds OpenIdConnect (OIDC) configuration support for IdentitySources, allowing for external IDPs to be used in authorization requests.


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🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

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This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

sonarcloud[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Quality Gate Passed Quality Gate passed

0 New issues
0 Accepted issues

0 Security Hotspots
No data about Coverage
No data about Duplication

See analysis details on SonarCloud