micronaut-projects / micronaut-core

Micronaut Application Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Micronaut CLI cannot make profiles. #3755

Closed BeniaminK closed 4 years ago

BeniaminK commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting an issue, please review the task list below before submitting the issue. Your issue report will be closed if the issue is incomplete and the below tasks not completed.

NOTE: If you are unsure about something and the issue is more of a question a better place to ask questions is on Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/tags/micronaut) or Gitter (https://gitter.im/micronautfw/). DO NOT use the issue tracker to ask questions.

Task List

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install Micronaut on Unix using SDKMAN
  2. Run mn create-app my-project --profile rabbitmq

Expected Behaviour

A project with rabbitmq profile should be created following the https://docs.micronaut.io/latest/guide/cli.html#profiles

Actual Behaviour

Error is thrown and operation fails: positional parameter at index 0..* (NAME) should be specified only once Meaning all the arguments are treated as positional arguments.

Fill error displayed in bash:

positional parameter at index 0..* (NAME) should be specified only once
Usage: mn create-app [-hivVx] [--list-features] [-b=BUILD-TOOL] [--jdk=<javaVersion>] [-l=LANG]
                     [-t=TEST] [-f=FEATURE[,FEATURE...]]... [NAME]
Creates an application
      [NAME]               The name of the application to create.
  -b, --build=BUILD-TOOL   Which build tool to configure. Possible values: gradle, maven.
  -f, --features=FEATURE[,FEATURE...]
                           The features to use. Possible values: jdbc-dbcp, jdbc-tomcat, jdbc-ucp,
                             jdbc-hikari, kafka-streams, data-jdbc, springloaded, security-oauth2,
                             spring, cache-hazelcast, kafka, log4j2, graphql, discovery-consul,
                             vertx-pg-client, management, jetty-server, rss-itunes-podcast,
                             micrometer-influx, liquibase, mariadb, mongo-gorm, h2, openapi,
                             spring-web, spring-data-jdbc, google-cloud-function, views-handlebars,
                             views-thymeleaf, aws-lambda, micrometer-humio, micrometer-kairos,
                             hibernate-gorm, neo4j-bolt, flyway, views-freemarker, sqlserver,
                             jax-rs, rss, rabbitmq, neo4j-gorm, acme, spring-data-jpa,
                             micrometer-elastic, multi-tenancy, jrebel, file-watch, rxjava3, mysql,
                             redis-lettuce, micrometer-appoptics, jooq, postgres, security-ldap,
                             micrometer-dynatrace, cache-ehcache, gcp-cloud-trace, security-jwt,
                             views-rocker, micrometer-stackdriver, vertx-mysql-client, jib,
                             security, micrometer-datadog, kubernetes, views-velocity, data-jpa,
                             rxjava1, micrometer-signalfx, nats, security-session,
                             hibernate-validator, mongo-reactive, micrometer-jmx, netty-server,
                             aws-alexa, multi-tenancy-gorm, asciidoctor, reactor,
                             aws-lambda-custom-runtime, hibernate-jpa, sql-jdbi, tracing-jaeger,
                             jmx, elasticsearch, micrometer-prometheus, tracing-zipkin, cassandra,
                             micrometer-wavefront, micrometer-azure-monitor, spring-boot,
                             micrometer-ganglia, undertow-server, discovery-eureka, logback,
                             tomcat-server, micrometer-graphite, mongo-sync, azure-function,
                             micrometer-new-relic, oracle, netflix-archaius, cache-caffeine,
                             testcontainers, jackson-xml, cache-infinispan, netflix-hystrix,
                             kotlin-extension-functions, micrometer-statsd, ktor, netflix-ribbon,
                             micrometer-cloudwatch, http-client, micrometer-atlas, config-consul,
                             graalvm, views-soy, config4k, properties
  -h, --help               Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --inplace            Create a service using the current directory
      --jdk, --java-version=<javaVersion>
                           The JDK version the project should target
  -l, --lang=LANG          Which language to use. Possible values: java, groovy, kotlin.
      --list-features      Output the available features and their descriptions
  -t, --test=TEST          Which test framework to use. Possible values: junit, spock, kotlintest.
  -v, --verbose            Create verbose output.
  -V, --version            Print version information and exit.
  -x, --stacktrace         Show full stack trace when exceptions occur.

Environment Information

Example Application

graemerocher commented 4 years ago

profiles have been deprecated and removed in 2.0.x you should just use:

create-messaging-app foo --features rabbitmq