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Micronaut Application Framework
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EventBus support in Micronaut #611

Closed luistrigueiros closed 6 years ago

luistrigueiros commented 6 years ago

I would love to see support in Micronaut for a type of EventBus mechanics similar to the one that exists in Guava or Spring.

The would be that a bean method annotated with a given annotation i.e (@Subscribe) would be automatically registered as a listener for events that could be fired via an implementation of this EventBus given by Micronaut container.

Additionally optionally it would be cool if this would be handled async maybe using the equivalent of one elastic I/O executor service.

RyanHoldren commented 6 years ago

This sounds to me a lot like the method adapter advice example in the documentation

brandonlamb commented 6 years ago


Editing for more clarity/details, example fixes.

My team builds microservices (duh right) implementing Domain-Driven Design and Ports and Adapters. We implement application services as command/event handlers (command pattern?).

For those stumbling upon this thread and wondering what examples could be:

The built-in application events felt a bit funky/clumsy so we added MBassador which is a no-deps (hopefully Im not lying on that) event bus. I didnt want to pull in the entire guava library to use its event bus.

Event Listener Class

class ThingCreatedHandler @Inject constructor(private val thingService: ThingService) {
  fun handle(event: ThingCreated) {
    try {
    } catch (e: Exception) {
      Logger.error("log_type=thing_create_failed, message={}, data={}", e.message, event)

There is an extra step where I could see the awesome MN compile-time stuff fix of instantiating (via MN DI) and registering classes.

Event Subscribe Class

class EventSubscriber @Inject constructor(
  eventBus: MBassador<Any>,
  thingCreatedHandler: ThingCreatedHandler
) {
  init {
    //... and the next one

Publish messages (command or event) supports both sync/async

luistrigueiros commented 6 years ago

Thank you both very useful inputs I will have a look at MBassador and the Adapter. I my case what I am doing is just when persisting objects to Redis using Lettuce reactive API for some reason the the doOnNext does not gets called, but I need to create additional aux keys and data structures for example to support multi-facet search. So I am using an event listener to create the additional support indexes for a given domain object been persisted.

graemerocher commented 6 years ago

Like @RyanHoldren said I don't believe this is necessary. You can achieve 90% of what an event bus offers by publishing an event:

class MyEvent {}

@Inject ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher

eventPublisher.publishEvent(new MyEvent())

And adding an async event listener:

void myEventListener(MyEvent event) {

Other features like filtering etc. can be added as necessary at the method level.

luistrigueiros commented 6 years ago

Thank you @graemerocher this was I was looking for.

luistrigueiros commented 6 years ago

Hi @graemerocher:

How can one obtain an instance of ApplicationEventListener ? I my case I don't have of these service discovery services yet.

https://docs.micronaut.io/snapshot/api/io/micronaut/context/event/ApplicationEventListener.html All Known Implementing Classes: AutoRegistration, ConsulAutoRegistration, DiscoveryServiceAutoRegistration, EnvironmentConfiguration, EnvironmentDeploymentContext, EurekaAutoRegistration, HeartbeatTask, RefreshScope, Route53AutoNamingRegistrationClient, SessionWebSocketEventListener, SimpleMeterRegistryEventListener

rodolfodpk commented 3 years ago

90% of the features? Well, Quarkus certainly got some inspiration from Micronaut and I wish Micronaut could do it too: https://quarkus.io/guides/reactive-event-bus An event bus with request/reply (not only pub/sub), blocking code annotation, and even Mutiny as an alternative reactive glue (compatible with RxJava but not Reactor, AFAIK). I have some use cases I usually implemented in Vertx/Quarkus with its event bus but now I have to use Micronaut and stucked. At least I can use Vertx reactive drivers with Micronaut, I probably will make use of its event bus too but will miss some nice building blocks.