micronutrientsupport / micronutrient-support-tool

Web front-end for the MAPS Micronutrient Support Tool
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Summary of Biomarker tasks Part 1 #1308

Closed Fuhji closed 10 months ago

Fuhji commented 11 months ago
  1. create the call to the /micronutrients endpoint when user selects a nutrient indicates in the isBiomarker field whether the "Biomarker Data" option should be enabled under "Data to use" (I believe this functionality already exists). @DanielLyleWilliamWarren
  2. depending on results from /micronutrients endpoint, enable/disable Data to use buttons @DanielLyleWilliamWarren
  3. re-enable the age gender group selection, which is only visible when the user selects biomarker data option. Additional Select input is enabled allowing user to select "Age gender group" (MEN, PREG, PSC, SAC, WRA with WRA being the default selection). This select is powered by the /biomarker/age-gender-groups endpoint. (I believe this functionality exists) @Fuhji
  4. Once the user selects age/gender group, call the /biomarker/data-sources endpoint and pass Country ID, Micronutrient ID and Age-Gender group ID. Results from this call are displayed in a new input select called 'Biomarker' @Fuhji
  5. When the user changes the selected Biomarker select, update the Data Source inputs