micronutrientsupport / micronutrient-support-tool

Web front-end for the MAPS Micronutrient Support Tool
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Food sources card #218

Closed pautva closed 2 years ago

pautva commented 3 years ago

User story

As a nutritionist, I want to know what are the projected food sources for selected micronutrient, so I can adjust my recommendations and guidelines


Provide an overview of food sources for selected nutrient grouped by commodity or food group under 3 different scenarios.


Chart image

Table image

Download image


Quick Maps > Projections to 2050 tab




Text description for chart
The graph shows main food sources for [mn] in [nation].
Text description for table
Top 5 items contributing to Calcium consumption - grams per person per day.
Text for scenario description
SSP1 - Sustainable development is realized, with relatively high levels of investment in research and development, which leads to rapid technological change (with a sustainable focus), decreasing inequality, lower energy intensity, and high land productivity. This development pathway leads to a future where society is able to relatively easily mitigate or adapt to climate change. There are a high rate of economic growth, declining population growth, and increasing levels of education globally. SSP2 - This is a middle-of-the-road scenario that follows historical trends. Economic development continues but is not uniform. Environmental degradation continues but at a slowing pace. There is general improvement, but it is much slower than that seen in SSP 1. Climate change presents moderate challenges to both adaptation and mitigation. SSP3 - This is a fairly negative future pathway characterized by increasing nationalism with greater levels of conflict and challenges to global and regional cooperation. Barriers to trade increase, and countries tend to look inward at the expense of global cooperation. There are lower levels of technological change. Economic development is slow, and population growth is higher. Climate change presents significant challenges for both adaptation and mitigation.

Acceptance criteria

Sprint Ready Checklist

    • [ ] Acceptance criteria defined
    • [ ] Team understands acceptance criteria
    • [ ] Team has defined solution / steps to satisfy acceptance criteria
    • [ ] Acceptance criteria is verifiable / testable
    • [ ] External / 3rd Party dependencies identified
Fuhji commented 3 years ago

Is there data and/or API availability for this to be started? @bgsandan

bgsandan commented 3 years ago

Sorry, have been having internet issues. Pulling sample data out of DB now