micronutrientsupport / micronutrient-support-tool

Web front-end for the MAPS Micronutrient Support Tool
MIT License
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Card - Nutrient availability per person #791

Open pautva opened 2 years ago

pautva commented 2 years ago


Work in progress.

User story

As a nutritionist, I want to compare nutrient availability per person under different scenarios.


nutrient availability

Chart tab
![uncertainty - chart](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72566636/157659174-d4a2f840-46ce-4c3d-95dd-471ecc99678b.png)
Table tab
![uncertainty - table](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72566636/157659235-52c033e1-6396-4ef3-a7f4-c41e9c379398.png)
Download tab
![uncertainty - download](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72566636/157659297-0584c8d5-14b5-487a-8aaa-4eb398cd7958.png)


This card should allow users to compare individual scenarios to each other either in a chart view or table view. In the fan chart, you can compare 2 scenarios, in the table - all scenarios.

The scenarios displayed in the nutrient availability card are dependent on the selection in the Summary card (#786). It will be either socioeconomic, climate or all scenarios.


If socio-economic scenarios are selected, only SSP scenarios will be available for comparison.

If climate scenarios are selected - only, RCP scenarios will be available for comparison.

I all scenarios are selected, then the comparison is not available, and only a single chart is visible.


The table displays selected micronutrient projections under different scenarios. It is similar to the mini-table in the Summary card (#786), but includes more details.

View table

Green values - intake above the recommended intake level Red values - intake below the recommended intake level

Download tab

Users should be able to download:

Success criteria




Related issues

DanielLyleWilliamWarren commented 2 years ago

Card scaffolding complete