microprediction / sklearned

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Listing of neural architecture search for time-series packages #2

Open microprediction opened 1 year ago

microprediction commented 1 year ago

In other words ... better packages than this one.

microprediction commented 1 year ago

Microsoft NNI includes some really nifty optimizations and a clean separation of the space definition from search strategy. It leans on the retiarii framework under the "one shot" category.

microprediction commented 1 year ago

Keras tuner and on top of that, AutoKeras which includes pipelines.

microprediction commented 1 year ago

ts.gluon has things like DeepAR search.

microprediction commented 1 year ago

Auto-Pytorch and in particular the paper Efficient Automated Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting.

microprediction commented 1 year ago

darts is the original differentiable architecture search per the paper.

microprediction commented 1 year ago

DeepHyper has been used for spatial time-series here.

microprediction commented 1 year ago

Paper Universal Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learning describes the goals of DiffEqFlux on top of Flux.