microprediction / timemachines

Predict time-series with one line of code.
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Not finding module named 'timemachines.skaters.ik' #93

Closed jamjahal closed 2 years ago

jamjahal commented 2 years ago

hi, I've tried loading the example in colab, and then locally in a new env. Both times, when going through the example to instantiate and use a model with the following code

""" from timemachines.skaters.localskaters import local_skater_from_name f = local_skater_from_name('thinking_fast_and_slow') f """

I get the following error:


ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) /var/folders/w5/yscn4zzs1y18mqqxft3z_gwh0000gn/T/ipykernel_86047/1074514103.py in ----> 1 from timemachines.skaters.localskaters import local_skater_from_name 2 f = local_skater_from_name('thinking_fast_and_slow') 3 f

/opt/anaconda3/envs/timemachines/lib/python3.10/site-packages/timemachines/skaters/localskaters.py in 32 from timemachines.skaters.pycrt.allpycaretskaters import PYCRT_SKATERS 33 from timemachines.skaters.kts.allkatsskaters import KATS_SKATERS ---> 34 from timemachines.skaters.ik.allikskaters import IK_SKATERS 35 36 LOCAL_SKATERS = EMA_SKATERS + PROPHET_SKATERS + DIVINE_SKATERS + DLM_SKATERS + \

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'timemachines.skaters.ik' """

Any help with this error would be appreciated. The previous lines in the colab notebook work, so it is able to import something from timemachines.

iklasky commented 2 years ago

@jamjahal Just merged a pr to address that. let me know if that still doesnt work.

microprediction commented 2 years ago

I've bravely pushed a new version to PyPI that should fix this

microprediction commented 2 years ago

if it doesn't, I have better peripheral vision in the slack. https://join.slack.com/t/microprediction/shared_invite/zt-10ad1yiec-Jgsjkit~~dwNnpvRzyBTaQ

microprediction commented 2 years ago

@jamjahal are we good to close this?

jamjahal commented 2 years ago

This appears to have solved my problem, I am no longer getting that error. Thank you!