microprofile-extensions / openapi-ext

Some extensions for MicroProfile OpenAPI
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Openapi-ext getting an error with ApplicationPath = "/" #7

Closed rhuan080 closed 4 years ago

rhuan080 commented 4 years ago


The css and javascript from Openapi-ext is getting an error when I configure the ApplicationPath from JAX-RS to "/". This is an example.

@ApplicationPath("/") public class RestApplication extends Application {}

These are the URL is getting error (404):


I have seen the CSS and JS come from a swagger-ui jar that is dependency.

I have seen the openapi-ext has the OpenApiService that read html template and css from classloader. I think the same can be done to fix this problem.

phillip-kruger commented 4 years ago

Hi Rhuan. Thanks for the bug, a fix would be appreciated :)

rhuan080 commented 4 years ago


Thank you! :)

I will work on it.

phillip-kruger commented 4 years ago

What implementation are you using when you get this bug ?

rhuan080 commented 4 years ago


phillip-kruger commented 4 years ago

So this is a combination of context-root being / and application path being /

You will see in the example app in the pom under the thorntail profile that I explicitly set the context root:


But if you have no context root and JAX-RS monitor all trafic under /, webjars can not 'kick in'.

You PR is the right approach, meaning that we server that static content via the server, but I would rather use JAX-RS to do that, than using Servlet. We are already using JAX-RS to serve the HTML UI page.

So I added this peace of code (also please see the PR and let me know there:

@Path("{path: ^webjars\\/.*}")
public class StaticResourcesService {

    public Response staticJsResources(@PathParam("path") final String path) {
        try (InputStream inputStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(String.format("META-INF/resources/%s", path));
                BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
                StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter()) {

            String response = stringWriter.toString();
            if(response!=null && !response.isEmpty()){
                return Response.ok(response).build();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
        log.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not find resource [{0}]", path);
        return Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
phillip-kruger commented 4 years ago

See #9

rhuan080 commented 4 years ago

Hi @phillip-kruger

The problem is the JAX-RS works with an Application that could change the path. Look this example.

@ApplicationPath("/api") public class RestApplication extends Application {}

Thus the URL will be {server}/{contextRoot}/{applicationPath}/webjars/*

Then I used Servlet to solve that.

Another question is this peace of code does not treat requests to Files (such as PNG).

phillip-kruger commented 4 years ago


Thus the URL will be {server}/{contextRoot}/{applicationPath}/webjars/*

still works fine. (default webjars behaviour) - You can test to confirm, but that is what the example is doing

There is not PNG in the webjars (that we are interested in at least) - only css and js.

Do the above code work for your Use-case ?

rhuan080 commented 4 years ago

--> still works fine. (default webjars behaviour) - You can test to confirm, but that is what the example is doing

I think all requests could be answered in the same way. I think it make the maintenance easier.

About my user case I will make tests soon.

About the PNG, I have seen some PNGs inside org.webjars.swagger-ui.{version}.

phillip-kruger commented 4 years ago

There is no maintenance in the default webjars case as ot works out of the box. The images in the jars are screenshots from the project and we do not need them. In fact we should get rid of them as they just make the artifact very fat

rhuan080 commented 4 years ago

@phillip-kruger Ok.

phillip-kruger commented 4 years ago

Thanks for you help. I appreciate it.