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Convert Groovy-based setup to Github pages #65

Open dblevins opened 3 years ago

dblevins commented 3 years ago

From 2021 MicroProfile Program Plan Community Voices

Page for each specification (#65)

We currently have a page per specification version. It is in Markdown and rendered via Groovy.

The goal of the task is to keep things in Markdown (not wordpress), but replace the Groovy with simple gihub pages.

These pages are free form. They teach people about the spec, show code examples, etc. Project teams have freedom of how they structure these pages. If they can commit to these markdown/asciidoc files directly and have them immediately published, that's the best.

These cannot live in Wordpress or only 1 or 2 people will be able to update them and they’ll all get stale. We'd be setting ourselves up for another failure.

This task is blocked by there not being someone technical available to move it forward.

Not the same as these issues:

cesarhernandezgt commented 2 years ago

The pages that uses the Groovy-based setup are the following:

As of today, the status for each page is:

Mailing list thread for weekly updates: https://groups.google.com/g/microprofile/c/oXiF9s5h9JM

cesarhernandezgt commented 2 years ago


Done: /contributors and /projects page is now fully migrated: https://microprofile.io/contributors/ https://microprofile.io/projects/

Both pages uses Github pages respectively instead of ec2 endpoint: https://microprofile.github.io/microprofile-site/contributors/ https://microprofile.github.io/microprofile-site/projects/


aeiras commented 2 years ago

Amazing work, @cesarhernandezgt and all involved!!!

Under Project's page, I noticed 2 things:

  1. that not all Repositories are listed. MP has 27 repos. Why is that? Ideally, the new page updates automatically and lists today's active repos and future ones without Human intervention. Scalability ought to be the it. If updating it needs a human, we need to understand why.
  2. is there a way to alphabetize it? Doing so will be welcoming to the viewer and easier to navigate.

Contributors' page:

So it means that anyone who contributes to any of the 27 current MP repos will be listed on the page, correct?

cesarhernandezgt commented 1 year ago

Hi @aeiras , replying inline:

that not all Repositories are listed. MP has 27 repos. Why is that?

Before and after migration, the source of truth for the list of repositories was and is managed via a property file on Github. Currently, this is the file: https://github.com/microprofile/microprofile-site/blob/master/src/main/resources/META-INF/microprofile-config.properties#L18-L41 if there are missing projects, we are just one Pull Request away from adding this into the website.

There are improvements in the backlog that we can eventually include to automate even more the scanning of new projects: https://github.com/microprofile/microprofile-site/issues/104

is there a way to alphabetize it? Doing so will be welcoming to the viewer and easier to navigate.

This can be done by manually organize the list of projects form the property file: https://github.com/microprofile/microprofile-site/blob/master/src/main/resources/META-INF/microprofile-config.properties#L18-L41

I updated https://github.com/microprofile/microprofile-site/issues/104 to add the alphabetical order to be automated too.

aeiras commented 1 year ago

Great stuff, Cesar. Thank you for the update.