micropython / micropython-esp32

Old port of MicroPython to the ESP32 -- new port is at https://github.com/micropython/micropython
MIT License
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esp-wrover i2c hardware support #243

Closed jonhp closed 5 years ago

jonhp commented 6 years ago

hi, i am new here, so if this misses the mark in some way, it is not my intent. it appears that the esp32-wrover module has full hardware support for i2c. best i can tell, the micropython implementation of i2c is all in code with delays for the clocking. is there a plan to provide support for the native i2c hardware in micropython?

Avi-TelnT commented 6 years ago

I believe that ...ports/stm32/machine_i2c.c is HW implemented. and I2C.C with DMA code. I see that there is some old CC3000 software code too.
Search for I2C to see all https://github.com/micropython/micropython-esp32/blob/046d15f074398cc2968fc66ae2fd25dc31100109/docs/library/machine.I2C.rst

MrSurly commented 6 years ago

This repo has been merged into micropython/micropython; issues and PRs for ESP32 (or any other platform) should be posted there.

@jonhp You are correct, software I2C right now

@Avi-TelnT That's for the STM32 port

Avi-TelnT commented 6 years ago

@MrSurly And what about ESP32? HW or SW?

MrSurly commented 6 years ago

@Avi-TelnT Software, right now. A PR would be welcome, I'm sure.