micropython / micropython-infineon

MicroPython ported to Infineon MCUs
MIT License
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how to connect to XMC4800 board after make install #7

Closed TacHuynh closed 4 years ago

TacHuynh commented 4 years ago

Follow the installation of XMC. got the gdb connected to the XMC4800. how do i test the micropython on this board trying picocom with variuos baudrate to /dev/ttyAMA0 port but never get a response from the board. picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyAMA0

how do i test the micropython on this XMC4800 board? Thanks, Tac.

TacHuynh commented 4 years ago

answer to my own question:

  1. convert firmware.elf to firmware.hex (google to find how to do this: objcopy -j.text -O ihex input.out out.hex)
  2. use jlink to write firmware.hex to the XMC4800
  3. hook up a usb cable to XMC4800 USB X100
  4. use any terminal program to talk to the COMx with 9600 baud rate