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Add uasyncio version of urequests (with patch) #550

Closed GM-Script-Writer-62850 closed 1 month ago

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 2 years ago

Patch: urequests.zip Attachment includes both before/after scripts of the current version of urequests as well as a diff.patch file This also includes a copy of this with the patch applied for issue #546

Using this test code shows my uasyncio urequests patch works

import uasyncio_urequests as urequests
import uasyncio

# [insert code to connect to network here]

async def test():
    while True:
        await uasyncio.sleep(1)
async def main():
    while True:
        r=await urequests.get("")
        #await uasyncio.sleep(3)
jimmo commented 2 years ago

Thanks @GM-Script-Writer-62850 -- this is neat and definitely supporting a more full-featured asyncio http client is something we need for MicroPython.

I'm not sure adding an async version of urequests makes sense though if the library it's based on (requests -- https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) doesn't itself support asyncio.

I think the effort would be better spent turning this into a micro implementation of aiohttp (or any of the other asyncio-based Python http libraries).

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 2 years ago

i did look at this one, but it did not look to support sending post data (massive deal breaker for my use case) https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib/blob/master/micropython/uaiohttpclient/uaiohttpclient.py in my current project i only make a single GET request at boot, i use POST for sending data to log and backing up config data

mattytrentini commented 2 years ago

request takes an HTTP method as the first parameter so something like this should work:

resp = yield from aiohttp.request("POST", url)

Mind you, just throwing it out there, I'd love to have a MicroPython port of httpx if you feel like going down that path... 😄

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 2 years ago

aiohttp.request("POST", url) now how do i send data? i have a URL and a method, but no way to send post data and what about setting the content type header (eg: application/x-www-form-urlencoded or applicatoion/json)?

mattytrentini commented 2 years ago

Errr, umm, yes, that seems distinctly unimplemented. 🙄

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 2 years ago

i realized today i could also just make a non-blocking post request that will be delayed till my sleep call happens

async def post(json_str,comment=""):
    await sleep(0)
    if r.status_code != 200:
        # probably should log a few errors in memory so i can check if there are errors occurring later
    print(comment,r.status_code,"-", r.content)

uasyncio.create_task(post(data,"Update backup config data:"))

Could combine this with my modded uasyncio_urequests lib, just not sure if it is even a good idea to make it possible to have multiple open requests while at the same time having a web server process running as the same time (i think the pico w has a limit of 4 open sockets)

jimmo commented 2 years ago

This is not a non-blocking post request. It's just a deferred post request that is still blocking. Your event loop will still pause while one HTTP request happens and there will only be one concurrent request.

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 2 years ago

i know it is just deferred, i am just not sure it would be a good idea to do it truly non-blocking, in my use case this would max at 2 post request running at the same time

the way my code is setup i have a entire 2 seconds to make post request w/out interfering with any other code execution at all (baring once a day events and a client actively connected) and this window will be followed by a 750ms window

things to consider:

bulletmark commented 11 months ago

@GM-Script-Writer-62850 FYI, I am looking for an asyncio http client so found this and tried it out but it does not actually do the requests in parallel. It works the same as ordinary requests.

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 11 months ago

Tired this one? https://github.com/Carglglz/asyncmd/blob/main/async_modules/async_urequests/async_urequests.py

Carglglz commented 11 months ago

@bulletmark @GM-Script-Writer-62850 you may want to try this #752, just remove ssl=... parameter in

reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, port, ssl=ssl)

and it should work 👍🏼, e.g.

import uaiohttpclient as aiohttp
import asyncio

 async def fetch(client):
     async with client.get("http://micropython.org") as resp:
         assert resp.status == 200
         return await resp.text()

 async def main():
     async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
         html = await fetch(client)

 if __name__ == "__main__":
bulletmark commented 11 months ago

@GM-Script-Writer-62850 @Carglglz After removing that ssl parameter that new version does work on MicroPython and the requests are correctly done in parallel.

However, after failing with that earlier I went back to the standard uaiohttpclientfrom micropython-lib which had not worked for me and I discovered a simple bug so I am back to using that. I submitted a PR with that fix.

bulletmark commented 11 months ago

@GM-Script-Writer-62850 BTW, you could actually remove the async and await from each of the 6 wrapper functions at the bottom to make it slightly more efficient. Those stubs would simply then return the coroutine directly to be awaited by the caller.

jonnor commented 1 month ago

There is now a quite full featured HTTP client in aiohttp. I believe that serves the purpose discussed here. And that the existing requests library does not need to be asyncified, considering that there is another library.

GM-Script-Writer-62850 commented 1 month ago

Note that aiohttp is not shipped with: MicroPython v1.24.0-preview.224.g6c3dc0c0b on 2024-08-22; Raspberry Pi Pico W with RP2040

__main__          asyncio/__init__  hashlib           rp2
_asyncio          asyncio/core      heapq             select
_boot             asyncio/event     io                socket
_boot_fat         asyncio/funcs     json              ssl
_onewire          asyncio/lock      lwip              struct
_rp2              asyncio/stream    machine           sys
_thread           binascii          math              time
_webrepl          bluetooth         micropython       tls
aioble/__init__   builtins          mip/__init__      uasyncio
aioble/central    cmath             neopixel          uctypes
aioble/client     collections       network           urequests
aioble/core       cryptolib         ntptime           vfs
aioble/device     deflate           onewire           webrepl
aioble/l2cap      dht               os                webrepl_setup
aioble/peripheral ds18x20           platform          websocket
aioble/security   errno             random
aioble/server     framebuf          re
array             gc                requests/__init__
Plus any modules on the filesystem
mattytrentini commented 1 month ago

aiohttp is in micropython-lib and can be installed with mip: > mpremote mip install aiohttp.