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urequests still using HTTP/1.0 #844

Open linusoft opened 2 months ago

linusoft commented 2 months ago

The urequests module is still using HTTP/1.0 for HTTP requests:

line 39 in micropython-lib/micropython/urllib.urequest/urllib/urequest.py on the master branch:

s.write(b" HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ")

Since a host header is included, can this be updated to use HTTP/1.1 or even HTTP/2.0?

Some sites (e.g. mongodb) are now responding with '426 Update Required' for HTTP/1.0 requests.


th4ruka commented 1 month ago

Hey! I also think it is better to update the header in line 39 of micropython-lib/micropython/urllib.urequest/urllib/urequest.py as,

- s.write(b" HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ")
+ s.write(b" HTTP/2.0\r\nHost: ") 

As I know, most major web servers and CDNs provide backward compatibility. Therefore there will be no harm by updating it.

sosi-deadeye commented 1 month ago

HTTP/2 is a binary protocol and uses HPACK for header compression. Changing this, require additional code to handle the protocol and header compression.

I also think the change to HTTP/1.1 may require some additional code, to handle the different connection types : close, keep-alive.

In addition, there are different Transfer-Endocings.

mattytrentini commented 1 month ago

It would be good to merge back some of the changes from the CircuitPython requests library (they've updated it since originally starting with the MicroPython implementation). In it, they respond with v1.1, though I'm not sure it 100% conforms to spec...
