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ESP32 Outputting Garbage in REPL #15340

Open MATTYGILO opened 4 days ago

MATTYGILO commented 4 days ago

Port, board and/or hardware


MicroPython version

Hi I was using micropython on my esp32s3 and then it started outputting garbage. I really don't want this to happen to the device whilst it is running in production. What do you think the cause of this error is. Also is there any best practices in stopping this if it happens or preventative measures. All help is much appreciated.

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 09 08 04

MicroPython 66af921a3 on 2024-04-13; ESP32S3 module (spiram octal) with ESP32S3


I am not fully sure this happened out of the blue a few times and I am not sure how to recreate it

Expected behaviour

No response

Observed behaviour

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 09 08 04

Additional Information

No, I've provided everything above.

Code of Conduct

Yes, I agree

projectgus commented 3 days ago


Certainly some unusual behaviour! I have a few questions:

My best (educated) guess looking at this is that it may be a hardware issue with power stability, or an otherwise faulty board. Brownouts or insufficient power supply capacitance can trigger behaviour that looks a lot like this.