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PYBv10b Eagle Files? #11

Open mcauser opened 9 years ago

mcauser commented 9 years ago

Any plans to release PYBv10b Eagle files?

capaulson commented 8 years ago

Even if you don't plan on releasing the Eagle files, could you add component IDs to the layout? It would be useful when trying to find something like R5 or C19 (totally random, don't actually need to know where these specific components are).

kasbah commented 8 years ago

Would be interested too.

faludi commented 8 years ago

I could use access to the PYBv1.1 Eagle files as well. Is there any plan for releasing them?

rml4o commented 7 years ago


Nice work with the Pyboard ! It would be great to have the Eagle files for PYBv10b as well. Do you know when they will be made available? Thanks,


dmazzella commented 7 years ago

Any plans to release PYBv10b Eagle files?

johnthagen commented 5 years ago

And now the pyboard v1.1 is what is currently being sold. Are there plans to make its gerber and eagle available? https://github.com/micropython/micropython/issues/4558