microscaling / microbadger

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Support for security image analysis #13

Open Quentin-M opened 7 years ago

Quentin-M commented 7 years ago


My name’s Quentin Machu and I am the primary maintainer of Clair, an open source project for the static analysis of vulnerabilities in containers. The project, first released in November 2015, aims at bringing security awareness to every container users.

I think that the service that microbadger provides fits nicely with the whole idea and design of Clair, that analyzes container images layer by layer, and that is able to inform about the number of packages/vulnerabilities added/updated/removed in each of them. Integrating Clair into microbadger would provide an extremely valuable piece of information!

If you're interested and would like to learn more, I am open to discussion. You can reach me on this thread, by e-mail or on IRC (#clair on Freenode). Also, few presentations are available at the very end of the Clair's README. The latest available slidedeck is the one that I've used for the O'Reilly Security Conference in Amsterdam, the video is not yet available though.

Thank you.

lizrice commented 7 years ago

Hi Quentin, thanks for reaching out! Funnily enough we were just talking about Clair last week. Let's have a chat - I'll drop you an email.