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Repo not found on Docker Hub #19

Closed izonder closed 7 years ago

izonder commented 7 years ago

Microbadger retrieved repos data from Docker when the certain repo was created but an image wasn't still pushed. And now I get an error "izonder/lanny not found on Docker Hub", but it exists.

rossf7 commented 7 years ago

Hi @izonder sorry we had a problem inspecting your image. I've re-inspected it and it's now on the site.


izonder commented 7 years ago

But you see, there is the same problem with another repo: https://microbadger.com/images/izonder/janny And the problem is still existing... Why can't you re-inspect it automatically by request?

rossf7 commented 7 years ago

Hi @izonder I've reopened as I didn't realise it was affecting multiple images. We've seen this happen a few times but we haven't tracked down the cause.

I'll take another look probably tomorrow.

rossf7 commented 7 years ago

Quick update to say your izonder/janny image is also there. There are about 20 other images with the same problem.

The issue is the webhook URL wasn't generated successfully which we use to refresh the images. There is a possible fix to the refresh process that would help but we also need to find the cause.

I've run out of time to spend on this today but I'll try and take another look tomorrow.

danshan commented 7 years ago

Same problem: https://microbadger.com/images/danshan/shanhh-jekyll https://hub.docker.com/r/danshan/shanhh-jekyll/

rossf7 commented 7 years ago

@danshan We got a 404 from the Docker Hub Registry API the first time we inspected your image. Has this image always been public or has it been private at any point?

This 404 triggered a bug in MicroBadger. It meant we didn't generate the auth token we add to each webhook URL. We use the webhooks internally to refresh the metadata for each image.

For now I've manually resubmitted the 25 images affected. But this is an annoying bug we need to fix.

danshan commented 7 years ago

@rossf7 thank you so much. all my images are public from the beginning.

danshan commented 7 years ago

https://hub.docker.com/r/danshan/prometheus-docker/ not found again https://microbadger.com/images/danshan/prometheus-docker

jpillora commented 7 years ago

Getting: Layer information not yet retrieved https://microbadger.com/images/jpillora/cloud-torrent

Though it was working a few days ago

xmjiao commented 7 years ago

I am having the similar issue with docker images "compdatasci/pandas-notebook" and "compdatasci/scipy-notebook".

zeroc0d3 commented 7 years ago

I got still "not found" 1) https://microbadger.com/images/zeroc0d3/ubuntu-ruby 2) https://microbadger.com/images/zeroc0d3/nginx-unicorn-rails

ulm0 commented 7 years ago

is it working? i got "error" on every image i look for

rossf7 commented 7 years ago

@klud1 thanks for reporting this. We had downtime due to our RDS instance being out of storage. The site is back up now. We had problems with our monitoring and I didn't get alerted :( I'll get that fixed over the weekend.

Its a separate issue to these other images not being found. That is due to a bug with the way we fetch metadata from Docker Hub that affects a small number of images. It's very annoying so apologies if your images are affected.

ulm0 commented 7 years ago

@rossf7 Oh, it sucks! No need to apologize, thanks for the great work you do!

wisicn commented 7 years ago

I also get "not found" https://microbadger.com/images/wisicn/shootback-supervisor

please help to fix it.


joshuarli commented 7 years ago

@rossf7 I'm having the same problem with this image of mine.

What happened was I created an empty Docker repo linked to GitHub, signed up for MB, then built the Docker repo from GitHub.

Looks to me like fetching Docker Hub metadata is a one-time thing? I was hoping it would poll Docker Hub for reinspections. I'd appreciate it if you could reinspect mine and maybe add a manual "re-inspect" or "retry" button. I was going to try deleting my account then creating a new one to reimport Docker Hub metadata, but couldn't find out how to delete my account.


rossf7 commented 7 years ago

@JoshuaRLi @wisicn your images are both fixed.

You were both hit by the same bug. We use the webhook URL we generate for each image to refresh it once a day. In some cases if the image doesn't exist or the first API call to Docker Hub fails then we don't generate a webhook URL.

A fix is in progress but until then it needs to be fixed manually. We're no longer working on MicroBadger full time which is why this bug has been open for a while.

joshuarli commented 7 years ago

Okay, happy to know you guys are aware of the issue and thanks for the manual fix! :tada:

rossf7 commented 7 years ago

Closing, the bug fix is deployed and the manual fix has been made for existing images. 😄 🎉

Please open a new issue if you still have problems.

jemcgrath1 commented 7 years ago

Issue appears to have occurred for my repo as well :(

Are you able to do a manual fix please? https://microbadger.com/images/jemcgrath1/vpnrouter

LKay commented 7 years ago

Problem still persists https://microbadger.com/images/lkay/elasticmq

lizrice commented 6 years ago

Both those last two images seem to be working OK btw.

Rathorian commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem !

rossf7 commented 6 years ago

@Rathorian Looks like your plusxml image has now been inspected.


At certain times we get a backlog in our inspection queue and it can take much longer than the 30 seconds we state on the inspection page. We'd love to reduce these delays but we're no longer working full time on microbadger so I can't give an ETA on that fix.

Rathorian commented 6 years ago

Thank you, indeed, the image has been inspected

Fish2 commented 6 years ago

Hi All of my images seam broken as well

EDIT: Thanks they are now working

connormcmk commented 6 years ago

Hi, my image doesn't seem to be working either: https://microbadger.com/images/cnrm/rpi-raspbian-opencv2.4.13 https://hub.docker.com/r/cnrm/rpi-raspbian-opencv2.4.13/

lizrice commented 6 years ago

hi @cnrmck, I've just manually refreshed it and the info is there now

SithLadyRaven commented 6 years ago

Hi, same issue here: https://microbadger.com/images/kelsey19/composeit

lizrice commented 6 years ago

@kelsey19 yours is also ok now

lyrahgames commented 6 years ago

I am sorry that I have to bother you, but I am experiencing the same issue with one of my images.

https://microbadger.com/images/lyrahgames/graphics-environment https://github.com/lyrahgames/docker-graphics-environment

Thank you in advance!

piotr-semenov commented 5 years ago

Dear microbadger development team,

I get "Layer information not yet retrieved" for https://microbadger.com/images/semenovp/tiny-elm/. Though it was working fine yesterday.

Thank you in advance!