microscaling / microbadger

What's inside your Docker containers?
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Images reference ImageLayers.io #4

Closed jimschubert closed 7 years ago

jimschubert commented 8 years ago

I see this on my metadata page: https://microbadger.com/#/images/jimschubert/8-jdk-alpine-mvn


These images look like they were pulled from ImageLayers.io. The left circled image references a commit badge, which isn't available in the badges selection just above where the screenshot was taken. Navigating to the location the commit batch would be (https://images.microbadger.com/badges/commit/jimschubert/8-jdk-alpine-mvn.svg) there's no commit hash.

lizrice commented 8 years ago

The badges we're generating do look like the imagelayers ones, yes. They're intended to be a drop-in replacement as the imagelayers ones are not compatible with V2 of the Docker Registry API.

To get the source code badge there needs to be a label built into the image that indicates the commit ref. There is more info about labelling images here: https://microbadger.com/#/labels