microscaling / microbadger

What's inside your Docker containers?
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Version badge uses org.label-schema.version label if it exists #7

Open solidnerd opened 8 years ago

solidnerd commented 8 years ago

Hey, i would like to see the current version of an image in a badge. At the moment we got version: latest. A better option would to support it with an explicit version version: 0.0.0 when the correct label is in the dockerfile. An example would be something like

LABEL org.label-schema.version=$VERSION


btalbot commented 8 years ago

In my case, I have a few repos that contain more than one image which are different sizes. For example https://hub.docker.com/r/fingershock/ruby/

I would like to produce a badge for a specific repo tag but currently latest seems to be the only one supported.

rossf7 commented 8 years ago

The current logic for the version badge is to show which tag matches the latest tag. If you only have a latest tag the badge will show "latest".

@SolidNerd I really like using the version label if it exists. With a fallback to the current logic if it doesn't.

@btalbot The badge image URLs now support multiple tags. We're working on multi tag support for the UI #2

NicolasCARPi commented 7 years ago

Hello there, any updates on this? :)