microservice-test-exolin / maven-service-plugin

Maven plugin to install java applications as services on Ubuntu
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Use JSP/JSF #50

Open tomgk opened 4 years ago

tomgk commented 4 years ago

Using JSF Taglibs

The following sections provide information about using JSF TagLibs with Jetty Standalone and the Jetty Maven Plugin.

Using JSF Taglibs with Jetty Distribution

If you want to use JSF with your webapp, you need to copy the JSF implementation Jar (whichever Jar contains the META-INF/*.tld files from your chosen JSF implementation) into Jetty’s shared container lib directory. You can either put them into the lib directory for Apache {$jetty.home}/lib/apache-jsp or put them into {$jetty.home}/lib/ext.

Using JSF Taglibs with Jetty Maven Plugin

You should make your JSF jars dependencies of the plugin and not the webapp itself. For example:

tomgk commented 4 years ago

Precompiling JSPs

You can either follow the instructions on precompilation provided by Apache, or if you are using Maven for your builds, you can use the jetty-jspc-maven plugin to do it for you.

If you have precompiled your JSPs, and have customized the output package prefix (which is org.apache.jsp by default), you should configure your webapp context to tell Jetty about this custom package name. You can do this using a servlet context init-param called org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.jspPackagePrefix.

For example, suppose you have precompiled your JSPs with the custom package prefix of com.acme, then you would add the following lines to your web.xml file:

tomgk commented 4 years ago

Taken from: https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/configuring-jsp.html