microservices-demo / load-test

A load-test script & container for Sock Shop
Apache License 2.0
50 stars 138 forks source link

Locust fails with unknown flag #21

Open JamesLaverack opened 5 years ago

JamesLaverack commented 5 years ago

Running the load test gives an error: no such option: --num-request message and exits.


  1. Install locust as per instructions pip install locustio
  2. Execute runLocust.sh with arguments

or, using Docker

  1. Build docker image as per instructions docker build -t load-test .
  2. Execute docker run load-test with arguments

Expected Behavior

Locust executes.

Actual Behavior

The following error:

$ ./runLocust.sh -h sock-shop.example.com -c 5 -r 10                                                                    
Default Locust file: locustfile.py
Will run locustfile.py against sock-shop.example.com. Spawning 5 clients and 10 total requests.
Usage: locust [options] [LocustClass [LocustClass2 ... ]]

locust: error: no such option: --num-request

or, using Docker

$ docker run load-test -h sock-shop.example.com -c 5 -r 10                
Locust file: /config/locustfile.py
Will run /config/locustfile.py against sock-shop.example.com. Spawning 5 clients and 10 total requests.
Usage: locust [options] [LocustClass [LocustClass2 ... ]]

locust: error: no such option: --num-request


Tool Version
Python Python 2.7.15rc1
Locust Locust 0.11.0
Docker 18.09.2
JamesLaverack commented 5 years ago

A couple of workarounds are possible. The https://hub.docker.com/r/weaveworksdemos/load-test image is available and appears to work:

docker run weaveworksdemos/load-test:0.1.1 -h sock-shop.example.com -c 5 -r 10

You can also ignore the run script and execute locust directly. The change appears to be moving from --num-request to --run-time:

locust --host=http://sock-shop.example.com -f locustfile.py --clients 10 --hatch-rate=5 --run-time=1m --no-web --only-summary