microshow / RxFFmpeg

🔥💥RxFFmpeg 是基于 ( FFmpeg 4.0 + X264 + mp3lame + fdk-aac + opencore-amr + openssl ) 编译的适用于 Android 平台的音视频编辑、视频剪辑的快速处理框架,包含以下功能:视频拼接,转码,压缩,裁剪,片头片尾,分离音视频,变速,添加静态贴纸和gif动态贴纸,添加字幕,添加滤镜,添加背景音乐,加速减速视频,倒放音视频,音频裁剪,变声,混音,图片合成视频,视频解码图片,抖音首页,视频播放器及支持 OpenSSL https 等主流特色功能
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找不到文件 (File not found) when running FFmpeg commands #206

Closed rtdtwo closed 3 years ago

rtdtwo commented 3 years ago

Hi, first of all, thank you for this great library!

I am trying to run the following commands using RxFFmpeg: -i /storage/emulated/0/Movies/inshot/InShot_20200927_203143257.mp4 -vf transpose=1,transpose=1 /data/user/0/com.videoplayer/cache/tempRotatedVideo.mp4

It returns the following message in the callback: 找不到文件

I can confirm that storage permissions are provided.

The input file exists and can be accessed by code, which can be confirmed by File.exists(), the code returns "true".

Translated text below, apologies for any mistakes.


我正在尝试使用RxFFmpeg运行以下命令: -i /storage/emulated/0/Movies/inshot/InShot_20200927_203143257.mp4 -vf transpose=1,transpose=1 /data/user/0/com.videoplayer/cache/tempRotatedVideo.mp4

它返回以下消息: 找不到文件


输入文件存在并且可以通过代码访问,可以通过 File.exists() 进行确认,代码返回 true

microshow commented 3 years ago

ffmpeg -y -i /storage/emulated/0/1/input.mp4 -vf transpose=1,transpose=1 -preset superfast /storage/emulated/0/1/result.mp4 刚试了一下没有问题呢

rtdtwo commented 3 years ago

@microshow thanks! the extra flags worked.