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Book reviews: Missing punctuation in <product> #181

Open fred-atherden opened 4 years ago

fred-atherden commented 4 years ago

There are 6 Book reviews in the content delivered thus far:

In all of them Punctuation is missing from the beginning of the <product> information. Take for example ijm-00007. This displays as follows in the PDF:

Screen Shot 2019-12-11 at 16 44 18

and is captured as:

            <person-group person-group-type="editor">
            <year iso-8601-date="2007">2007</year>
            <source>Micro-simulation in action: policy analysis in Europe using EUROMOD</source>, <series>Research in Labour Economics</series>, <volume>25</volume>
            <publisher-name>Elsevier JAI</publisher-name>, <publisher-loc>Oxford</publisher-loc>. Pp. <fpage>Xviii+212</fpage>. Hardback. ISBN <isbn>978-0-7623-1347-1</isbn>. GBP 57.99 (US$ <price>99.95</price>)</product>

The '(ed)' and parentheses around the year is missing. Plus an erroneous full stop has been added after the 'O' in the given-names.

This seems to be the case for all book reviews. Please check and correct.