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Incident Management Application using Graph API #162

Open VijayalakshmiVijir6 opened 1 year ago

VijayalakshmiVijir6 commented 1 year ago

Submitted By

Vijayalakshmi - VijayalakshmiVijir6

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Incident Management using Graph API

Your project description

This PowerShell script is to be run on a schedule on an hourly basis. It reads items from Shared Mailbox whose subject Starts with "Incident" Keyword and Creates item in SharePoint list. Initially the status of the item will be "Not started". Based on Importance mentioned in the email, the item will be assigned to specific person. It uses Graph Api with Application permission scope(Mail.ReadBasic.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All) as we are scheduling it as a Job. This can be used in incident management scenarios. Version History in SharePoint list enables better tracking of the incident.

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