microsoft / AL

Home of the Dynamics 365 Business Central AL Language extension for Visual Studio Code. Used to track issues regarding the latest version of the AL compiler and developer tools available in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace or as part of the AL Developer Preview builds for Dynamics 365 Business Central.
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Publish error: "Internal Server Error" #6671

Closed Frmog closed 3 years ago

Frmog commented 3 years ago

Hi, we experience, "Internal Server Error" when we try to deploye. Where can we get help to find out whats wrong? Best Regards.

[2021-06-21 13:16:59.30] Error: An error occured while processing the request. Request ID: 6b926081-9997-41d4-a9e4-d8997b0a65a7 Session ID: 883940b8-5226-474e-bfb1-8805ddd3f5bd

If you are targeting a cloud instance, supply these IDs if contacting Microsoft support. [2021-06-21 13:16:59.31] The request for path /v2.0/ferm_LIVING_Development/dev/apps?SchemaUpdateMode=forcesync&DependencyPublishingOption=default failed with code InternalServerError. Reason: Internal Server Error

Frmog commented 3 years ago

we found out that this error is related to the Word layout of our report. When the Word layout is disabled, we can publish our App! image

nndobrev commented 3 years ago

Hi @Frmog, thank you for the information. Could you please provide a code sample that will reproduce the issue? Please, also test with other document. Thank you! :)

Frmog commented 3 years ago

I have attached the AL code, and the Word layout. The word layout is corrupted somehow. If we delete all the elements in the layout,publishing will still fail. The file is 4 Mb big,I think it contains the XML definition/mapping somehow, and that is the part that is failing.. for now its just a guess.

NewDateConfirmationNCO.docx report 50110 "New Date Confirmation NCO" { //based on report 1305 ApplicationArea = All; UsageCategory = Administration; WordLayout = './src/Report/WordLayouts/NewDateConfirmationNCO.docx'; Caption = 'New Date Confirmation'; DefaultLayout = Word; PreviewMode = PrintLayout; WordMergeDataItem = Header;

    dataitem(Header; "Sales Header")
        DataItemTableView = SORTING("Document Type", "No.") WHERE("Document Type" = CONST(Order));
        RequestFilterFields = "No.", "Sell-to Customer No.", "No. Printed";
        RequestFilterHeading = 'New Date Confirmation';
        column(CompanyAddress1; CompanyAddr[1])
        column(CompanyAddress2; CompanyAddr[2])
        column(CompanyAddress3; CompanyAddr[3])
        column(CompanyAddress4; CompanyAddr[4])
        column(CompanyAddress5; CompanyAddr[5])
        column(CompanyAddress6; CompanyAddr[6])
        column(CompanyHomePage; CompanyInfo."Home Page")
        column(CompanyEMail; CompanyInfo."E-Mail")
        column(CompanyPicture; DummyCompanyInfo.Picture)
        column(CompanyPhoneNo; CompanyInfo."Phone No.")
        column(CompanyPhoneNo_Lbl; CompanyInfoPhoneNoLbl)
        column(CompanyGiroNo; CompanyInfo."Giro No.")
        column(CompanyGiroNo_Lbl; CompanyInfoGiroNoLbl)
        column(CompanyBankName; CompanyInfo."Bank Name")
        column(CompanyBankName_Lbl; CompanyInfoBankNameLbl)
        column(CompanyBankBranchNo; CompanyInfo."Bank Branch No.")
        column(CompanyBankBranchNo_Lbl; CompanyInfo.FieldCaption("Bank Branch No."))
        column(CompanyBankAccountNo; CompanyInfo."Bank Account No.")
        column(CompanyBankAccountNo_Lbl; CompanyInfoBankAccNoLbl)
        column(CompanyIBAN; CompanyInfo.IBAN)
        column(CompanyIBAN_Lbl; CompanyInfo.FieldCaption(IBAN))
        column(CompanySWIFT; CompanyInfo."SWIFT Code")
        column(CompanySWIFT_Lbl; CompanyInfo.FieldCaption("SWIFT Code"))
        column(CompanyLogoPosition; CompanyLogoPosition)
        column(CompanyRegistrationNumber; CompanyInfo.GetRegistrationNumber)
        column(CompanyRegistrationNumber_Lbl; CompanyInfo.GetRegistrationNumberLbl)
        column(CompanyVATRegNo; CompanyInfo.GetVATRegistrationNumber)
        column(CompanyVATRegNo_Lbl; CompanyInfo.GetVATRegistrationNumberLbl)
        column(CompanyVATRegistrationNo; CompanyInfo.GetVATRegistrationNumber)
        column(CompanyVATRegistrationNo_Lbl; OurVATRegistrationNumberLbl)
        column(CompanyLegalOffice; CompanyInfo.GetLegalOffice)
        column(CompanyLegalOffice_Lbl; CompanyInfo.GetLegalOfficeLbl)
        column(CompanyCustomGiro; CompanyInfo.GetCustomGiro)
        column(CompanyCustomGiro_Lbl; CompanyInfo.GetCustomGiroLbl)
        column(CompanyLegalStatement; GetLegalStatement)
        column(CustomerAddress1; CustAddr[1])
        column(CustomerAddress2; CustAddr[2])
        column(CustomerAddress3; CustAddr[3])
        column(CustomerAddress4; CustAddr[4])
        column(CustomerAddress5; CustAddr[5])
        column(CustomerAddress6; CustAddr[6])
        column(CustomerAddress7; CustAddr[7])
        column(CustomerAddress8; CustAddr[8])
        column(SellToContactPhoneNoLbl; SellToContactPhoneNoLbl)
        column(SellToContactMobilePhoneNoLbl; SellToContactMobilePhoneNoLbl)
        column(SellToContactEmailLbl; SellToContactEmailLbl)
        column(BillToContactPhoneNoLbl; BillToContactPhoneNoLbl)
        column(BillToContactMobilePhoneNoLbl; BillToContactMobilePhoneNoLbl)
        column(BillToContactEmailLbl; BillToContactEmailLbl)
        column(SellToContactPhoneNo; SellToContact."Phone No.")
        column(SellToContactMobilePhoneNo; SellToContact."Mobile Phone No.")
        column(SellToContactEmail; SellToContact."E-Mail")
        column(BillToContactPhoneNo; BillToContact."Phone No.")
        column(BillToContactMobilePhoneNo; BillToContact."Mobile Phone No.")
        column(BillToContactEmail; BillToContact."E-Mail")
        column(CustomerPostalBarCode; FormatAddr.PostalBarCode(1))
        column(YourReference; "Your Reference")
        column(YourReference_Lbl; FieldCaption("Your Reference"))
        column(ShipmentMethodDescription; ShipmentMethod.Description)
        column(ShipmentMethodDescription_Lbl; ShptMethodDescLbl)
        column(Shipment_Lbl; ShipmentLbl)
        column(ShipmentDate; Format("Shipment Date", 0, 4))
        column(ShipmentDate_Lbl; FieldCaption("Shipment Date"))
        column(ShowShippingAddress; ShowShippingAddr)
        column(ShipToAddress_Lbl; ShiptoAddrLbl)
        column(ShipToAddress1; ShipToAddr[1])
        column(ShipToAddress2; ShipToAddr[2])
        column(ShipToAddress3; ShipToAddr[3])
        column(ShipToAddress4; ShipToAddr[4])
        column(ShipToAddress5; ShipToAddr[5])
        column(ShipToAddress6; ShipToAddr[6])
        column(ShipToAddress7; ShipToAddr[7])
        column(ShipToAddress8; ShipToAddr[8])
        column(PaymentTermsDescription; PaymentTerms.Description)
        column(PaymentTermsDescription_Lbl; PaymentTermsDescLbl)
        column(PaymentMethodDescription; PaymentMethod.Description)
        column(PaymentMethodDescription_Lbl; PaymentMethodDescLbl)
        column(DocumentCopyText; StrSubstNo(DocumentCaption, CopyText))
        column(BilltoCustumerNo; "Bill-to Customer No.")
        column(BilltoCustomerNo_Lbl; FieldCaption("Bill-to Customer No."))
        column(DocumentDate; Format("Document Date", 0, 4))
        column(DocumentDate_Lbl; FieldCaption("Document Date"))
        column(DueDate; Format("Due Date", 0, 4))
        column(DueDate_Lbl; FieldCaption("Due Date"))
        column(DocumentNo; "No.")
        column(DocumentNo_Lbl; InvNoLbl)
        column(QuoteNo; "Quote No.")
        column(QuoteNo_Lbl; FieldCaption("Quote No."))
        column(PricesIncludingVAT; "Prices Including VAT")
        column(PricesIncludingVAT_Lbl; FieldCaption("Prices Including VAT"))
        column(PricesIncludingVATYesNo; Format("Prices Including VAT"))
        column(SalesPerson_Lbl; SalespersonLbl)
        column(SalesPersonText_Lbl; SalesPersonText)
        column(SalesPersonName; SalespersonPurchaser.Name)
        column(SelltoCustomerNo; "Sell-to Customer No.")
        column(SelltoCustomerNo_Lbl; CustomerNoLbl) //NCO
        column(VATRegistrationNo; GetCustomerVATRegistrationNumber)
        column(VATRegistrationNo_Lbl; GetCustomerVATRegistrationNumberLbl_NCO(Header))  //NCO
        column(GlobalLocationNumber; GetCustomerGlobalLocationNumber)
        column(GlobalLocationNumber_Lbl; GetCustomerGlobalLocationNumberLbl)
        column(SellToFaxNo; GetSellToCustomerFaxNo)
        column(SellToPhoneNo; "Sell-to Phone No.")
        column(LegalEntityType; Cust.GetLegalEntityType)
        column(LegalEntityType_Lbl; Cust.GetLegalEntityTypeLbl)
        column(Copy_Lbl; CopyLbl)
        column(EMail_Lbl; EMailLbl)
        column(HomePage_Lbl; HomePageLbl)
        column(InvoiceDiscountBaseAmount_Lbl; InvDiscBaseAmtLbl)
        column(InvoiceDiscountAmount_Lbl; InvDiscountAmtLbl)
        column(LineAmountAfterInvoiceDiscount_Lbl; LineAmtAfterInvDiscLbl)
        column(LocalCurrency_Lbl; LocalCurrencyLbl)
        column(ExchangeRateAsText; ExchangeRateText)
        column(Page_Lbl; PageLbl)
        column(SalesInvoiceLineDiscount_Lbl; SalesInvLineDiscLbl)
        column(NewDateConfirmationLbl; NewDateConfirmationLbl)
        column(Subtotal_Lbl; SubtotalLbl)
        column(Total_Lbl; TotalLbl)
        column(VATAmount_Lbl; VATAmtLbl)
        column(VATBase_Lbl; VATBaseLbl)
        column(VATAmountSpecification_Lbl; VATAmtSpecificationLbl)
        column(VATClauses_Lbl; VATClausesLbl)
        column(VATIdentifier_Lbl; VATIdentifierLbl)
        column(VATPercentage_Lbl; VATPercentageLbl)
        column(VATClause_Lbl; VATClause.TableCaption)
        column(ExtDocNo_SalesHeader; "External Document No.")
        column(ExtDocNo_SalesHeader_Lbl; FieldCaption("External Document No."))
        column(ShowWorkDescription; ShowWorkDescription)
        dataitem(Line; "Sales Line")
            DataItemLink = "Document No." = FIELD("No.");
            DataItemLinkReference = Header;
            DataItemTableView = SORTING("Document No.", "Line No.");
            UseTemporary = true;
            column(LineNo_Line; "Line No.")
            column(AmountExcludingVAT_Line; Amount)
                AutoFormatExpression = "Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(AmountExcludingVAT_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption(Amount))
            column(AmountIncludingVAT_Line; "Amount Including VAT")
                AutoFormatExpression = "Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(AmountIncludingVAT_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption("Amount Including VAT"))
                AutoFormatExpression = "Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(Description_Line; Description)
            column(Description_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption(Description))
            column(LineDiscountPercent_Line; "Line Discount %")
            column(LineDiscountPercentText_Line; LineDiscountPctText)
            column(LineAmount_Line; FormattedLineAmount)
                AutoFormatExpression = "Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(LineAmount_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption("Line Amount"))
            column(ItemNo_Line; "No.")
            column(ItemNo_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption("No."))
            column(ShipmentDate_Line; Format("Shipment Date"))
            column(ShipmentDate_Line_Lbl; PostedShipmentDateLbl)
            column(PlannedShipmentDate_Line; Format("Planned Shipment Date"))
            column(PlannedShipmentDate_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption("Planned Shipment Date"))
            column(Quantity_Line; FormattedQuantity)
            column(Quantity_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption(Quantity))
            column(Type_Line; Format(Type))
            column(UnitPrice; FormattedUnitPrice)
                AutoFormatExpression = "Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 2;
            column(UnitPrice_Lbl; FieldCaption("Unit Price"))
            column(UnitOfMeasure; "Unit of Measure")
            column(UnitOfMeasure_Lbl; FieldCaption("Unit of Measure"))
            column(VATIdentifier_Line; "VAT Identifier")
            column(VATIdentifier_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption("VAT Identifier"))
            column(VATPct_Line; FormattedVATPct)
            column(VATPct_Line_Lbl; FieldCaption("VAT %"))
            column(TransHeaderAmount; TransHeaderAmount)
                AutoFormatExpression = "Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;

if not CLEAN16

            column(CrossReferenceNo; "Item Reference No.")
                ObsoleteState = Pending;
                ObsoleteReason = 'Replaced by Item Reference No.';
                ObsoleteTag = '17.0';
            column(CrossReferenceNo_Lbl; FieldCaption("Item Reference No."))
                ObsoleteState = Pending;
                ObsoleteReason = 'Replaced by Item Reference No.';
                ObsoleteTag = '17.0';


            column(ItemReferenceNo; "Item Reference No.")
            column(ItemReferenceNo_Lbl; FieldCaption("Item Reference No."))
            column(OrderRefLbl; OrderRefLbl)     //NCO
            column(BackOrderLbl; BackOrderLbl)   //NCO
            column(OrderRefText; OrderRefText)   //NCO
            dataitem(AssemblyLine; "Assembly Line")
                DataItemTableView = SORTING("Document No.", "Line No.");
                column(LineNo_AssemblyLine; "No.")
                column(Description_AssemblyLine; Description)
                column(Quantity_AssemblyLine; Quantity)
                    DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5;
                column(UnitOfMeasure_AssemblyLine; GetUOMText("Unit of Measure Code"))
                column(VariantCode_AssemblyLine; "Variant Code")

                trigger OnPreDataItem()
                    if not DisplayAssemblyInformation then
                    if not AsmInfoExistsForLine then
                    SetRange("Document Type", AsmHeader."Document Type");
                    SetRange("Document No.", AsmHeader."No.");

            trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                if Type = Type::"G/L Account" then
                    "No." := '';

                if "Line Discount %" = 0 then
                    LineDiscountPctText := ''
                    LineDiscountPctText := StrSubstNo('%1%', -Round("Line Discount %", 0.1));

                if DisplayAssemblyInformation then
                    AsmInfoExistsForLine := AsmToOrderExists(AsmHeader);

                TransHeaderAmount += PrevLineAmount;
                PrevLineAmount := "Line Amount";
                TotalSubTotal += "Line Amount";
                TotalInvDiscAmount -= "Inv. Discount Amount";
                TotalAmount += Amount;
                TotalAmountVAT += "Amount Including VAT" - Amount;
                TotalAmountInclVAT += "Amount Including VAT";
                TotalPaymentDiscOnVAT += -("Line Amount" - "Inv. Discount Amount" - "Amount Including VAT");
                TotalQuantity += Quantity;  //NCO
                FormatDocument.SetSalesLine(Line, FormattedQuantity, FormattedUnitPrice, FormattedVATPct, FormattedLineAmount);
                if (Type = Type::"Item") then begin
                    if ("External Notes NCO" <> '') then    //NCO
                        OrderRefText := OrderRefLbl + ': ' + "External Notes NCO"
                        OrderRefText := '';

                if FirstLineHasBeenOutput then
                FirstLineHasBeenOutput := true;

            trigger OnPreDataItem()
                MoreLines := Find('+');
                while MoreLines and (Description = '') and ("No." = '') and (Quantity = 0) and (Amount = 0) do
                    MoreLines := Next(-1) <> 0;
                if not MoreLines then
                SetRange("Line No.", 0, "Line No.");
                TransHeaderAmount := 0;
                PrevLineAmount := 0;
                FirstLineHasBeenOutput := false;
                DummyCompanyInfo.Picture := CompanyInfo.Picture;

        dataitem(WorkDescriptionLines; "Integer")
            DataItemTableView = SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number = FILTER(1 .. 99999));
            column(WorkDescriptionLineNumber; Number)
            column(WorkDescriptionLine; WorkDescriptionLine)

            trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                if WorkDescriptionInstream.EOS then

            trigger OnPostDataItem()

            trigger OnPreDataItem()
                if not ShowWorkDescription then
                Header."Work Description".CreateInStream(WorkDescriptionInstream, TEXTENCODING::UTF8);
        dataitem(VATAmountLine; "VAT Amount Line")
            DataItemTableView = SORTING("VAT Identifier", "VAT Calculation Type", "Tax Group Code", "Use Tax", Positive);
            UseTemporary = true;
            column(InvoiceDiscountAmount_VATAmountLine; "Invoice Discount Amount")
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(InvoiceDiscountAmount_VATAmountLine_Lbl; FieldCaption("Invoice Discount Amount"))
            column(InvoiceDiscountBaseAmount_VATAmountLine; "Inv. Disc. Base Amount")
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(InvoiceDiscountBaseAmount_VATAmountLine_Lbl; FieldCaption("Inv. Disc. Base Amount"))
            column(LineAmount_VatAmountLine; "Line Amount")
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(LineAmount_VatAmountLine_Lbl; FieldCaption("Line Amount"))
            column(VATAmount_VatAmountLine; "VAT Amount")
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(VATAmount_VatAmountLine_Lbl; FieldCaption("VAT Amount"))
            column(VATAmountLCY_VATAmountLine; VATAmountLCY)
            column(VATAmountLCY_VATAmountLine_Lbl; VATAmountLCYLbl)
            column(VATBase_VatAmountLine; "VAT Base")
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(VATBase_VatAmountLine_Lbl; FieldCaption("VAT Base"))
            column(VATBaseLCY_VATAmountLine; VATBaseLCY)
            column(VATBaseLCY_VATAmountLine_Lbl; VATBaseLCYLbl)
            column(VATIdentifier_VatAmountLine; "VAT Identifier")
            column(VATIdentifier_VatAmountLine_Lbl; FieldCaption("VAT Identifier"))
            column(VATPct_VatAmountLine; "VAT %")
                DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5;
            column(VATPct_VatAmountLine_Lbl; FieldCaption("VAT %"))
            column(NoOfVATIdentifiers; Count)

            trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                VATBaseLCY :=
                    Header."Posting Date", Header."Currency Code",
                    Header."Currency Factor");
                VATAmountLCY :=
                    Header."Posting Date", Header."Currency Code",
                    Header."Currency Factor");

                TotalVATBaseLCY += VATBaseLCY;
                TotalVATAmountLCY += VATAmountLCY;

                if "VAT Clause Code" <> '' then begin
                    VATClauseLine := VATAmountLine;
                    if VATClauseLine.Insert() then;

            trigger OnPreDataItem()

                TotalVATBaseLCY := 0;
                TotalVATAmountLCY := 0;

        dataitem(VATClauseLine; "VAT Amount Line")
            DataItemTableView = SORTING("VAT Identifier", "VAT Calculation Type", "Tax Group Code", "Use Tax", Positive);
            UseTemporary = true;
            column(VATIdentifier_VATClauseLine; "VAT Identifier")
            column(Code_VATClauseLine; VATClause.Code)
            column(Code_VATClauseLine_Lbl; VATClause.FieldCaption(Code))
            column(Description_VATClauseLine; VATClause.Description)
            column(Description2_VATClauseLine; VATClause."Description 2")
            column(VATAmount_VATClauseLine; "VAT Amount")
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(NoOfVATClauses; Count)

            trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                if "VAT Clause Code" = '' then
                if not VATClause.Get("VAT Clause Code") then
        dataitem(ReportTotalsLine; "Report Totals Buffer")
            DataItemTableView = SORTING("Line No.");
            UseTemporary = true;
            column(Description_ReportTotalsLine; Description)
            column(Amount_ReportTotalsLine; Amount)
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(AmountFormatted_ReportTotalsLine; "Amount Formatted")
            column(FontBold_ReportTotalsLine; "Font Bold")
            column(FontUnderline_ReportTotalsLine; "Font Underline")

            trigger OnPreDataItem()
        dataitem(LetterText; "Integer")
            DataItemTableView = SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number = CONST(1));
            column(GreetingText; GreetingLbl)
            column(BodyText; BodyLbl)
            column(ClosingText; ClosingLbl)
            column(PmtDiscText; PmtDiscText)

            trigger OnPreDataItem()
                PmtDiscText := '';
                if Header."Payment Discount %" <> 0 then
                    PmtDiscText := StrSubstNo(PmtDiscTxt, Header."Pmt. Discount Date", Header."Payment Discount %");
        dataitem(Totals; "Integer")
            DataItemTableView = SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number = CONST(1));
            column(TotalNetAmount; TotalAmount)
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(TotalVATBaseLCY; TotalVATBaseLCY)
            column(TotalAmountIncludingVAT; Format(TotalAmountInclVAT))
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(TotalVATAmount; TotalAmountVAT)
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(TotalVATAmountLCY; TotalVATAmountLCY)
            column(TotalInvoiceDiscountAmount; TotalInvDiscAmount)
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(TotalPaymentDiscountOnVAT; TotalPaymentDiscOnVAT)
            column(TotalVATAmountText; VATAmountLine.VATAmountText)
            column(TotalExcludingVATText; TotalExclVATText)
            column(TotalIncludingVATText; TotalInclVATText)
            column(TotalSubTotal; TotalSubTotal)
                AutoFormatExpression = Header."Currency Code";
                AutoFormatType = 1;
            column(TotalSubTotalMinusInvoiceDiscount; TotalSubTotal + TotalInvDiscAmount)
            column(TotalText; TotalText)
            column(TotalQuantity; TotalQuantity)
            column(TotalQuantityLbl; TotalQuantityLbl)

        trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
            CurrencyExchangeRate: Record "Currency Exchange Rate";
            ArchiveManagement: Codeunit ArchiveManagement;
            SalesPost: Codeunit "Sales-Post";
            FirstLineHasBeenOutput := false;
            SalesPost.GetSalesLines(Header, Line, 0);
            Line.CalcVATAmountLines(0, Header, Line, VATAmountLine);
            Line.UpdateVATOnLines(0, Header, Line, VATAmountLine);

            if not IsReportInPreviewMode then
                CODEUNIT.Run(CODEUNIT::"Sales-Printed", Header);

            CurrReport.Language := Language.GetLanguageIdOrDefault("Language Code");

            CalcFields("Work Description");
            ShowWorkDescription := "Work Description".HasValue;

            FormatAddr.GetCompanyAddr("Responsibility Center", RespCenter, CompanyInfo, CompanyAddr);
            FormatAddr.SalesHeaderBillTo(CustAddr, Header);
            ShowShippingAddr := FormatAddr.SalesHeaderShipTo(ShipToAddr, CustAddr, Header);

            if not Cust.Get("Bill-to Customer No.") then

            if "Currency Code" <> '' then begin
                CurrencyExchangeRate.FindCurrency("Posting Date", "Currency Code", 1);
                CalculatedExchRate :=
                  Round(1 / "Currency Factor" * CurrencyExchangeRate."Exchange Rate Amount", 0.000001);
                ExchangeRateText := StrSubstNo(ExchangeRateTxt, CalculatedExchRate, CurrencyExchangeRate."Exchange Rate Amount");

            if SellToContact.Get("Sell-to Contact No.") then;
            if BillToContact.Get("Bill-to Contact No.") then;

            if not IsReportInPreviewMode and
               (CurrReport.UseRequestPage and ArchiveDocument or
                not CurrReport.UseRequestPage and SalesSetup."Archive Orders")
                ArchiveManagement.StoreSalesDocument(Header, LogInteraction);

            TotalSubTotal := 0;
            TotalInvDiscAmount := 0;
            TotalAmount := 0;
            TotalAmountVAT := 0;
            TotalAmountInclVAT := 0;
            TotalPaymentDiscOnVAT := 0;
            TotalQuantity := 0; //NCO

    SaveValues = true;

                Caption = 'Options';
                field(LogInteraction; LogInteraction)
                    ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                    Caption = 'Log Interaction';
                    Enabled = LogInteractionEnable;
                    ToolTip = 'Specifies that interactions with the contact are logged.';
                field(DisplayAsmInformation; DisplayAssemblyInformation)
                    ApplicationArea = Assembly;
                    Caption = 'Show Assembly Components';
                    ToolTip = 'Specifies if you want the report to include information about components that were used in linked assembly orders that supplied the item(s) being sold. (Only possible for RDLC report layout.)';
                field(ArchiveDocument; ArchiveDocument)
                    ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                    Caption = 'Archive Document';
                    ToolTip = 'Specifies if the document is archived after you print it.';

                    trigger OnValidate()
                        if not ArchiveDocument then
                            LogInteraction := false;


    trigger OnInit()
        LogInteractionEnable := true;
        ArchiveDocument := SalesSetup."Archive Orders";

    trigger OnOpenPage()
        LogInteractionEnable := LogInteraction;


trigger OnInitReport()

trigger OnPostReport()
    if LogInteraction and not IsReportInPreviewMode then
        if Header.FindSet then
                Header.CalcFields("No. of Archived Versions");
                if Header."Bill-to Contact No." <> '' then
                      3, Header."No.", Header."Doc. No. Occurrence",
                      Header."No. of Archived Versions", DATABASE::Contact, Header."Bill-to Contact No."
                      , Header."Salesperson Code", Header."Campaign No.", Header."Posting Description", Header."Opportunity No.")
                      3, Header."No.", Header."Doc. No. Occurrence",
                      Header."No. of Archived Versions", DATABASE::Customer, Header."Bill-to Customer No.",
                      Header."Salesperson Code", Header."Campaign No.", Header."Posting Description", Header."Opportunity No.");

            until Header.Next() = 0;

trigger OnPreReport()
    if Header.GetFilters = '' then

    if not CurrReport.UseRequestPage then

    CompanyLogoPosition := SalesSetup."Logo Position on Documents";

    NewDateConfirmationLbl: Label 'New Date Confirmation';
    SalespersonLbl: Label 'Sales person';
    CompanyInfoBankAccNoLbl: Label 'Account No.';
    CompanyInfoBankNameLbl: Label 'Bank';
    CompanyInfoGiroNoLbl: Label 'Giro No.';
    CompanyInfoPhoneNoLbl: Label 'Phone No.';
    CopyLbl: Label 'Copy';
    EMailLbl: Label 'Email';
    HomePageLbl: Label 'Home Page';
    InvDiscBaseAmtLbl: Label 'Invoice Discount Base Amount';
    InvDiscountAmtLbl: Label 'Invoice Discount';
    InvNoLbl: Label 'Order No.';
    LineAmtAfterInvDiscLbl: Label 'Payment Discount on VAT';
    LocalCurrencyLbl: Label 'Local Currency';
    PageLbl: Label 'Page';
    PaymentTermsDescLbl: Label 'Payment Terms';
    PaymentMethodDescLbl: Label 'Payment Method';
    PostedShipmentDateLbl: Label 'Shipment Date';
    SalesInvLineDiscLbl: Label 'Discount %';
    ShipmentLbl: Label 'Shipment';
    ShiptoAddrLbl: Label 'Ship-to Address';
    ShptMethodDescLbl: Label 'Shipment Method';
    SubtotalLbl: Label 'Subtotal';
    TotalLbl: Label 'Total';
    VATAmtSpecificationLbl: Label 'VAT Amount Specification';
    VATAmtLbl: Label 'VAT Amount';
    VATAmountLCYLbl: Label 'VAT Amount (LCY)';
    VATBaseLbl: Label 'VAT Base';
    VATBaseLCYLbl: Label 'VAT Base (LCY)';
    VATClausesLbl: Label 'VAT Clause';
    VATIdentifierLbl: Label 'VAT Identifier';
    VATPercentageLbl: Label 'VAT %';
    YourVATNumberLbl: Label 'Your VAT No.';
    OurVATNumberLbl: Label 'Our VAT No.';
    GLSetup: Record "General Ledger Setup";
    ShipmentMethod: Record "Shipment Method";
    PaymentTerms: Record "Payment Terms";
    PaymentMethod: Record "Payment Method";
    SalespersonPurchaser: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser";
    CompanyInfo: Record "Company Information";
    DummyCompanyInfo: Record "Company Information";
    SalesSetup: Record "Sales & Receivables Setup";
    Cust: Record Customer;
    RespCenter: Record "Responsibility Center";
    VATClause: Record "VAT Clause";
    AsmHeader: Record "Assembly Header";
    SellToContact: Record Contact;
    BillToContact: Record Contact;
    Language: Codeunit Language;
    FormatAddr: Codeunit "Format Address";
    FormatDocument: Codeunit "Format Document";
    SegManagement: Codeunit SegManagement;
    WorkDescriptionInstream: InStream;
    CustAddr: array[8] of Text[100];
    ShipToAddr: array[8] of Text[100];
    CompanyAddr: array[8] of Text[100];
    SalesPersonText: Text[30];
    TotalText: Text[50];
    TotalExclVATText: Text[50];
    TotalInclVATText: Text[50];
    LineDiscountPctText: Text;
    FormattedVATPct: Text;
    FormattedUnitPrice: Text;
    FormattedQuantity: Text;
    FormattedLineAmount: Text;
    MoreLines: Boolean;
    CopyText: Text[30];
    NewKeyInSalesLine: Boolean;
    ShowShippingAddr: Boolean;
    ArchiveDocument: Boolean;
    LogInteraction: Boolean;
    TotalSubTotal: Decimal;
    TotalAmount: Decimal;
    TotalAmountInclVAT: Decimal;
    TotalAmountVAT: Decimal;
    TotalInvDiscAmount: Decimal;
    TotalPaymentDiscOnVAT: Decimal;
    TransHeaderAmount: Decimal;
    LogInteractionEnable: Boolean;
    DisplayAssemblyInformation: Boolean;
    AsmInfoExistsForLine: Boolean;
    CompanyLogoPosition: Integer;
    TotalQuantity: Integer;
    FirstLineHasBeenOutput: Boolean;
    CalculatedExchRate: Decimal;
    ExchangeRateText: Text;
    ExchangeRateTxt: Label 'Exchange rate: %1/%2', Comment = '%1 and %2 are both amounts.';
    VATBaseLCY: Decimal;
    VATAmountLCY: Decimal;
    TotalVATBaseLCY: Decimal;
    TotalVATAmountLCY: Decimal;
    PrevLineAmount: Decimal;
    NoFilterSetErr: Label 'You must specify one or more filters to avoid accidently printing all documents.';
    GreetingLbl: Label 'Hello';
    ClosingLbl: Label 'Sincerely';
    PmtDiscTxt: Label 'If we receive the payment before %1, you are eligible for a %2% payment discount.', Comment = '%1 Discount Due Date %2 = value of Payment Discount % ';
    BodyLbl: Label 'Thank you for your business. Your order confirmation is attached to this message.';
    SellToContactPhoneNoLbl: Label 'Sell-to Contact Phone No.';
    SellToContactMobilePhoneNoLbl: Label 'Sell-to Contact Mobile Phone No.';
    SellToContactEmailLbl: Label 'Sell-to Contact E-Mail';
    BillToContactPhoneNoLbl: Label 'Bill-to Contact Phone No.';
    BillToContactMobilePhoneNoLbl: Label 'Bill-to Contact Mobile Phone No.';
    BillToContactEmailLbl: Label 'Bill-to Contact E-Mail';
    TotalQuantityLbl: Label 'Total Quantity';   //NCO
    OurVATRegistrationNumberLbl: Label 'Our VAT No.';   //NCO
    YourVATRegistrationNumberLbl: Label 'Your VAT No.'; //NCO
    CustomerNoLbl: Label 'Customer No.';    //NCO
    OrderRefLbl: Label 'Order ref.';    //NCO
    BackOrderLbl: Label 'Back Order';   //NCO
    OrderRefText: Text[50];     //NCO

    PmtDiscText: Text;
    ShowWorkDescription: Boolean;
    WorkDescriptionLine: Text;

local procedure InitLogInteraction()
    LogInteraction := SegManagement.FindInteractTmplCode(3) <> '';

local procedure DocumentCaption(): Text[250]

procedure InitializeRequest(NewLogInteraction: Boolean; DisplayAsmInfo: Boolean)
    LogInteraction := NewLogInteraction;
    DisplayAssemblyInformation := DisplayAsmInfo;

local procedure IsReportInPreviewMode(): Boolean
    MailManagement: Codeunit "Mail Management";
    exit(CurrReport.Preview or MailManagement.IsHandlingGetEmailBody);

local procedure FormatDocumentFields(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header")
    FormatDocument.SetTotalLabels(SalesHeader."Currency Code", TotalText, TotalInclVATText, TotalExclVATText);
    FormatDocument.SetSalesPerson(SalespersonPurchaser, SalesHeader."Salesperson Code", SalesPersonText);
    FormatDocument.SetPaymentTerms(PaymentTerms, SalesHeader."Payment Terms Code", SalesHeader."Language Code");
    FormatDocument.SetPaymentMethod(PaymentMethod, SalesHeader."Payment Method Code", SalesHeader."Language Code");
    FormatDocument.SetShipmentMethod(ShipmentMethod, SalesHeader."Shipment Method Code", SalesHeader."Language Code");

local procedure GetUOMText(UOMCode: Code[10]): Text[50]
    UnitOfMeasure: Record "Unit of Measure";
    if not UnitOfMeasure.Get(UOMCode) then

local procedure CreateReportTotalLines()
    //if (TotalInvDiscAmount <> 0) or (TotalAmountVAT <> 0) then
    ReportTotalsLine.Add(SubtotalLbl, TotalSubTotal, true, false, false);
    if TotalInvDiscAmount <> 0 then begin
        ReportTotalsLine.Add(InvDiscountAmtLbl, TotalInvDiscAmount, false, false, false);
        if TotalAmountVAT <> 0 then
            ReportTotalsLine.Add(TotalExclVATText, TotalAmount, true, false, false);
    //if TotalAmountVAT <> 0 then
    ReportTotalsLine.Add(VATAmountLine.VATAmountText, TotalAmountVAT, false, true, false);
//NCO begin
local procedure GetCustomerVATRegistrationNumberLbl_NCO(Header: Record "Sales Header"): Text
    if Header."VAT Registration No." = '' then
//NCO end


Frmog commented 3 years ago

Update: we have problems with 3 different Word layout at the moment. If we remove the "Embed fonts in the file" (see picture attached, then we can deploy again without error. So the "Internal server error" seems to be connected to the embedded fonts in Word layout. Any suggestions?


Frmog commented 3 years ago

Update 2: If we use the option "Embed only the characters used in the document (best for reducing file size)" , we can also publish successfully. image

JohanStenberg100 commented 3 years ago

@Frmog do you see any errors in the event log? I assume you are running locally.

Frmog commented 3 years ago

Nope, we are running on cloud based solution. On the first screenshot, you can see the request ID, and session ID.

JohanStenberg100 commented 3 years ago

Hi again @Frmog, this one was tricky. I couldn't find your request in the server telemetry, your payload is too large, so the proxy stopped your request.

Let me see what we can do about it, both regarding improving the error message and how to help you. For now you can try and reduce the size of the package you are sending.

This error message might help you: The request's Content-Length 39541504 is larger than the request body size limit 30000000.

Frmog commented 3 years ago

Thanks Johan! The size of the Word Layout is controlled by the "Embed fonts in the file" (> 4 Mb) . Using the other option ("Embed only the characters used in the document" reduces the size of the Word Layout considerably, and still works for us. It would be great to know what Payload Limit we have on the Layout. Is it something we can change ourselves in server options? Under all circumstances, it would be great to have a more explicit error message ;-)

JohanStenberg100 commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately the size limit is for the HTTP request to our cloud services. So you can't really calculate it like that. It looks at the full package. But I think we will only adjust the error message. The size is quite large already so unless there's a big use case we don't want to increase it.

JohanStenberg100 commented 3 years ago

Hi again @Frmog. I talked to the responsible engineers. So, for now you can just keep the ~30MB limit in the back of your mind when developing. We will not as part of this issue fix any error message.

But, we have an internal bug to align configuration values across our services and add a proper error message. When this is fixed, I will ping you in this issue thread. Thanks

Frmog commented 3 years ago

Ok, I think I understand.. the HTTP request is generated when we publish our APP. I assume that the size of the request is for the whole APP, and not for each report in the App. I guess this is going to be an issue, if you publish an APP with many reports using Word Layout and embeded fonts. What can we do to reduce the size of our request? (Apart from changing the Word save option). Do we need to start develop a separat APP then?

JohanStenberg100 commented 3 years ago

@Frmog it's one HTTP request for the full app. As I see it you have two options. Either you open a support case, or you can add an idea here: Neither of these options guarantee that we can help you.

If you want to unblock yourself I would create different apps. Thanks

Frmog commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your help.

JohanStenberg100 commented 3 years ago

@Frmog I have now recieved information that there should be a special error code implemented aligned across our services indicating that the package is too large. If you want, you could retry your scenario and see if this now can help you in the future to faster understand what's the issue. Thanks again