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ALDoc Exception if app name contains illegal folder chars #7723

Open mjmatthiesen opened 2 months ago

mjmatthiesen commented 2 months ago

Please include the following with each issue:

1. Describe the bug Create an app, name it something that includes an illegal symbol for a folder, e.g. a colon :

2. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create an app and add a colon to the name
  "name": "Example: The App",
  1. Run the init command of al doc
  2. Run the build command
  3. Error
Unhandled exception. System.IO.IOException: The directory name is invalid. : 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\Temp\DocGen\docs\reference\example:-the-app'
   at System.IO.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(String fullPath, Byte[] securityDescriptor)
   at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Documentation.Build.SetApiOutputDir(String path) in X:\Prod\aldoc\Build\Build.cs:line 130
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Documentation.Build.Initialize() in X:\Prod\aldoc\Build\Build.cs:line 113
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Documentation.RunImpl`1.Run() in X:\Prod\aldoc\RunImpl.cs:line 75
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Documentation.Program.<>c.<Main>b__0_2(BuildOptions opts) in X:\Prod\aldoc\Program.cs:line 27
   at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult`1 result, Action`1 action)
   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Documentation.Program.Main(String[] args) in X:\Prod\aldoc\Program.cs:line 16

3. Expected behavior Strip invalid chars

4. Actual behavior Doesn't strip

5. Versions:

Final Checklist

Please remember to do the following:

Internal work item: AB#534250

sergiusignacius commented 2 months ago

Thank you for submitting the issue, we reproduced the issue on our end. Accepted.