Open JavierFuentes opened 4 months ago
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IT would be quite helpful for a fix a small repro.
I dont have an example, but I have noticed a place where the error occurs.
We have an app A which exposes this function:
procedure GetWorkTypeRelationByResourceNo(ResourceNo: Code[20]; WorkType: Code[20]; var WorkTypeRealtion: Record "Work Type Relation3_LON")
When this function is called in our customers extension B, the inline hits are missing and the error is produced.
To create a lot of these errors I can simply press Ctrl+Alt
(Normal to show Inline Hits).
If I comment out the line with Functionpublisher
, the error isn't produced.
Maybe it's because we have a number in our tablename?
local procedure CreatePayrollJnlEntry(ResLedgerEntry: Record "Res. Ledger Entry") Result: Integer
Employee: Record Employee_LON;
WorkTypeRelation: Record "Work Type Relation3_LON";
Functionpublisher: Codeunit Functionpublisher_LON;
Employee.SetRange("Resource No.", ResLedgerEntry."Resource No.");
if not Employee.FindFirst() then
Functionpublisher.GetWorkTypeRelationByResourceNo(ResLedgerEntry."Resource No.", ResLedgerEntry."Work Type Code", WorkTypeRelation);
if CreateAbsenceJnlLine(ResLedgerEntry, WorkTypeRelation, Employee) then
Result += 1;
if CreatePayrollJnlLine(ResLedgerEntry, WorkTypeRelation, Employee) then
Result += 1;
I have tried to downgrade to 13.0.1027618, but the problem persists (Currently I'm using 13.1.1065068)
I encounter the same error as described above. (13.1.1065068)
When switching to the file in vscode the error is thrown once. Every time i add a new line and wait for the inline hint it throws the error again.
namespace DefaultPublisher.RepScenario;
using Microsoft.Inventory.Tracking;
codeunit 50100 "Rep. Scenario"
trigger OnRun()
TrackingSpecification: Record "Tracking Specification";
ReservMgt: Codeunit "Reservation Management";
ReservMgt.CreateReservation('', WorkDate(), 1, 1, TrackingSpecification);
// Add new line below and wait.
1. Describe the bug the setting
"editor.inlayHints.enabled": "on"
throws error:2. To Reproduce activate this setting
"editor.inlayHints.enabled": "on"
in VSCode for a BC extension:3. Expected behavior no errors
4. Actual behavior
5. Versions:
Final Checklist
Please remember to do the following:
[x] Search the issue repository to ensure you are reporting a new issue
[x] Reproduce the issue after disabling all extensions except the AL Language extension
[x] Simplify your code around the issue to better isolate the problem
Internal work item: AB#542456