Hello, can you please add a new event OnCheckGenJnlLineOnBeforeSetFilter in codeunit 13 "Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch"?
local procedure CheckGenJnlLine(var MarkedGenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")
StartBatchName: Code[10];
IsHandled: Boolean;
if not GenJournalLine.Find() then
IsHandled := false;
OnCheckGenJnlLineOnBeforeSetFilter(GenJournalLine, IsHandled);
if not IsHandled then
GenJournalLine.SetRange("Posting Date", 0D, WorkDate());
if GenJournalLine.FindSet() then begin
StartLineNo := GenJournalLine."Line No.";
StartBatchName := GenJournalLine."Journal Batch Name";
if IsNotExpired(GenJournalLine) and IsPostingDateAllowed(GenJournalLine) and IsNotNullAmountLine(GenJournalLine) then begin
MarkedGenJnlLine := GenJournalLine;
if GenJournalLine."Recurring Method" in
[GenJournalLine."Recurring Method"::"BD Balance by Dimension", GenJournalLine."Recurring Method"::"RBD Reversing Balance by Dimension"]
then begin
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCheckGenJnlLineOnBeforeSetFilter(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Additional context
We do not want to set the posting date filter because we would like to allow users to decide about if they want to post future lines.
Internal work item: AB#545272
Describe the request
Hello, can you please add a new event OnCheckGenJnlLineOnBeforeSetFilter in codeunit 13 "Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch"?
Additional context
We do not want to set the posting date filter because we would like to allow users to decide about if they want to post future lines. Internal work item: AB#545272