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Azure Resource Inventory - It's a Powerful tool to create EXCEL inventory from Azure Resources with low effort
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ARI Script stalling out #157

Closed eryan-x closed 6 months ago

eryan-x commented 9 months ago

Hello, I have been able to run this script against my environment with no issue several months back. I have tried to run it more recently and the script continues to stall out on the VM.ps1 module. It just hangs there for hours. This tenant is within the Azure Government Cloud. I have done various attempts and run -Debug to see where the script hangs. I have verified that all dependencies are installed and are at or above the required version.

BlackFoxgamingstudio commented 9 months ago

I have a method for my Personal Research on Optimizing my code. I leverage ChatGPT and cycle through Best Practice for optimization, tagging Specific Subject or Keywords. In this case it took about 15 mins to evaluate: "Powershell script continues to stall out"

Leveraging Eryan-x concerns in the given context, I have a lot of great insights:

Hello, I have been able to run this script against my environment with no issue several months back. I have tried to run it more recently and the script continues to stall out on the VM.ps1 module. It just hangs there for hours. This tenant is within the Azure Government Cloud. I have done various attempts and run -Debug to see where the script hangs. I have verified that all dependencies are installed and are at or above the required version.: <#

.Synopsis Inventory for Azure Virtual Machine

.DESCRIPTION This script consolidates information for all microsoft.compute/virtualmachines resource provider in $Resources variable. Excel Sheet Name: VM


.COMPONENT This powershell Module is part of Azure Resource Inventory (ARI)

.NOTES Version: 3.1.3 First Release Date: 19th November, 2020 Authors: Claudio Merola and Renato Gregio


<######## Default Parameters. Don't modify this ########>

param($SCPath, $Sub, $Intag, $Resources, $Task ,$File, $SmaResources, $TableStyle, $Unsupported)

If ($Task -eq 'Processing')

        $vm =  $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'}
        $nic = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq ''}
        $vmexp = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/extensions'}
        $disk = $Resources | Where-Object {$_.TYPE -eq 'microsoft.compute/disks'}
        $vmsizemap = @{}
        foreach($location in ($vm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty location -Unique))
                foreach ($vmsize in ( az vm list-sizes -l $location | ConvertFrom-Json))
                        $vmsizemap[$] = @{
                            CPU = $vmSize.numberOfCores
                            RAM = [math]::Round($vmSize.memoryInMB / 1024, 0) 

            $tmp = @()

            foreach ($1 in $vm) 
                    $ResUCount = 1
                    $sub1 = $SUB | Where-Object { $ -eq $1.subscriptionId }
                    $data = $1.PROPERTIES 
                    $timecreated = $data.timeCreated
                    $timecreated = [datetime]$timecreated
                    $timecreated = $timecreated.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")
                    $AVSET = ''
                    $dataSize = ''
                    $StorAcc = ''

                    $RetDate = ''
                    $RetFeature = '' 
                    if($data.hardwareProfile.vmSize -in ('basic_a0','basic_a1','basic_a2','basic_a3','basic_a4','standard_a0','standard_a1','standard_a2','standard_a3','standard_a4','standard_a5','standard_a6','standard_a7','standard_a9') -or $ -in ('basic_a0','basic_a1','basic_a2','basic_a3','basic_a4','standard_a0','standard_a1','standard_a2','standard_a3','standard_a4','standard_a5','standard_a6','standard_a7','standard_a9'))
                            $RetDate = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 1}).RetirementDate
                            $RetFeature = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 1}).RetiringFeature
                    if($data.hardwareProfile.vmSize -in ('Standard_NV12','Standard_NV12_Promo','Standard_NV24','Standard_NV24_Promo','Standard_NV6','Standard_NV6_Promo') -or $ -in ('Standard_NV12','Standard_NV12_Promo','Standard_NV24','Standard_NV24_Promo','Standard_NV6','Standard_NV6_Promo'))
                            $RetDate = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 18}).RetirementDate
                            $RetFeature = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 18}).RetiringFeature
                    if($data.hardwareProfile.vmSize -in ('Standard_NC6','Standard_NC6_Promo','Standard_NC12','Standard_NC12_Promo','Standard_NC24','Standard_NC24_Promo','Standard_NC24r','Standard_NC24r_Promo') -or $ -in ('Standard_NC6','Standard_NC6_Promo','Standard_NC12','Standard_NC12_Promo','Standard_NC24','Standard_NC24_Promo','Standard_NC24r','Standard_NC24r_Promo'))
                            $RetDate = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 37}).RetirementDate
                            $RetFeature = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 37}).RetiringFeature
                    if($data.hardwareProfile.vmSize -in ('Standard_NC6s_v2','Standard_NC12s_v2','Standard_NC24s_v2','Standard_NC24rs_v2') -or $ -in ('Standard_NC6s_v2','Standard_NC12s_v2','Standard_NC24s_v2','Standard_NC24rs_v2'))
                            $RetDate = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 38}).RetirementDate
                            $RetFeature = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 38}).RetiringFeature
                    if($data.hardwareProfile.vmSize -in ('Standard_ND6','Standard_ND12','Standard_ND24','Standard_ND24r') -or $ -in ('Standard_ND6','Standard_ND12','Standard_ND24','Standard_ND24r'))
                            $RetDate = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 39}).RetirementDate
                            $RetFeature = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 39}).RetiringFeature
                    if($data.hardwareProfile.vmSize -in ('Standard_HB60rs','Standard_HB60-45rs','Standard_HB60-30rs','Standard_HB60-15rs') -or $ -in ('Standard_HB60rs','Standard_HB60-45rs','Standard_HB60-30rs','Standard_HB60-15rs'))
                            $RetDate = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 40}).RetirementDate
                            $RetFeature = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 40}).RetiringFeature
                            $RetDate = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 4}).RetirementDate
                            $RetFeature = ($Unsupported | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq 4}).RetiringFeature

                    $UpdateMgmt = if ($null -eq $data.osProfile.LinuxConfiguration.patchSettings.patchMode) { $data.osProfile.WindowsConfiguration.patchSettings.patchMode } else { $data.osProfile.LinuxConfiguration.patchSettings.patchMode }                    

                    $ext = @()
                    $AzDiag = ''
                    $Azinsights = ''
                    $Lic = switch ($data.licenseType) {
                        'Windows_Server' { 'Azure Hybrid Benefit for Windows' }
                        'Windows_Client' { 'Windows client with multi-tenant hosting' }
                        'RHEL_BYOS' { 'Azure Hybrid Benefit for Redhat' }
                        'SLES_BYOS' { 'Azure Hybrid Benefit for SUSE' }
                        default { $data.licenseType }
                    $Lic = if($Lic){$Lic}else{'None'}
                    $ext = ($vmexp | Where-Object { ($ -split "/")[8] -eq $ }).properties.Publisher
                    if ($null -ne $ext) 
                            $ext = foreach ($ex in $ext) 
                                    if ($ex | Where-Object { $_ -eq 'Microsoft.Azure.Performance.Diagnostics' }) { $AzDiag = $true }
                                    if ($ex | Where-Object { $_ -eq 'Microsoft.EnterpriseCloud.Monitoring' }) { $Azinsights = $true }
                                    $ex + ', '
                            $ext = [string]$ext
                            $ext = $ext.Substring(0, $ext.Length - 2)

                    if ($null -ne $data.availabilitySet) { $AVSET = 'True' }else { $AVSET = 'False' }
                    if ($data.diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.enabled -eq $true) { $bootdg = $true }else { $bootdg = $false }
                            $OSDisk = ($disk | Where-Object {$ -eq $} | Select-Object -Unique)
                            $OSDiskSize = ($disk | Where-Object {$ -eq $} | Select-Object -Unique).Properties.diskSizeGB
                            $OSDisk = if($data.storageProfile.osDisk.vhd.uri){'Custom VHD'}else{''}
                            $OSDiskSize = $data.storageProfile.osDisk.diskSizeGB
                    $StorAcc = if ($ -ge 2) 
                                    ($ + ' Disks found.') 
                                    ($disk | Where-Object {$ -eq $} | Select-Object -Unique)
                    $dataSize = if ($data.storageProfile.dataDisks.managedDisk.storageAccountType.count -ge 2) 
                                    (($disk | Where-Object {$ -in $}).properties.diskSizeGB | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
                                    ($disk | Where-Object {$ -eq $}).properties.diskSizeGB
                    $Tags = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$}else{'0'}
                    $VMNICS = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$}else{'0'}
                    foreach ($2 in $VMNICS) {

                        $vmnic = $nic | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq $2 } | Select-Object -Unique
                        $vmnsg = if(${$'/')[8]}else{'None'}
                        $PIP = $'/')[8]
                        $VNET = $'/')[8]
                        $Subnet = $'/')[10]

                        foreach ($Tag in $Tags) 
                                $obj = @{
                                'ID'                            = $;
                                'Subscription'                  = $sub1.Name;
                                'Resource Group'                = $1.RESOURCEGROUP;
                                'VM Name'                       = $1.NAME;
                                'Location'                      = $1.LOCATION;
                                'Zone'                          = [string]$1.ZONES;
                                'Availability Set'              = $AVSET;
                                'VM Size'                       = $data.hardwareProfile.vmSize;
                                'vCPUs'                         = $vmsizemap[$data.hardwareProfile.vmSize].CPU;
                                'RAM (GiB)'                     = $vmsizemap[$data.hardwareProfile.vmSize].RAM;
                                'Image Reference'               = $data.storageProfile.imageReference.publisher;
                                'Image Version'                 = $data.storageProfile.imageReference.exactVersion;
                                'Hybrid Benefit'                = $Lic;
                                'Admin Username'                = $data.osProfile.adminUsername;
                                'OS Type'                       = $data.storageProfile.osDisk.osType;
                                'OS Name'                       = $data.extended.instanceView.osname;
                                'OS Version'                    = $data.extended.instanceView.osversion;
                                'Retirement Date'               = [string]$RetDate;
                                'Retirement Feature'            = $RetFeature;
                                'Update Management'             = $UpdateMgmt;
                                'Boot Diagnostics'              = $bootdg;
                                'Performance Agent'             = if ($azDiag -ne '') { $true }else { $false };
                                'Azure Monitor'                 = if ($Azinsights -ne '') { $true }else { $false };
                                'OS Disk Storage Type'          = $OSDisk;
                                'OS Disk Size (GB)'             = $OSDiskSize;
                                'Data Disk Storage Type'        = $StorAcc;
                                'Data Disk Size (GB)'           = $dataSize;
                                'Power State'                   = $data.extended.instanceView.powerState.displayStatus;
                                'NIC Name'                      = [string]$;
                                'NIC Type'                      = [string]$;
                                'DNS Servers'                   = [string]$;
                                'Public IP'                     = $PIP;
                                'Virtual Network'               = $VNET;
                                'Subnet'                        = $Subnet;
                                'NSG'                           = $vmnsg;
                                'Accelerated Networking'        = [string]$;
                                'IP Forwarding'                 = [string]$;
                                'Private IP Address'            = [string]$;
                                'Private IP Allocation'         = [string]$;
                                'Created Time'                  = $timecreated;
                                'VM Extensions'                 = $ext;
                                'Resource U'                    = $ResUCount;
                                'Tag Name'                      = [string]$Tag.Name;
                                'Tag Value'                     = [string]$Tag.Value
                                $tmp += $obj
                                if ($ResUCount -eq 1) { $ResUCount = 0 } 
                            Remove-Variable PIP, vmnic, vmnsg, VNET, Subnet                        
            $TableName = ('VMTable_'+($ | Select-Object -Unique).count)
            $Style = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Center -AutoSize -NumberFormat '0' -VerticalAlignment Center
            $StyleExt = New-ExcelStyle -HorizontalAlignment Left -Range AK:AK -Width 60 -WrapText 

                $cond = @()
                #Hybrid Benefit
                $cond += New-ConditionalText None -Range O:O
                $cond += New-ConditionalText None -Range AE:AE
                #Boot Diagnostics
                $cond += New-ConditionalText falso -Range R:R
                $cond += New-ConditionalText false -Range R:R
                #Performance Agent
                $cond += New-ConditionalText falso -Range S:S
                $cond += New-ConditionalText false -Range S:S
                #Azure Monitor
                $cond += New-ConditionalText falso -Range T:T
                $cond += New-ConditionalText false -Range T:T
                #Acelerated Network
                $cond += New-ConditionalText false -Range AG:AG
                $cond += New-ConditionalText falso -Range AG:AG  
                $cond += New-ConditionalText - -Range M:M -ConditionalType ContainsText

                $Exc = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
                $Exc.Add('Resource Group')
                $Exc.Add('VM Name')
                $Exc.Add('VM Size')
                $Exc.Add('RAM (GiB)')
                $Exc.Add('OS Type')
                $Exc.Add('OS Name')
                $Exc.Add('OS Version')
                $Exc.Add('Image Reference')
                $Exc.Add('Image Version')
                $Exc.Add('Retirement Date')
                $Exc.Add('Retirement Feature')
                $Exc.Add('Hybrid Benefit')
                $Exc.Add('Admin Username')
                $Exc.Add('Update Management')
                $Exc.Add('Boot Diagnostics')
                $Exc.Add('Performance Agent')
                $Exc.Add('Azure Monitor')
                $Exc.Add('OS Disk Storage Type')
                $Exc.Add('OS Disk Size (GB)')
                $Exc.Add('Data Disk Storage Type')
                $Exc.Add('Data Disk Size (GB)')
                $Exc.Add('Power State')
                $Exc.Add('Availability Set')
                $Exc.Add('Virtual Network')
                $Exc.Add('DNS Servers')
                $Exc.Add('NIC Name')
                $Exc.Add('Accelerated Networking')
                $Exc.Add('IP Forwarding')
                $Exc.Add('Private IP Address')
                $Exc.Add('Private IP Allocation')
                $Exc.Add('Public IP')
                $Exc.Add('Created Time')                
                $Exc.Add('VM Extensions')
                $Exc.Add('Resource U')
                    $Exc.Add('Tag Name')
                    $Exc.Add('Tag Value') 

                $noNumberConversion = @()
                $noNumberConversion += 'OS Version'
                $noNumberConversion += 'Image Version'
                $noNumberConversion += 'Private IP Address'
                $noNumberConversion += 'DNS Servers'

                $ExcelVar = $SmaResources.VM

                $ExcelVar | 
                ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]$_ } | Select-Object -Unique $Exc | 
                Export-Excel -Path $File -WorksheetName 'Virtual Machines' -TableName $TableName -MaxAutoSizeRows 100 -TableStyle $tableStyle -ConditionalText $cond -Style $Style, $StyleExt -NoNumberConversion $noNumberConversion

                $excel = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $File -KillExcel

                $null = $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["M1"].AddComment("It's important to be aware of upcoming Azure services and feature retirements to understand their impact on your workloads and plan migration.", "Azure Resource Inventory")
                $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["M1"].Hyperlink = ''
                $null = $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["R1"].AddComment("Boot diagnostics is a debugging feature for Azure virtual machines (VM) that allows diagnosis of VM boot failures.", "Azure Resource Inventory")
                $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["R1"].Hyperlink = ''
                $null = $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["S1"].AddComment("Is recommended to install Performance Diagnostics Agent in every Azure Virtual Machine upfront. The agent is only used when triggered by the console and may save time in an event of performance struggling.", "Azure Resource Inventory")
                $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["S1"].Hyperlink = ''
                $null = $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["T1"].AddComment("We recommend that you use Azure Monitor to gain visibility into your resource's health.", "Azure Resource Inventory")
                $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["T1"].Hyperlink = ''
                $null = $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["AE1"].AddComment("Use a network security group to protect against unsolicited traffic into Azure subnets. Network security groups are simple, stateful packet inspection devices that use the 5-tuple approach (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, and layer 4 protocol) to create allow/deny rules for network traffic.", "Azure Resource Inventory")
                $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["AE1"].Hyperlink = ''
                $null = $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["AG1"].AddComment("Accelerated networking enables single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) to a VM, greatly improving its networking performance. This high-performance path bypasses the host from the datapath, reducing latency, jitter, and CPU utilization.", "Azure Resource Inventory")
                $excel.'Virtual Machines'.Cells["AG1"].Hyperlink = ''

            Close-ExcelPackage $excel


ChatGPT It seems you are experiencing an issue where your PowerShell script, designed for inventorying Azure Virtual Machines, is stalling when running the VM.ps1 module. This kind of problem can be tricky to diagnose, but here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and hopefully resolve the issue:

  1. Check Execution Policy: Ensure that your execution policy allows the script to run. You can check this with Get-ExecutionPolicy and set it with Set-ExecutionPolicy if necessary.
  2. Debugging the Script: Since you mentioned that the script hangs at a specific module, try to isolate the problem within that module. Comment out sections of the script and run it piece by piece to identify the exact point of failure.
  3. Azure Government Cloud Specifics: Since you're working in the Azure Government Cloud, ensure that all endpoints and configurations in your script are compatible with it. Azure Government has specific endpoints and considerations that differ from the regular Azure Cloud.
  4. Version Compatibility: Ensure that the script is compatible with the current versions of PowerShell and any Azure modules it uses. Sometimes, updates in these can lead to incompatibility issues.
  5. Resource Throttling: Check if there's any throttling happening on the Azure side that could be causing the script to hang. This can happen if there are too many requests to the Azure API in a short amount of time.
  6. Azure Active Directory (AAD) Permissions: Make sure that the account running the script has the necessary permissions in AAD to perform all actions required by the script.
  7. Network Issues: There could be network issues, especially if the script is running from an environment with restricted internet access or specific network policies.
  8. Logging and Error Handling: Improve logging in the script to capture more detailed information about where and why it's stalling. This can provide insights into the issue.
  9. Community and Support: If possible, reach out to the community or support forums. Since the script is from a GitHub repository, checking there for issues or updates can be helpful.
  10. Script Timeouts: Implement timeouts for operations that might hang indefinitely. This way, the script can skip or retry operations that are taking too long.

If these steps don't resolve the issue, it might be helpful to post the specific error messages or log outputs you're getting (if any) for more targeted advice. User can you optimize the code

ChatGPT Optimizing the script you provided requires a targeted approach since it's quite extensive and specific to Azure Virtual Machine inventory management. Here are some general optimization suggestions:

  1. Parallel Processing: If there are parts of the script that process items in a loop and these items are independent of each other, consider using parallel processing. PowerShell 7 introduces the ForEach-Object -Parallel construct that can significantly speed up such operations.
  2. Reduce Redundant API Calls: If your script is making multiple calls to Azure APIs for the same data, consider caching the results to reduce the number of calls. This will not only speed up the script but also reduce the likelihood of hitting API rate limits.
  3. Optimize Loops: Review all loops in the script for efficiency. For example, if you're using a foreach loop, check if you can replace it with a more efficient loop structure or if you can process items in a batch instead of one by one.
  4. Error Handling: Add robust error handling to ensure that the script can gracefully handle and recover from errors. This can also help in identifying the exact location and reason for any issues.
  5. Optimize Data Structures: Review the data structures used. For instance, if you are using arrays and frequently modifying them (like adding items), consider using a System.Collections.Generic.List object instead, as it's more efficient for this purpose.
  6. Remove Unnecessary Code: Go through the script and remove any code that is not being used or is redundant. This includes any debugging or logging code that is no longer needed.
  7. Check Variable Scope: Ensure that variables have the correct scope. Unnecessary global variables can consume more memory and can lead to unexpected behavior.
  8. Optimize Conditional Logic: Review all if statements and other conditional logic. Make sure they are as efficient as possible, and remove any redundant conditions.
  9. Profile the Script: Use PowerShell’s profiling tools to understand which parts of the script are taking the most time. This will help you focus your optimization efforts on the parts that matter most.
  10. Update and Upgrade: Make sure you are using the latest version of PowerShell and any Azure modules, as newer versions often include performance improvements.
  11. Since the script is complex and specific, without a deep understanding of its exact functionality and the environment in which it runs, these optimizations are quite general. For more targeted optimizations, a detailed analysis of the script's performance, including profiling, would be necessary.

User show an example using the code. refactor for 1

ChatGPT To demonstrate how to refactor the script for optimization, let's focus on the suggestion of parallel processing. However, it's important to note that implementing parallel processing in PowerShell scripts can be complex and might not be suitable for all parts of the script. I'll show an example using a simplified portion of your script.

Let's say we want to optimize the section where the script is iterating over virtual machines ($vm) to collect and process information. We can use PowerShell 7's ForEach-Object -Parallel feature.

Original loop:

powershell Copy code

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # ... complex processing for each VM ...
    $tmp += $obj
Optimized using parallel processing:

Copy code
# Define scriptblock for processing each VM
$scriptBlock = {
    # ... complex processing for each VM ...
    return $obj

Run the processing in parallel

$tmp = $vm | ForEach-Object -Parallel $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $_ -ThrottleLimit 10 In this refactored code:

$scriptBlock contains the code that was previously inside the foreach loop.
ForEach-Object -Parallel runs the script block in parallel for each item in $vm.
-ArgumentList $_ passes each VM item to the script block.
-ThrottleLimit 10 limits the number of parallel tasks. Adjust this based on your environment's capabilities.

Remember, parallel processing is powerful, but it comes with complexities:

Not all tasks are suitable for parallel execution. Tasks that depend on each other or share resources might not work correctly when parallelized. Be mindful of the resources (like CPU and memory) used by parallel tasks. Overloading the system can lead to performance degradation. Error handling can be more challenging in a parallel context. Always test such changes thoroughly in a controlled environment before applying them in a production setting. User show an example using the code. refactor for 2

ChatGPT For the second optimization strategy, let's focus on reducing redundant API calls in the script. The script appears to make multiple Azure API calls, especially when fetching VM sizes for each location. We can optimize this by caching the results of the API calls to avoid repeated requests for the same information.

Original code snippet:

Copy code
$vmsizemap = @{}
foreach($location in ($vm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty location -Unique))
    foreach ($vmsize in ( az vm list-sizes -l $location | ConvertFrom-Json))
        $vmsizemap[$] = @{
            CPU = $vmSize.numberOfCores
            RAM = [math]::Round($vmSize.memoryInMB / 1024, 0) 

Optimized code with caching:

powershell Copy code

$vmsizemap = @{}
$locationSizeMap = @{} # Cache for API results

foreach($location in ($vm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty location -Unique))
    # Check if the sizes for this location are already fetched
    if(-not $locationSizeMap.ContainsKey($location))
        # Fetch and cache the VM sizes for this location
        $locationSizeMap[$location] = az vm list-sizes -l $location | ConvertFrom-Json

    foreach ($vmsize in $locationSizeMap[$location])
        $vmsizemap[$] = @{
            CPU = $vmsize.numberOfCores
            RAM = [math]::Round($vmsize.memoryInMB / 1024, 0) 

In this optimized code:

We introduce a new hashtable $locationSizeMap to cache the results of az vm list-sizes for each location. Before calling the Azure API, we check if the sizes for a given location are already cached. If they are, we use the cached data instead of making a new API call. This reduces the number of API calls, especially in cases where multiple VMs are in the same location. This optimization is particularly useful when dealing with scripts that interact with external services or APIs where calls can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. By caching results, the script becomes more efficient and potentially faster, especially in scenarios with repeated requests for the same data.

User show an example using the code. refactor for 3

ChatGPT To demonstrate the third optimization strategy, let's focus on improving the efficiency of loops in the script. The script has a complex nested looping structure that can be optimized for better performance.

In the original script, there is a nested loop where the inner loop iterates over network interfaces for each virtual machine. This can be optimized by reducing the depth of nesting and simplifying the data processing.

Original code snippet:

powershell Copy code

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # ... other processing ...

    $VMNICS = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$}else{'0'}
    foreach ($2 in $VMNICS) 
        $vmnic = $nic | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq $2 } | Select-Object -Unique
        # ... processing involving $vmnic ...

    # ... more processing ...

Optimized code with reduced loop complexity:

powershell Copy code

# Create a hashtable to map NIC IDs to their details
$nicDetailsMap = @{}
foreach ($nicItem in $nic) 
    $nicDetailsMap[$nicItem.ID] = $nicItem

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # ... other processing ...

    $VMNICS = if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty(${$}else{'0'}
    foreach ($2 in $VMNICS) 
        if ($nicDetailsMap.ContainsKey($2))
            $vmnic = $nicDetailsMap[$2]
            # ... processing involving $vmnic ...

    # ... more processing ...

In this optimized code:

We first create a hashtable ($nicDetailsMap) mapping each NIC ID to its details. This is done outside of the main VM loop. Inside the main VM loop, we use this hashtable to quickly look up the details of each NIC by its ID. This approach reduces the complexity of the inner loop since it no longer needs to search through the entire $nic collection for each NIC ID. It simply accesses the pre-mapped details, which is much faster. By reducing the depth of the nesting and the complexity of the loops, the script should execute more efficiently, especially when dealing with large collections of VMs and NICs. This kind of optimization is particularly beneficial in scenarios where you have many iterations over large datasets.

3 / 3

User show an example using the code. refactor for 4

2 / 2

ChatGPT For the fourth optimization, we'll focus on enhancing error handling in the script. Proper error handling is crucial for diagnosing issues, especially in complex scripts like the one you're working with. It can help in understanding where and why a script is failing or stalling.

Let's take a part of your script and add comprehensive error handling to it:

Original code snippet:

powershell Copy code

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # ... complex processing for each VM ...
    $tmp += $obj

Optimized code with enhanced error handling:

powershell Copy code

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
        # ... complex processing for each VM ...

        $tmp += $obj
        Write-Error "Error processing VM with ID $($ $_"
        # Optionally, log the error to a file or monitoring system
        # Continue processing the next VM instead of completely stopping the script

In this optimized code:

A try block is used to encapsulate the code that might throw an error. The catch block handles any exceptions thrown within the try block. Write-Error is used to output an error message, which includes the VM ID and the error details ($_). The script continues processing the next VM even if it encounters an error with the current one. This approach ensures that if there's an issue with processing a particular VM, the script logs the error and continues with the rest, rather than halting execution entirely. It makes the script more robust and easier to debug, as you can see exactly which VM caused the problem and why.

It's also a good practice to log these errors to a file or a monitoring system, especially in a production environment, for easier tracking and analysis of issues over time. User show an example using the code. refactor for 5

ChatGPT For the fifth optimization strategy, let's focus on optimizing data structures used in the script. The original script frequently modifies arrays, a process which can be inefficient in PowerShell due to the way arrays are handled in memory. When you add an item to an array, PowerShell actually creates a new array in memory and copies all elements to it, which can be slow for large arrays.

We'll optimize a section of the script where an array is being modified in a loop, replacing it with a more efficient data structure like a System.Collections.Generic.List.

Original code snippet:

powershell Copy code

$tmp = @()

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # ... complex processing for each VM ...
    $tmp += $obj
Optimized code using List<T>:

powershell Copy code

Initialize a List object instead of an array

$tmp = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[object]

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # ... complex processing for each VM ...
    $tmp.Add($obj) # Use Add method to append to the list

In this optimized code:

We use System.Collections.Generic.List[object] instead of a standard array (@()). The Add method of the List object is used to append new items. This method is more efficient than using += on an array, especially when dealing with a large number of items. This optimization is particularly effective when your script processes large data sets. The List data structure is more performant for adding items in a loop because it doesn't need to recreate the entire collection in memory each time you add an item.

Remember, while this change significantly improves performance for adding elements, it should be noted that if your script relies on array-specific features or behaviors, you might need to adjust those parts of the script accordingly. User show an example using the code. refactor for 6

ChatGPT For the sixth optimization strategy, let's focus on removing unnecessary code from the script. This involves identifying and eliminating parts of the code that are redundant, not used, or that can be simplified. This not only makes the script more efficient but also easier to read and maintain.

I'll demonstrate this using a hypothetical section of your script, focusing on simplifying and removing redundant code.

Original code snippet:

powershell Copy code

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # ... some processing ...
    if ($1.someProperty -eq $null) {
        $1.someProperty = "Default"
    # ... more processing ...
    if ($1.someProperty -eq $null) {
        $1.someProperty = "Default"
    # ... even more processing ...

Optimized code with unnecessary code removed:

powershell Copy code

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # Simplify the null check and assignment
    $1.someProperty = $1.someProperty -if $null "Default"

    # ... rest of the processing ...

In this optimized code:

Redundant checks and assignments are removed. The conditional assignment is simplified using a more concise syntax (-if $null). This optimization helps in two key ways:

Improves Readability: By removing duplicate or redundant code, the script becomes easier to read and understand.
Increases Efficiency: Reducing the amount of code that needs to be executed can improve the script's performance, especially if the removed code involved complex operations or was inside a loop.

Note that in real-world scripts, unnecessary code can take many forms, such as unused variables, redundant condition checks, overly complex expressions that can be simplified, or code that's been commented out and no longer needed. Regularly reviewing and refactoring your code can keep it efficient and maintainable. User show an example using the code. refactor for 7

ChatGPT For the seventh optimization strategy, let's focus on improving the script by checking and managing the scope of variables. In PowerShell, variable scope can impact both performance and memory usage, especially in large scripts or when working with complex data structures. Proper scope management ensures that variables are only active when needed and are released from memory when their purpose is fulfilled.

In the provided script, there may be variables that are declared globally but are only needed within specific blocks of code. By limiting the scope of these variables, we can optimize memory usage and potentially improve performance.

Let's refactor a hypothetical section of the script to demonstrate this concept:

Original code snippet:

powershell Copy code

# Global variable declaration
$globalData = @{}

foreach ($1 in $vm) 
    # Uses and modifies the global variable
    $globalData[$] = someProcessingFunction($1)

# More code that may or may not use $globalData
Optimized code with improved variable scoping:

Copy code

foreach ($1 in $vm) {

Declare the variable within the scope of the loop

$localData = @{}

# Use and modify the local variable
$localData[$] = someProcessingFunction($1)

# Process with $localData
# ...

# The $localData variable is discarded after each loop iteration,
# freeing up memory


# $localData is not accessible here, reducing the risk of unintended modifications

In this optimized code:

$localData is declared inside the loop, making it local to that scope. The variable is used for processing within the loop and is automatically discarded at the end of each iteration. This approach reduces the memory footprint, as the data is not held in memory throughout the script's execution. It also reduces the risk of unintended modifications to the data outside the intended scope. Effective variable scoping is particularly important in scripts that handle large datasets or have complex logic. It ensures that memory is used efficiently and that variables do not inadvertently affect other parts of the script.

2 / 2

User show an example using the code. refactor for 8

ChatGPT For the eighth optimization strategy, let's focus on optimizing conditional logic in the script. Conditional statements, especially when nested or complex, can significantly impact the readability and performance of a script. By simplifying and streamlining these conditions, we can enhance the script's efficiency and maintainability.

Let's refactor a hypothetical section of the script that contains complex conditional logic:

Original code snippet:

powershell Copy code

foreach ($vmInstance in $vm) 
    if ($vmInstance.someProperty -eq "Value1") {
        # Do something
    } elseif ($vmInstance.someProperty -eq "Value2") {
        # Do something else
    } elseif ($vmInstance.someProperty -eq "Value3" -or $vmInstance.someProperty -eq "Value4") {
        # Do another thing
    } else {
        # Default action

Optimized code with streamlined conditional logic:

powershell Copy code

function ProcessVMInstance($vmInstance) {
    switch ($vmInstance.someProperty) {
        "Value1" { 
            # Do something 
        "Value2" { 
            # Do something else 
        "Value3", "Value4" { 
            # Do another thing 
        default { 
            # Default action 

foreach ($vmInstance in $vm) {
    ProcessVMInstance -vmInstance $vmInstance

In this optimized code:

The switch statement is used to simplify multiple if/elseif conditions. It's generally more readable and efficient, especially when dealing with multiple distinct cases. The logic is encapsulated in a function (ProcessVMInstance). This improves readability and makes the code more modular and easier to maintain. Using functions can also help in isolating specific behavior, making debugging and testing easier. This approach is particularly beneficial in scripts with extensive conditional logic, as it makes the code more organized and easier to understand. The switch statement is a powerful tool in PowerShell for handling multiple conditions more cleanly than multiple if/elseif statements. User show an example using the code. refactor for 9

ChatGPT For the ninth optimization strategy, let's focus on profiling the script to identify performance bottlenecks. Profiling involves analyzing the execution of a script to understand which parts are consuming the most resources or taking the most time. This can be particularly useful for long and complex scripts, like the one you're working with.

PowerShell doesn't have a built-in profiler, but you can use various techniques to measure the execution time of different parts of your script. This approach can help you pinpoint areas that may benefit from optimization.

Let's refactor a hypothetical section of your script to include simple profiling:

Original code snippet:

powershell Copy code f``` oreach ($vm in $vms) {

... complex processing for each VM ...

} Optimized code with profiling:

powershell Copy code

Start measuring time

$startTime = Get-Date

foreach ($vm in $vms) {

... complex processing for each VM ...


Stop measuring time

$endTime = Get-Date

Calculate and display the duration

$duration = $endTime - $startTime Write-Host "Total processing time: $($duration.TotalSeconds) seconds" In this optimized code:

$startTime captures the current time before the loop starts. $endTime captures the current time after the loop completes. $duration calculates the difference, which gives you the total time taken by the loop.

Write-Host outputs the total processing time to the console.
By adding such timing measures around different sections of your script, you can identify which parts are the most time-consuming. This information is invaluable when deciding where to focus your optimization efforts.

For more detailed profiling, you might consider:

Using PowerShell's built-in Measure-Command cmdlet for simple timing.
Implementing more granular timing inside loops or function calls.
Using external tools or advanced techniques for more comprehensive profiling, especially if you're dealing with very complex or resource-intensive scripts.
show an example using the code. refactor for 9

For the ninth optimization strategy, let's focus on more advanced profiling techniques to identify performance bottlenecks in your PowerShell script. Profiling involves tracking the execution time and resource usage of different parts of your script, which can be crucial for optimizing long and complex scripts.

Since PowerShell doesn't have an in-built comprehensive profiler, we'll use Measure-Command for simple timing and introduce custom logging for more detailed profiling.

Original code snippet:

Copy code

foreach ($vm in $vms) {

... complex processing for each VM ...

} Optimized code with detailed profiling:

powershell Copy code

Function to log the time taken by a script block

function Measure-ScriptBlockExecution { param ( [scriptblock]$ScriptBlock )

$startTime = Get-Date
. $ScriptBlock
$endTime = Get-Date

$duration = $endTime - $startTime
Write-Host "Block execution time: $($duration.TotalMilliseconds) ms"


# Wrapping the VM processing in a script block

$vmProcessingScriptBlock = { foreach ($vm in $vms) {

... complex processing for each VM ...



Measure and log the execution time of the VM processing

Measure-ScriptBlockExecution -ScriptBlock $vmProcessingScriptBlock

In this optimized code:

A function Measure-ScriptBlockExecution is created to measure the execution time of a given script block. This function can be reused for different parts of the script.
The original VM processing logic is wrapped in a script block $vmProcessingScriptBlock.
The Measure-ScriptBlockExecution function is then called with the VM processing script block as a parameter, measuring and outputting the time taken for this part of the script.
This approach provides a flexible and reusable way to profile different sections of your PowerShell script. By isolating specific code blocks and measuring their execution time, you can identify which parts of the script are the most resource-intensive and therefore prime candidates for optimization.

For even more detailed profiling, you may consider:

Implementing more granular logging within loops or function calls, including logging start and end times of individual operations.
Capturing additional performance metrics, such as memory usage.
Using external tools or services for profiling if your script is part of a larger application or system.
show an example using the code. refactor for 10

For the tenth optimization strategy, let's focus on updating and upgrading your script to use the latest versions of PowerShell and Azure modules. Keeping your script up to date can significantly enhance its performance and security, as newer versions often include optimizations, bug fixes, and security patches.

Refactoring your script to leverage the latest features of PowerShell and Azure modules might require:

Updating your PowerShell version.
Updating Azure-related modules.
Modifying the script to utilize new cmdlets or improved features.
Let's refactor a hypothetical section of your script to demonstrate how you can benefit from updates:

Original code snippet (assuming it's written in an older version of PowerShell):

Copy code
# Using an older cmdlet or approach
Get-AzureRmVm | Where-Object { $_.Location -eq "eastus" }
Refactored code using updated cmdlets (assuming newer Azure PowerShell module):

powershell Copy code

# First, update the Azure PowerShell module
# Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Force

# Using updated cmdlet from the Az module
Get-AzVM | Where-Object { $_.Location -eq "eastus" }

In this refactored code:

The script is updated to use the Az module, which is the successor to the AzureRm module and offers better performance and more features.
The cmdlet Get-AzVM is used instead of Get-AzureRmVm, which is part of the newer module.
Steps to update your script:

- Update PowerShell: Make sure you are using a recent version of PowerShell. PowerShell 7.x offers significant performance improvements and new features compared to Windows PowerShell 5.1.
- Update Azure Modules: Replace older AzureRM modules with the latest Az modules. The Az module is faster, more reliable, and has more capabilities.
- Refactor Script: Modify your script to use new cmdlets and features from the updated modules. This might include changing cmdlet names, parameters, and potentially altering the logic to be more efficient with the new capabilities.
- Remember to thoroughly test your script after these updates to ensure that all functionality works as expected with the new versions. Major updates can sometimes introduce breaking changes, so it's important to validate your script's behavior in a controlled environment before deploying it in production.
BlackFoxgamingstudio commented 9 months ago

I would start with trying to Update PowerShell. Next strategically adding logging and error exceptions to each functional operation, as you run the script. now it's time for some bug hunting.

Gov cloud being a variable here, may lead to a performance bottleneck somewhere else in the solution. Slowness may be due to the security and isolation need of Azure Gov Cloud. the least we can do is rule out any needed optimization of the script before moving on to other parts of the solution.

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

This Issue is stale and may be automatically close soon.

Claudio-Merola commented 8 months ago

hi @eryan-x

Can you try to download an older version of the file VM.ps1 and replace just that file with this older version (like version 2.2) and see how it goes?

Several updates were made to this file that would impact the processing time.

sbollers commented 7 months ago

I have had issues running this script on my customer environments also. It has about a 50% success rate. It not only gets stuck but starts throwing errors. Not sure what was changed but needs to be further tested with larger environments.

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

This Issue is stale and may be automatically close soon.