microsoft / AdaptiveCards

A new way for developers to exchange card content in a common and consistent way.
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{Linked:Bug25741511;Linked:Bug24983095} New Feature Request: Rating control (stars) #3054

Open productboard-ac opened 5 years ago

productboard-ac commented 5 years ago

Proposal: Adaptive Cards Feedback Controls


Feedback control features should be implemented in the Adaptive Cards framework. Specifically, the framework should allow for binary feedback (i.e., thumbs up/thumbs down functionality), as well as the traditional star-rating feedback. These controls should be flexible enough to fit the needs of any card author.



Capability Priority
This proposal will allow card authors to gather user feedback on an Adaptive Card, both on a 5-point and binary (2-point) scale Must
This proposal will allow card authors access to customization features for feedback control, including the ability to change rating icons, rating scale, and rating labels Should
This proposal will allow end users to see dynamic card changes in response to actions like hover and click Should
This proposal will allow card authors display-only capabilities for their ratings Could
This proposal will allow card authors to create a slider rating Could

Important Notes

Open Questions


Introduce a new Input.Rating element.


    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "body": [
            "type": "Input.Rating",
            "id": "userRating"
    "$schema": "",
    "version": "1.0"

Customizing the number of stars

Say they want 6 stars...

    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "body": [
            "type": "Input.Rating",
            "id": "userRating",
            "maxValue": 6
    "$schema": "",
    "version": "1.0"

Customizing the icons


  "type": "AdaptiveCard",
  "body": [
      "type": "Input.Rating",
      "id": "userRating",
      "icons": {
        "unselected": {
          "type": "Image",
          "url": ""
        "selected": {
          "type": "Image",
          "url": ""
  "$schema": "",
  "version": "1.0"

Host Config

There should not be any changes to the host config.

Down-level impact

If the authors were using work arounds for previous versions, they could choose move to the simpler version of having native feedback controls.

Host burden

It is possible that the host would have to configure how they would like stars to show up in terms of color and style, but they could just render as default stars.

productboard-ac commented 5 years ago

Link to feature:

dclaux commented 5 years ago

Thanks for writing.

I think this should be folded into the existing Input.ChoiceSet rather than being introduced as a new Input.Feedback input:

Here is what I think we should do:

Enhance Input.ChoiceSet

New iconUrl on Choice



    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "version": "1.3",
    "body": [
            "type": "Input.ChoiceSet",
            "id": "example",
            "quantity": "5",
            "style": "rating",
            "title": "Please rate your experience",
            "choices": [
                { "title": "Bad", "value": "0", "iconUrl": "" },
                { "title": "OK", "value": "1", "iconUrl": "" },
                { "title": "Fine", "value": "2", "iconUrl": "" },
                { "title": "Good", "value": "3", "iconUrl": "" },
                { "title": "Great", "value": "4", "iconUrl": "" }
    "actions": [
            "type": "Action.Submit",
            "title": "Submit"
andrewleader commented 5 years ago

Feedback from 6/14/2019 proposal review meeting

David: Would prefer expanding Input.ChoiceSet. Input.Feedback also seems to imply that you couldn't really use it for just a rating. Add readOnly property. Color hue changing as selections increase seems nice-to-have, but we should explore ways to enable that in the future.

Andrew: Agrees about exploring using Input.ChoiceSet. Disagrees about readOnly property

Peter: Using Input.ChoiceSet seems like a good option, only thing is whether the slider and hover would be possible. Might need ability to toggle and hide checkboxes.

Alberto: Host config allow choosing the background of the selected item. Also sometimes when you click the item, sometimes authors want that to instantly submit.

David: Would be nice if each renderer implementation could have built-in stars. What would it take to have a library of icons across all renderers, that authors could choose from?

Shalini: Loop in Jacklyn for default presentation of the rating controls

andrewleader commented 5 years ago

Here's my proposal...

Introduce a new Input.Rating element.

Spec proposal:


    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "body": [
            "type": "Input.Rating",
            "id": "userRating"
    "$schema": "",
    "version": "1.0"

Customizing the number of stars

Say they want 6 stars...

    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "body": [
            "type": "Input.Rating",
            "id": "userRating",
            "maxValue": 6
    "$schema": "",
    "version": "1.0"

Customizing the icons


  "type": "AdaptiveCard",
  "body": [
      "type": "Input.Rating",
      "id": "userRating",
      "icons": {
        "unselected": {
          "type": "Image",
          "url": ""
        "selected": {
          "type": "Image",
          "url": ""
  "$schema": "",
  "version": "1.0"

Why use adaptive elements for the icons?

How to support changing color as value increases?


This could be enabled with a separate feature. We know we need the ability for cards to change when the user selects a value, we could also provide ability for authors to change the card when the user hovers over a value. Authors could then simply change the selected icons out upon each hover.

For research purposes, UWP's rating control only has the following properties

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the rating value.
        public double Value { get; set; }

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the rating that is displayed in the control until the value is changed
        //     by a user action or some other operation.
        public double PlaceholderValue { get; set; }

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the maximum allowed rating value. The default is 5.
        public int MaxRating { get; set; }

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets info about the visual states of the items that represent a rating.
        public RatingItemInfo ItemInfo { get; set; }

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the value that determines if the user can change the rating.
        public bool IsReadOnly { get; set; }

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the value that determines if the user can remove the rating. The default
        //     is **true**.
        public bool IsClearEnabled { get; set; }

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the initial set rating value. The default is 1.
        public int InitialSetValue { get; set; }

        // Summary:
        //     Gets or sets the text label for the control.
        public string Caption { get; set; }

Concerns about expanding ChoiceSet...

Basic rating with dedicated Input.Rating

  "type": "Input.Rating",
  "id": "userRating"

If we expanded Input.ChoiceSet

  "type": "Input.ChoiceSet",
  "id": "userRating",
  "style": "rating",
  "choices": [
      "value": "1"
      "value": "2"
      "value": "3"
      "value": "4"
      "value": "5"

Concerns about Input.Feedback

andrewleader commented 5 years ago

Meeting notes from proposal review meeting on 6/24/2019


Chigusa - XAML doesn't have thumbs up/down, just uses two buttons

David - Believes automatic fallback is critical

Andrew - Believes rating is

Jacklyn - Believes there should be a specific control for each specific type

Shalini - Would we end up with weird properties with trying to overgeneralize, with properties that wouldn't apply

David - Yes, but we would have the added capability of the automatic fallback

Becky - Wouldn't they still complain that the rating didn't work? Wouldn't they be unhappy?

David - We should ask the customers what they'd want

Becky - Agrees it's cool that fallback works automatically but not sure that makes designing the element against

Mike - Discoverability is a concern, readOnly is displaying vs disabled is just you can't click on it. Discoverability, it isn't intuitive, are we overgeneralizing?

Becky - Having all those choices on ChoiceSet is a lot for the author

Chigusa - Which works best for customizing?

David - For horizontal, we should use something more semantic

Becky - What would that semantic name for that be?

David - Thinks rating is the correct term for the "horizontal"

David - Thinks "feedback" is a good name for the top horizontal scenario

Becky - But that boxes us in, if you wanted to display menu choices and want them horizontal

Becky - We have ChoiceSet with style compact/expanded, maybe we could do it with a separate alignment that defaults to vertical but can be set to horizontal and then a rating style makes sense, but I don't like having to specify all the choices, and then it's not discoverable

Shalini - Why not have both, improve ChoiceSet with horizontal and have a separate Rating control

Becky - Agreed

David - Introducing Input.Rating doesn't sound right to me, we ruin it even more by adding a separate control.

David - ChoiceSet should include all the layouts, what you want is for the user to select a value, the visual representation is important in some cases. We'd be introducing a separate control just because the visual is different. Input.Number is different since it's different on the schema level.

Shalini - But won't there be some properties that are only applicable to choice set vs rating

Shalini - We could have the customer ask which they prefer

David - In my opinion, when we add a new feature we always should look if we can use existing elements and only if we've established if what we're introducing isn't that close, then we introduce something new

Shalini - I agree that we should be mindful but not at the cost

Becky - Should consider where we're at, are we going to have lots of more users in the future that we shouldn't worry too much about the back compat since there's more potential in the future

Alberto - I kind of agree with David that it has a bunch of similarities, mainly the rating system with the faces or menus, that can be abstracted to the choiceset, but I do think that the rating system like the Input.Rating makes sense as separate.

Shalini - Consider per-platform, how we'd implement it on other platforms, and whether ChoiceSet vs a new control would affect how it feels

David - I don't think the design has any impact on the implementation

Chigusa - What do developers coming from other platforms like Android, what expectations would they have

Shalini - Whatever customer says should have a lot of weight and trump our decision

Chigusa - We just shipped basic rating and so far hasn't had a need to expand

Let's get a pulse of everyone's opinions... Options are...

Joseph - Both choices seem to be solid, good with either

Utsav - Separate rating

Peter - What I think, I think a new control would be better, just for the fact that we could expand on different options than expanding from ChoiceSet

Shalini - I would also go from the separate control

Brook - Abstaining

Alberto - Like dedicated

Chigusa - I was thinking from developer trying to look up document, I would probably look for rating

Becky - Agree with that, dedicated rating

David - Clearly everyone seems to be for rating, but I disagree with that and would vote for expanding ChoiceSet

Alberto - For the color config, if Teams wants to theme it, makes sense to have colors in host config

David - One conversation we should have is around the goal of host config. The goal was to have config of a host to be shareable across hosts. But so far, all our platforms don't use host config to share across platforms. There are many styling options that'd be better as CSS and having them in host config

matthidinger commented 5 years ago

What if there were a some way to achieve both goals: offering a semantic, simple, discoverable type (Input.Rating), while still achieving backwards compat? For example, what if the designer auto-generated a fallback to a Input.ChoiceSet with the rating properties, or we had some other means of creating fallbacks for new elements, as long as said fallbacks had a reasonable experience?

dclaux commented 5 years ago

@matthidinger having the designer generate fallback is an interesting thought, but one of the arguments I've heard to go with Input.Rating was that there was no forced fallback (which apparently was desirable because the fallback experience was simply not as good.) If we did force a fallback, that would be yet another reason IMO to stick with ChoiceSet instead of introducing another control.

Also, I am still unclear what the benefits of introducing Input.Rating actually are over reusing ChoiceSet. One argument from Bill yesterday was that Input.Rating's values could be numbers instead of strings, and that could be helpful in the future to author binding expressions (for instance {myInputRating.value > 2}) but the thing is, not everyone will want to use Input.Rating and ChoiceSet will continue to be used extensively; people will likely also want to write such binding expressions against the value of a ChoiceSet, which is a string.

Unless I'm mistaken, the main argument for Input.Rating is "discoverability." I personally don't buy that. We can make things discoverable via the designer regardless of whether we introduce Input.Rating or if we enhance Input.ChoiceSet. And this is just a one time thing that people have to learn.

I am very, very much for reusing ChoiceSet.

shalinijoshi19 commented 5 years ago

@matthidinger, I love it! And from what I understand the fallback scenario is going to be an issue for every new feature or control we introduce going forward, so maybe this may even be a good time perhaps to revisit this notion of a "Default fallback" generation more broadly ?

ghost commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had any activity for 5 days.

shunyh commented 4 years ago

Hi, can you tell me how to use the Input.Rating type in .Net bot framework SDK?

shunyh commented 4 years ago

I don't get any Input.Rating info on this page:

shalinijoshi19 commented 4 years ago

Hi @shunyh this feature is still in development and has not yet been released for any platform.

shunyh commented 4 years ago

Well noted with thanks, @sha1painkiller

mutanttech commented 4 years ago

Any timelines on when this can be materialized in Production.

archanag51 commented 4 years ago

Yeah , please do let know when will this feature be available in production

yschang commented 4 years ago

Hello, is there any update on this feature?

PawelHaracz commented 4 years ago

@shalinijoshi19 Any updates on this feature? I would like to use a rating on my bot.

mutanttech commented 4 years ago

@shalinijoshi19 is this released in 1.3. Are there any example to refer to implement this using C# and render on WebChat control? Will it work on older versions of WebChat?

kp101090 commented 4 years ago

This feature will be really helpful for our business critical workflow. Is this feature being actively worked on? If yes, is there any timeline for release?

bleekbless commented 4 years ago

Any update ?

birix commented 3 years ago

any update? I am implenet a chat bot in MSTeams, i need something like this.

mohitkoul commented 3 years ago

Lack of support responsible for death of Adaptive Card.

AlexanderPBrown commented 2 years ago

This feature feels like an important feature gap to fill. We are struggling - especially in Teams.

chamikasandamal commented 2 years ago

Do we have any updates on this

Apoorva076 commented 2 years ago

@paulcam206 Do we have any tentative ETA for this to be fixed?

anna-dingler commented 1 year ago

Removing accessibility labels since this is a feature request.

istavritde commented 1 year ago

Hi, is there any update on this feature?

anna-dingler commented 1 year ago

Hi @Raisul123,

This is a feature request and should not impact our accessibility rating.

jwoo-msft commented 1 year ago

Added Unshipped Feature label per Arvind request. Any issues with this label with valid reasons won't be counted against a11y score.

Jenscaasen commented 1 year ago

Hello from 2023. Is there a roadmap when this is going live?

Shailja24 commented 1 year ago

Hello is there any update on this feature and when this will be available?

dhavalvaja commented 1 year ago

any updates?

jwoo-msft commented 1 year ago

We don't have a plan to support this as of yet.

Godrules500 commented 9 months ago

Adding my comment in hopes that this gets added!