microsoft / AdaptiveCards

A new way for developers to exchange card content in a common and consistent way.
MIT License
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[Rendering] TextBlock, style Default, isSubtle=true: not picking up setting from host config json #6580

Closed lynamemi closed 2 years ago

lynamemi commented 2 years ago

Target Platforms


SDK Version


Application Name

Viva Connections

Problem Description

We have our own custom host config json. In that, we have specified all the background and foreground colors. The subtle property for default foregroundColors has no effect. This is set within the containerStyles property - I don't see any other way to specify font color so please direct me if that is the solution. Here is our host config with the property highlight that is not working for us: image


Here is an example of what we see in product. Note that isSubtle does work for every foreground color except default: image


    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "$schema": "",
    "version": "1.3",
    "body": [
            "type": "ColumnSet",
            "columns": [
                    "type": "Column",
                    "width": "stretch",
                    "items": [
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "text": "Without isSubtle",
                            "weight": "Bolder"
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Default",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "0",
                            "separator": true
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Dark",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "1",
                            "color": "Dark"
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Light",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "2",
                            "color": "Light"
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Accent",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "3",
                            "color": "Accent"
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Good",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "4",
                            "color": "Good"
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Warning",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "5",
                            "color": "Warning"
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Attention",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "6",
                            "color": "Attention"
                    "type": "Column",
                    "width": "stretch",
                    "items": [
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "text": "With isSubtle",
                            "weight": "Bolder"
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Default",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "00",
                            "isSubtle": true,
                            "separator": true
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Dark",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "11",
                            "color": "Dark",
                            "isSubtle": true
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Light",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "22",
                            "color": "Light",
                            "isSubtle": true
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Accent",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "33",
                            "color": "Accent",
                            "isSubtle": true
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Good",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "44",
                            "color": "Good",
                            "isSubtle": true
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Warning",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "55",
                            "color": "Warning",
                            "isSubtle": true
                            "type": "TextBlock",
                            "text": "Attention",
                            "wrap": true,
                            "id": "66",
                            "color": "Attention",
                            "isSubtle": true

Sample Code Language


Sample Code

// Some of our host config styles with theme values replaced with hex values -->
containerStyles: {
      default: {
        backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
        foregroundColors: {
          default: {
            default: '#323130',
            subtle: '#8a8886'
          dark: {
            default: '#000000',
            subtle: '#605E5C'
          light: {
            default: '#F3F2F1',
            subtle: '#E1DFDD'
          accent: {
            default: '#6264A7',
            subtle: '#A6A7DC'
          attention: {
            default: '#D83B01',
            subtle: '#DC816A'
          good: {
            default: '#107C10',
            subtle: '#55B17E'
          warning: {
            default: '#797673',
            subtle: '#A19F9D'

// Our entire host config -->
import { ITheme } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';

export function ACEHostConfigJson(
  theme: ITheme
  // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any
): any {
  return {
    preExpandSingleShowCardAction: true,
    supportsInteractivity: true,
    spacing: {
      small: 4,
      default: 8,
      medium: 16,
      large: 24,
      extraLarge: 32,
      padding: 16
    separator: {
      lineThickness: 1,
      lineColor: theme.semanticColors.bodyDivider
    imageSizes: {
      small: 32,
      medium: 120,
      large: 175
    fontTypes: {
      default: {
        fontFamily: 'Segoe UI, Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif',
        fontSizes: {
          small: 12,
          default: 14,
          medium: 18,
          large: 24,
          extraLarge: 32
        fontWeights: {
          lighter: 300,
          default: 400,
          bolder: 600
      monospace: {
        fontFamily: 'Courier New, Courier, monospace',
        fontSizes: {
          small: 12,
          default: 14,
          medium: 18,
          large: 24,
          extraLarge: 32
        fontWeights: {
          lighter: 300,
          default: 400,
          bolder: 600
    containerStyles: {
      default: {
        backgroundColor: theme.palette.white,
        foregroundColors: foregroundColors(theme)
      emphasis: {
        backgroundColor: theme.palette.neutralQuaternaryAlt,
        foregroundColors: foregroundColors(theme)
      accent: {
        backgroundColor: theme.palette.themeLighterAlt,
        foregroundColors: foregroundColors(theme)
      good: {
        backgroundColor: theme.semanticColors.successBackground,
        foregroundColors: foregroundColors(theme)
      attention: {
        backgroundColor: theme.semanticColors.severeWarningBackground,
        foregroundColors: foregroundColors(theme)
      warning: {
        backgroundColor: theme.semanticColors.warningBackground,
        foregroundColors: foregroundColors(theme)
    actions: {
      maxActions: 5,
      spacing: 'default',
      buttonSpacing: 10,
      showCard: {
        actionMode: 'inline',
        inlineTopMargin: 16
      actionsOrientation: 'horizontal',
      actionAlignment: 'left'
    adaptiveCard: {
      allowCustomStyle: true
    imageSet: {
      imageSize: 'medium',
      maxImageHeight: 100
    factSet: {
      title: {
        color: 'default',
        size: 'default',
        isSubtle: false,
        weight: 'bolder',
        wrap: true,
        maxWidth: 150
      value: {
        color: 'default',
        size: 'default',
        isSubtle: false,
        weight: 'default',
        wrap: true
      spacing: 10

function foregroundColors(
  theme: ITheme
  // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any
): any {
  return {
    default: {
      default: theme.palette.neutralPrimary,
      subtle: theme.palette.neutralSecondaryAlt
    dark: {
      subtle: theme.palette.neutralSecondary
    light: {
      default: theme.palette.neutralLighter,
      subtle: theme.palette.neutralQuaternaryAlt
    accent: {
      default: theme.palette.themePrimary,
      subtle: theme.palette.themeLight
    attention: {
      default: theme.semanticColors.severeWarningIcon,
      subtle: '#A3' + theme.semanticColors.severeWarningIcon.substr(1)
    good: {
      default: theme.semanticColors.successIcon,
      subtle: '#A3' + theme.semanticColors.successIcon.substr(1)
    warning: {
      default: theme.semanticColors.warningIcon,
      subtle: theme.palette.neutralTertiary
lynamemi commented 2 years ago

Moments after posting this, I finally found the bug. Someone was overriding the style property for this in a custom renderer. Closing.