microsoft / AirSim

Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
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AirSim as an RL environment #2552

Open Mathias-Ooms opened 4 years ago

Mathias-Ooms commented 4 years ago

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Using AirSim Neighborhood binary v1.3.0-Linux Python version: 3.6.9 My hardware: Selection_004

Dear developers, I'm trying to achieve an AirSim RL environment (much like the OpenAI environments). Following the car RL example in the documentation, I've created the following class below. However I stumbled upon some issues:

Much thanks in advance!

The Environment class with main loop to measure FPS:

    class AirSim:
    def __init__(self):
        self.client = airsim.CarClient()
        self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls()

    def reconnect(self):
        self.client = airsim.CarClient()
        self.car_controls = airsim.CarControls()

    # return depth view images (84x84)
    def getImg(self):
        responses = self.client.simGetImages([airsim.ImageRequest("0", airsim.ImageType.DepthPerspective, True, False)])
        img = self.transformInput(responses)
        return img

    def transformInput(self, responses):
        img1d = np.array(responses[0].image_data_float, dtype=np.float)
        img1d = 255 / np.maximum(np.ones(img1d.size), img1d)
        img2d = np.reshape(img1d, (responses[0].height, responses[0].width))

        from PIL import Image
        image = Image.fromarray(img2d)
        im_final = np.array(image.resize((84, 84)).convert('L'))

        return im_final

    def interpret_action(self, action):
        self.car_controls.brake = 0
        self.car_controls.throttle = 1
        if action == 0:
            self.car_controls.throttle = 0
            self.car_controls.brake = 1
        elif action == 1:
            self.car_controls.steering = 0
        elif action == 2:
            self.car_controls.steering = 0.5
        elif action == 3:
            self.car_controls.steering = -0.5
        elif action == 4:
            self.car_controls.steering = 0.25
            self.car_controls.steering = -0.25

        return self.car_controls

    def compute_reward(self, car_state):
        MAX_SPEED = 300
        MIN_SPEED = 10
        thresh_dist = 3.5
        beta = 3

        z = 0
        pts = [np.array([0, -1, z]), np.array([130, -1, z]), np.array([130, 125, z]), np.array([0, 125, z]),
               np.array([0, -1, z]), np.array([130, -1, z]), np.array([130, -128, z]), np.array([0, -128, z]),
               np.array([0, -1, z])]  # points in Neighborhood
        pd = car_state.kinematics_estimated.position
        car_pt = np.array([pd.x_val, pd.y_val, pd.z_val])

        dist = 10000000
        for i in range(0, len(pts) - 1):
            dist = min(dist, np.linalg.norm(np.cross((car_pt - pts[i]), (car_pt - pts[i + 1]))) / np.linalg.norm(
                pts[i] - pts[i + 1]))

        # print(dist)
        if dist > thresh_dist:  # the max deviation
            reward = float(-3)
            reward_dist = (
                        math.exp(-beta * dist) - 0.5)  # dist=3.5 -> reward_dist≃-0.5         dist=0 -> reward_dist≃0.5
            reward_speed = (((car_state.speed - MIN_SPEED) / (
                        MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED)) - 0.5)  # max reward_speed = 1          min reward_speed ≃ -0.5
            reward = reward_dist + reward_speed  # min reward >≃ -1        max reward = 1

        return reward

    def isDone(self, car_state, car_controls, reward):
        done = 0
        if reward < -1.5:
            done = 1

        if car_controls.brake == 0:
            if car_state.speed <= 5:
                done = 1
        return done

    def step(self, action):
        #interpret action (number) to actual car_controls
        car_controls = self.interpret_action(action)

        car_state = self.client.getCarState()
        reward = self.compute_reward(car_state)
        done = self.isDone(car_state, car_controls, reward)
        img = self.getImg()
        #punish harder if episode is done
        if done == 1:
            reward = float(-10)

        return img, reward, done, car_state

    def reset(self):
        car_control = self.interpret_action(1) # Reset position and drive straight for one second
        return self.getImg()

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    env = AirSim()

    state = env.reset()
    while True:
        start_time = time.time()  # start time of the loop

        img, reward, done, car_state = env.step(1) # each step() calls for client.simGetImages()

        if done:

        print("FPS: ", 1.0 / (time.time() - start_time))  # FPS = 1 / time to process loop

Settings.json: settings.txt

Crash log: log.txt

rajat2004 commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to achieve a high frame rate from the client.simGetImages() for depthview. The highest frame rate I got was around 15 FPS with the following settings (below). I've tried to change the viewmode to "NoDisplay" but this drops the frame rate to 1 FPS and lowering the resolution in the CaptureSettings didn't help either.

Will test this, but the FPS drop in "NoDisplay" doesn't make sense. Lowering resolution should also help

Is there a way to disable newly added animals?

AFAIK, no, you'll have to modify the uncooked env for this, but need to see if it's possible Edit: Opened to see if it's possible and works, WIP

jonyMarino commented 4 years ago

@rajat2004 That merged pull request solved this issue?

rajat2004 commented 4 years ago

@jonyMarino I haven't yet tried out the new simDestroyObject, simSpawnObject etc APIs, but they should work Will try to test them out soon and maybe open a PR with some example files